
A Wizard's Solitude

(A Harry Potter Fan-Fiction) A boy finds himself in a dark forest with no knowledge of how he got there. As he discovers what the world is around him, he realises the world he had read about was a mere foot note compared to the true world it encompassed.

SovOz · Livres et littérature
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41 Chs

The Paths Forward

Looking at the magical barge, I noted that some sort of enchantment had to be placed onto it. The number of students funnelling into it was at an unprecedented amount, yet the boat didn't seem overcrowded at all. As I watched students all pile onto the boat, Randolph spoke.

"The Undetectable Extension Charm… That's what allows the boat to house thousands of students despite its size not seeming as though it could handle that capacity. It's an incredibly hard charm to master with its many applications, but very useful".

Randolph pointed at the pouch on my hip. "That pouch has this charm on it as well… but my version is a smaller form-factor. The charm is diverse in application, it can expand the storage of items like pouches and such, but it can also be applied on things like tents and boats to make the interior huge whilst the exterior is small… the bigger the 'exterior' the harder the charm is to apply".

Listening to Randolph's explanation, it did make sense. This charm was used all over the Harry Potter books. The tents they went in during the story usually had this charm and Hermione's pouch also had it. 

What was hard to wrap my head around was how the spell worked. If it extended a space, what did that space look like initially when it was just expanded? Was it just a black pocket dimension that a wizard could design from that blank space? Or maybe if you used it the interior walls would look like the exterior product and then you'd decorate it… It was hard to picture…

Did the pouch on my hip have a dimension I could step into within it? Probably not… I had a feeling that a certain size for the exterior product needed to be reached before it was possible to enter the interior extended space. Newt's suitcase was probably the sheer minimal limit…

As my mind trailed off, Randolph's gaze grew serious as he knelt down and spoke to me at eye level. Looking at his expression snapped me out of my stupor and thoughts.

In a hushed voice, Randolph whispered. "Axel… whilst at Beauxbatons, be careful with that wand of yours". 

I had put the wand in my pouch a while ago now, ever since Randolph took me to the alley as it drew too much attention. I nodded firmly and Randolph spoke further.

"The teachers of the school wont notice anything off I'm sure…" He spoke, seemingly moving on to my obscurus more so than my wand. "Gregoravich was an exception due to his years of wand knowledge, profiling witches and wizards and his own experiences. I can only imagine he pieced it together with this knowledge and the properties of the materials you gave him… You should be fine using the wand whilst at the school but you may benefit from learning some wandless magic as soon as possible…".

I agreed with Randolph here. The wand was incredible but it was very eye-catching. It may even be worth trying to disguise the wand in a way with some sort of illusion magic for a while… or maybe putting a wand handle on the wand covering up the jewel at the very least. I didn't want any unnecessary gazes on me whilst at the school after all. 

Randolph seemed to notice I was already aware of keeping my wands appearance as hidden as possible as he lifted himself to his feet. "Just keep it all in mind. When you have the ability to protect yourself, you can be less guarded…".

I nodded and then looked at the Magical Barge. Curiosity filled my mind as I asked Randolph. "How does the Barge get to Beauxbatons? I know we have quite a few days until term fully starts, yet they are boarding now, so I imagine the trip is a little long…".

Randolph nodded with a smile. "You're right". 

Pointing east from the wharf, towards the ocean, Randolph continued to explain. "The Barge travels around Germany, through the English Channel, brushes past the Celtic Sea and then enters the Bay of Biscay. From there, it enters into France via some narrow rivers…".

Anticipating my next question, Randolph immediately explained. "The Barge has more than just the extension charm on it as you have most likely guessed. Theres also a charm that allows it to navigate incredibly narrow rivers, which allows the Barge to enter into France and through the river channels, eventually getting to Beauxbatons".

So, the Barge was able to traverse narrow rivers. That made me think that the Barge would be able to squish like the night bus. If I had to watch thousands of students magically squish together, I would honestly find it hard to not laugh, so that was a situation to look forward to. However considering the size of the Barge, the magic placed on it, I imagine it wasn't as 'rough' as the Night Bus…

More questions bubbled up as I asked Randolph. "I gather the Barge is cloaked… but what about the school itself? Is it extremely remote enough that Muggles can't get to it?"

Randolph confirmed. "Yes, the Barge is cloaked of course… Can't have any muggles on the coast of the Netherlands or England spot a magical ship with thousands of witches and wizards on it after all. As for your second question… The school is surrounded by mountains which act as a barrier around the school. Muggles barely go near the mountainous range and even if they did, they would see nothing of course…".

It made sense the school was cloaked as well. I continued to listen to Randolph as he continued to speak.

