
Chapter 2: A ReStart

When i fell down in the rooftop of our school building, the last thing i saw is my hands reaching out for help then all of my surrounding became black.

I look again down in my hands but my hands became smaller, i look at myself in a mirror and i look younger again.

i have an short black hair with bangs, my skin were pretty white and has no scar yet.

I have many scar before because of i've always been receiving a beating from the bullies.

First of all, why i am uninjured? if you fell down, you have an low chance of surviving from it.

Second who are these two adult? the cause of my parent death's is because of an fire accident, our house burn down.

I was the only one who survive in that fire accident.

"Do you remember what happened Mark?" the doctor asked me the same question again but this time i've answered it.

"No.... i don't remember..."

"what!?" a dissapointment tone of voice that came from the woman who's claiming to be my mother.

"doctor, will his memory will came back??" the man who was claiming to be my father questioned the doctor with an serious look.

" It was probably he was shock because of the accident, Ma'am and Sir Can i talk alone with your son for a bit? i have a few question i needed to ask from him." the doctor explained and the two agreed so they leave the room for a while.

"what do you mean by accident?" i said.

"The fire accident, You and your parents were fortunate to survive from that." the doctor took a sit in the front of me.

many thoughts and question popped out of my mind but the first question that i wanted to ask is,

"Doctor, can you tell me the year and the date today??"

"it is August 3, 2007, why do you asked?" The doctor answered and it doesn't look like he was joking around.

I am so confused, the last time i checked the date was August 2, 2017,

why? did i time travel?

my parents were already death in that date but the doctor said that we were able to survive from that fire accident.

So i didn't time travel, but what if... this world is the world where all of three of us survive from the accident? then my parents are still alive? the two adults who claiming to be my parents were telling the truth? they do exactly look like my real parents.

I went in a different world?

I am organizing my thoughts while the doctor asked some question to me like:

"Do you feel anything strange?"

"did you forget all of your memory?"

and i answered them back.

after that the doctor check my temperature and other staff.

The doctor mentioned me that i was in coma for a week.

luckily i am perfectly fine, but except there's a bandage in the left side of my head but it doesn't really hurt and the doctor left so i am all alone in my room.

my hospital room were pretty big, it has a big bed, a tv in the front, an air conditioner and the table on my left side has fruit and flowers.

I was probably in an private hospital.

i lay down on my bed for a bit while thinking.

so i came to an conlusion that i went in an different world.

an alternative universe where my parents are still alive but i am not too sure if this was true.

I pinch my cheek to check this is not a dream.

well it's seems like it's not.

i don't know if this is good or not but there is one thing i know.

When i fell in the rooftop.

I am angry and mad, i begged them to stop many times but all of them are just laughing and doesn't take it seriously but for me i was really scared.

if this is a good thing that happened to me and if i see those guys again, someday i'll make them pay and i will never forget their faces.

but for now, i am just going to rest.

a nurse came in and handed me food.

the food wasn't that bad, some people says that hospital food where taste awful.

the food that was handed to me was some vegetables dish and a cooked fish.

while i was eating someone entered my room.

and it was my mother.

"mom?" i called her out and her eyes widened

"you remember me now??" she asked and she were kind of happy.

"yes, i remember you guys now." i smiled.

"thank god! i thought you will forget us forever." the she hugged me again but this time, i didn't resist or confuse and i hugged her back.

I am happy too that my parents is alive in this world.

"your dad is taking care of something but i texted him already so he'll come here sooner, I'm sure he probably cry." mother said while cutting some apple and i am finishing my foods.

"Cry? why?" i asked.

"of course cry in joy." and my mother giggle and smiled.

i remember now, my dad is a kind of person who cry easily.

"the hospital food must have been taste terrible but don't worry you will get discharged from this hospital day after tomorrow and i'll prepare all of your favorite food at home." she gave me the slice of apple that she cut.

We talk for a while, she told me that we move in another house because our old house burned down but i can't even remember what our old house look like and Mom's prediction were correct, my dad came in and mom explained that i remember them now so he cried and hugged me again.

my mom name was Maria, while my Father name was clark.

Two days later i was discharged, the bandage in my head were removed.

as an 7 year old kid i need to act like one because i don't want them to think that i am strange.

We were riding in a car while heading in the new house, my dad is the one who's driving and Me and my mom is in the back sit.

To be honest, i was not used of having an parent.

so i feel kind of awkward but i am happy to have them.

I am looking on the window and i've noticed that we are in an unfamilliar neighborhood means i never went here before.

"We arrived." said by my dad who stop the car.

"look mark, this is our home." i look in the direction where my mother pointed her finger to show that house and i cannot believe what i saw.