
Chapter 1: A Reset

"Highschool life."

Some people said, being an high school student is fun, memorable, and the best.

All they need to to worry is their test and their own future.

Having friends to hang out with, Having an allowance which your parents gave to you.

this are the experiences of a student,

only for a normal highschooler though.

but for me, it was hell.

"hey, didn't i tell you that i don't like this brand of cigarette!?" shouted by the a guy you would call a bully,

he grabbed my colar and slapped my face harshly, my face feels really stings.

"I-im s-sorry Densel! this was all i could buy i-n the store! I can't go to the convience store because minor student isn't allowed to buy an cigarette there!"

He's name is Densel, he has an large body and tanned skin with peircing, He suddenly start hurting and bullying me for no reason at all and he is the person who i despised the most.

The main reason why i'm getting bullied is beacuse i look like weak and easy target.

My name is Mark, i lived in an old apartment, My parents died at my young age, A poor student and being bullied by everyone in the classroom, ignored by girls, i don't have a single person to help me, Teachers doesn't care about me at all.

This is my second year of highschool and i don't have the luxury to transfer in another school.

i have a plain and average look and a small body, my hair has gotten long because long time passed after i got an haircut, so i look like an bum high school student.

it was break time, Densel beat me up for buying the wrong brand of ciggerates, i can't fight back or do something and i was used to it.

If i just shut up then it won't take any longer.

I am in my classroom and every classmate of mine didn't care or some of them are just a bystander.

"take it easy densel, you might get caught by the teacher again." another guy tapped densel back and smirked, it was Jeffrey, The class president of our classroom, who wears Glasses, tall and handsome. He's friends with densel and he is a two-faced bastard, he pretends to act kind to teacher and student but deep down inside he is just a fake.

"tsk..." densel clicked his tongue then he punched my stomach really hard that i cough and fell down.

"if I'm going to continue this later." he look at me with his eyes that look like he's going to kill me and walk out of the classroom.

while i am in the floor because of the pain.

Then Jeffrey came up to me and whispered to my ears "well, you deserved that haha." and laughed sarcastically.

after that, i skipped my next class and i am in one of bathroom stalls amd sitting im the toilet and since it was class time, i am all alone I'm the bathroom.

I sighed heavily and the pain still hasn't gone.

"why i am doing in my life?"

this question popped out of my mind.

Can i just quit school and start to find some job?

I work an part time in an fastfood resturant so that i can support myself, because i used all of my parents life ensurances money but thanks to that i survived this far.

it makes no sense at all, why the hell do i need to suffer and endure all of this crap.

making me a punching bag? buying staff for those useless guys?

That's it, i'll quit school next month.

I suddenly heard an sniffing sounds in the stall next to mine, i think it's a guy who's crying.

i knocked the left side of the stall and asked "Um... are you alright?"

"Y-yes I'm fine..." he answered back.

he has an unfamilliar voice so i don't know who's this guy is

then a few minutes of silent but he was still crying quietly, it was kind of awkward so i asked a question again.

"what are you doing here by the way? did you skip class too?"

"y-yes... how a-about you?" a low voice that came from him in the stall next to mine.

"yeah, because there is many people i don't want to see in classroom..." i said looking down on my shoes.

"then i guess you are the same of me... being the outcast of an classroom."

"i guess."

we talk for about an hour telling each other our experience of being bullied like doing errands for them, how many time they punch you a day and many horrible experience.

it was kind of relieved letting it out and telling to another person who can understand you, until the class is over.

"i am going out now, thanks for listening to me..." the guy which i didn't even know said it.

"sure... Thanks too." after that the guy left first in the bathroom stall and until a few minutes i left too.

The reason why we didn't asked our names and introduce ourselves to each other is because... probably he and i are ashamed and being embarrass to ourselves.

i was about to head back in the classroom for the next class when two guys grabbed my arms so tightly, this two people bullied me too, then they took me in the school rooftop

"HAHAHA look's here, did you just skipped class? i told you that i am going to continue this right!?" it was Densel.

and next to him Jeffrey and just watching us while smirking.

"WAIT STOP!! PLEASE!! I AM GOING TO FALL" I screamed because they are taking it too far.

right now i am in edge of the rooftop they only grabbing my uniform.

"You know, i was having an bad day but the you even destroyed it..."

Just because i didn't buy the cigarette brand that you want!?

i was struggling so hard so that they'll let go of me, they might really pushed me on the rooftop.

"Please!!" i was begging them to let go of me but they didn't take it seriously.

they are only laughing and jeffrey in the back is laughing too.

I was really scared so i bit the hand that grabbing my uniform.

"Oww!!!" yell by the guy who was grabbing me but then he pushed me down.

then i fell, it was a fast moment but when i fell down i saw their reaction.

their eyes widened, including densel and stop laughing.

the building is an 5th floor high

i knew that i am going to die.

Me, who fell down and with tears on my eyes.

the last thing i saw is my hands reaching out for help.

i closed my eyes and everthing became black.

i opened my eyes amd gasped out.

breathing heavily and hyperventilating.

" Doc! doc!the patient has woke up!!"

squel by an woman that i never seen before then a guy arrived while i am still hyperventilating

"it's okay, it's okay, breath slowly!" the guy was calming me down and patting my back.

"hahhh.. hahhh.... i-C-can't b-breath!!"

"Nurse get some paperbag!!" the woman left and came back with a paperbag the she gave it too me.

The guy said "here breath slowly with this."

after that i calmed down, i realized i was laying down in a bed.

i am in the hospital.

i survived falling in the rooftop...?

"do you remember what happened?" the doctor who calm me down ask me.

then someone went in my hospital room.

A woman who looks sort of familliar.

she looks like a middle aged woman.

Her eyes widened then immediately hug me tightly and cried.

"Mark! my baby! you finally woke up! Im so glad!" she shouted then an familiar man came in too and hug me.

They are both crying.

".... Who are you guys?" i asked.

i don't know who are they..

they let go of me then they look at me in the eyes.

"You don't remember us...?" the man asked me.

"We are your parent, mark" the woman spoke slowly.

My parent already dead, so who are they??? they can't possibly my parent.

"Sir, Maam, He may have an amnesia." Said by the doctor

Amnesia? Me?? no i remember eveything that happened so far.

"he is still a child so please don't pressure him." the doctor continued

Child? i am clearly an teenager.

wait... If i fell in the building why do i feel fine??

i look down to my eyes but i was shook because this isn't the hands that last thing i saw and my hands gotten smaller!

"Maam do you have some mirrors??" i asked the woman who hugged me.

then she handed me an mirror.

when i look to myself in the mirror.

My face became younger!

I look like an 7 year old me and i let go of my mirror and the mirror fell down and shattered to pieces because of how shook i was.

i was 17 before i fell down in the rooftop but

What happened??