"The Barge enters into the mountainous perimeter of the school via a specific river. That river is enchanted, completely hidden from any muggle sight. The river leads towards the mountainous perimeter of the school and you'll enter into Beauxbatons school grounds via the Enchanted Mist Veils".

"Enchanted Mist Veils?" I spoke. That was an interesting entry point…

"Yes" Randolph affirmed. "The Enchanted Mist Veils is actually a waterfall which acts as an entry point, the Barge enters through it. It gets its name as the river leading to the waterfall veil and the waterfall itself is incredibly misty at all times… Intentional of course, as an added layer of security and protection from any prying eyes…".

Processing everything from the Magical Barge to the Enchanted Mist Veils, I felt my mind working in overdrive. The intricacies of magic practiced in different places in the world was really diverse. The books and knowledge I had felt more and more niche the more I learnt of the world outside of Hogwarts and Britain.

The name 'Enchanted Mist Veil' instantly screamed 'Ethereal' to me, which matched the theme of the school being this graceful and beautiful place. The Barge itself was also incredibly aesthetically pleasing as well and thinking of it now the dove that brought my letter was also another touch of elegance.

Beauxbatons was really shoving it in my face that it was this regal and beautiful place at every turn… 

As me and Randolph spoke, A man who was stood near the boarding platform of the Barge yelled out.

"10 Minutes until departure! Any Students still not boarded please come forward with your acceptance letter and board the Barge as soon as possible!".

Randolph sighed hearing the last call for boarding. "Do you have the letter?"

Reaching into my pouch, I pulled the letter out. I had stuffed it in there when Randolph initially gave me the pouch before leaving for the wharf.

Randolph smiled and walked with me over to the man who was at the boarding platform. As we walked through the crowd of parents sobbing and waving off their children, I felt a slight heartache thinking of my own parents. Turning to see Randolph though, this man who had made a vow with me to keep my secrets and called me his god-son, my heartache eased slightly.

As we walked up to the man, he looked at Randolph and spoke with a surprised expression.

"Randolph Spudmore!" The man said. "I was informed that you were bringing a boy here to go to Beauxbatons… Is this the boy?"

Randolph nodded, ushering me to give the letter to the man in front.

Passing the letter to the man, he glanced at the letter and then at me. His voice changed as the compass deactivated, the man spoke in English. "So, you are English. Don't worry, you'll be able to learn just as well as any other student. Most lessons are in English… unless you learn under some of the stricter teachers…"

The man put my acceptance letter away and smiled. "You are free to board at any time. Say your goodbyes first though. When you enter onto the Barge you aren't allowed off until we arrive at Beauxbatons".

I nodded and turned to Randolph. Both our expressions were a bit solemn as we were now truly about to part.

I spoke first from the heart. "Randolph… You have truly been a great father to me. I will always cherish this year you raised me; you taught me so much… not just broom making but also you taught me some life lessons I really needed. I-I may be gone for a while now, but I promise I will come to visit you when I can".

Randolph's eyes teared up as he hugged me. "I understand Axel. I know there's a lot in that head of yours you need to sort out. Take your time to adventure this world and come back to me when you are content. There will always be another carving knife in my workshop for you in the end…"

He picked himself up and stared at me. His sad expression morphing into a warm smile. "You have truly saved me Axel. I'm glad I met you".

"I'm glad I met you too Randolph" I told him straight after.

We exchanged glances for a while before I turned, starting to head onto the Barge. As I walked towards the deck of the Barge, I heard Randolph's voice call out to me one last time.

"Become someone great Axel Everhart. You have the potential to shift this worlds course".

Turning around Randolph had now disappeared from within the crowd of parents. Other students walked past me into the Barges quarters. As the world slowed for a moment, I took in the words the Randolph had spoken. It had been a long time since I heard my second name…

The path ahead was still foggy to me, the goals I had in mind were still masked in shadows. This new venture into Beauxbatons was going to lead me to a path where I could truly start to grow. I felt apprehensive about school-life, but I knew it was necessary for me so my magic could flourish.

With my wand, my obscurus and my mind set in place, I walked into the Barge.

It was time for me to truly grow.


In the middle of the black forest, A man walked with a cold expression. He had just returned from his time away from his family, but what he thought would be a walm welcome home was smashed into pieces as he saw the state of his family's manor.

"What the fuck happened here…" he spat, stepping over some debris near the manor's gates.

The man saw the manor he once called home completely destroyed. Bodies that had decayed over time were still littered around the manor's front courtyard and as the man walked into the foyer of the destroyed manor, he saw more and more bodies scattered around.

He started to recognise the dead faces of people he had grown up with, all littering the floor. His heart grew colder and colder with each step. Questions bubbling up at what events took place here as his heart turned black.

His worries only grew as he couldn't see his father, sister or uncle anywhere. He walked up towards his father's office hoping there would be a message left behind for him somewhere, a way to understand what had happened here.

The door to his father's office was broken off the hinge. Stepping over the door that was sliced in half on the floor, his heart dropped as he saw in the back corner of the room the body of a man.

His father was dead. A sword impaling him against the wall of his own office. On the floor next to the man was a letter that seemed to be written in blood, a desperate attempt at sending a message forward. He seemed to have managed to grab a quill from where he was, but no ink, opting to use his blood to wet the end and write.

His father wouldn't have been able to move where he was, yet his willpower in his final moments allowed him to muster up the strength to write this long letter with his own blood before his eyes went dark. Kneeling down next to his father's dead body, his eyes streamed with tears as he moved his hand over his father's eyes, closing his father's eyes to let him rest.

Picking up the note, he read the blood-written words.

'Dear Sidious,

I hope you are the one to find this letter as I intended…

Things went extremely south during your time away. To summarise, your Uncle Jason is a piece of shit… through and through. His greed over the obscurus led him to kill 3 vampires of the Blackfangs which caused Felix to mount an assault on us. I knew that man's obsession was dangerous, but he really fucked us this time…

We fought for days until eventually Felix's sword pierced my chest, leaving me hear to bleed out slowly…

Your Uncle seeing me get impaled didn't try to help me at all, instead he turned around and darted off away from the manor, after momentarily distracting Felix with a spell… Felix then chased after him. I'm starting to think that brother of mine intended for me to die as he didn't attempt to stop Felix's sword shooting forward and impaling me… As for your sister, I didn't see her once during the fighting so hopefully she escaped…'

The words were starting to become more hurried as the writing was slowly becoming more smudged and desperate. 

'Our family is not completely dead, a lot of them escaped during the fight from what I managed to see… They started to disperse as the other clans and families within the forest appeared to try and stop the fighting, but those clans and families took advantage and joined the fighting as well seeing this as an opportunity to wipe us out… I imagine our members are scattered around the forest or maybe they have left this forest completely… 

My last wish for you my son… the portrait behind my desk, speak our family's motto to it as well as the added words, "Per Tenebras Nos Surgimus, In Aeternum Dominabimur" …

Take the grimoire… become the head of the family… stitch our remains back together… destroy- the- other-…'

The words near the end of the letter appeared to trail off, as if the strength from his father left as he wrote the last few lines, his life fading in those moments.

Sidious stood up with fire in his eyes. An anger that reached the heavens as he cursed the families and clans of the forest, especially the Blackfangs who had caused this. The root of all this suffering though… was his own Uncle. 

He vowed in his heart, if he came across his uncle ever from now, he would destroy him. Wiping away the tears from his eyes, he walked towards the portrait his father mentioned. 

The portrait showed a man on it, wearing a pitch-black cloak that was embroidered with red patterns. On his chest was the Blightheart family crest. Looking at the portrait, the man on it did not move or show any emotions, his eyes were dark and cold.

Sidious spoke emotionlessly. "Vincere Aut Mori, Per Tenebras Nos Surgimus, In Aeternum Dominabimur"

The mans face in the portrait changed slightly, a cold smile hovering onto his lips. The portrait then opened up and numerous charms and protections seemed to disarm in that moment. 

Inside the portrait was a black book on a small pedestal. The book looked extremely normal and unassuming, but the words on its cover were written in such a way that it instilled dominance and fear into those that read them.

Sidious picked up the book. As he grasped the book, his heart started to beat rapidly. This was something he had wanted for years and his father had finally past it onto him…

The Grimoire of the Vein.

-=End of Volume 2=-


A/N – Hi Guys, I hope you've been enjoying the novel so far.

I'm trying to take it a bit easy with this one as previous works of mine usually stop due to me overloading myself too much. 

Wizard called Oz and Descendant of Merlin (Rewrite) were both novels I wrote and overloaded myself writing. Then I lost all the notes for them so I was unable to continue them at all despite the interesting stories and ideas I had there…

So, the next Volume may not come out for a little bit, I can't give an exact time frame but maybe a week or 2 max as I have to plan out Beauxbatons a bit. 

I want to blend in some of the core canon elements we know of the school as well as some custom elements so the school can truly be pictured. A lot of fanon out there has some of these things expanded upon already, but I want to do my own take on a lot of things here so there will be some liberties taken.

I'll leave you with the next Volumes title: 'The Boy and the Nymph'

Thanks for reading 😊