
A Wizard's Solitude

(A Harry Potter Fan-Fiction) A boy finds himself in a dark forest with no knowledge of how he got there. As he discovers what the world is around him, he realises the world he had read about was a mere foot note compared to the true world it encompassed.

SovOz · Livres et littérature
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41 Chs

The Man who wielded Death

I stood outside of the wand shop for a moment, wondering if it was the right idea to enter for a while. Gregoravich was a proficient wand maker, he rivalled Ollivander in many aspects. There was a level of risk here to consider when walking in…

Randolph turned to me with a confused gaze. "What are you waiting for Axel?"

I wanted to say something, but at this point in time I really had no other choice. If anything went wrong, I would have to act accordingly even if that meant I had to be brutal about it.

Following up behind Randolph, he opened the door and a light jingle sounded above us as the door opened. The interior of the shop was revealed to us both and we began to look around.

The wand shop was dark and dreary, unlike any other shop on this Wharf I'd seen thus far. The lights were dim and the air inside was cold. There was no attempt at making this place look beautiful, it was simple and reminded me of Randolph's workshop. It only had what it needed; it didn't try to make itself anything more.

Scattered wand cases, materials and boxes were littered around the shops floor. Directly ahead of us as we walked in was a dark oak counter, it looked old and fractured. 

Me and Randolph both looked around for a while with no service. As the time dragged on Randolph clicked his tongue.

"Maybe that wand-maker hasn't returned then… The door was open though…" Randolph mummed under his breath.

I stayed silent looking at all the different wand boxes stored in shelves along the walls. This wand shop held a difference to Ollivanders, this one felt 'darker'. The owner of this shop, just from seeing the state inside, I could tell he was broken in some way.

Maybe grasping power for a time just for it to be wrested away was a haunting experience for Gregoravich… 

We both stood around a while longer waiting. Nobody came to greet us the entire time. 

Randolph's eyes narrowed and he started to stroke his beard, cursing;

"Damn it… I guess we will have to go to another wand shop… We don't have time though, the magical barge leaves in a couple of hours".

Randolph was contemplating apparating me to another place to get a wand for a long while, however he kept cursing about how a round trip would be cutting it too close. Whilst he was doing this back and forth with himself, I walked up to the counter seeing the bell on the side. 

I pressed the bell a few times, hearing the bell ring out down through the dilapidated shops backrooms. The sounds echoed and, after a moment, I heard the sound of footsteps approaching the counter. Randolph heard the footsteps as well, walking over to me and beckoning me behind him for the time being.

As the footsteps grew closer, my heartbeat matched. I watched as a man appeared from behind a wand shelf near the counter, his eyes carrying dark circles and his skin filled with wrinkles. 

The man looked broken, like he had lost his drive yet he still pressed on. His gaze landed onto Randolph as he spoke in German; my compass translated the words.

"How can I help the great Randolph Spudmore?" 

His tone seemed polite but it was laced with ice. Randolph noticed this and remained guarded towards him. His expression also grew slightly cold as he moved out the way revealing me behind him. 

"This is my god-son" Randolph spoke. "He's here for his first wand… You're Gregoravich right?".

Gregoravich nodded, affirming Randolph's words. His gaze then tethered to me, looking at my face and most importantly, into my eyes. I felt as though my soul was being read like a book in this moment. 

Wand-makers were always proficient in picking out witches and wizards suited for their wands, however compared to someone like Ollivander, Gregoravich's 'inspection' of me felt a tad ominous in a way.

He moved around the counter, stepping closer to me seemingly trying to get a better look. The entire time, Randolph remained in front of me. He scrutinised my face for a long while and his cold gaze changed slightly to one of immense curiosity for just a moment. 

His eyes in that moment mirrored Jasons and I felt an itchy feeling surge through my spine.

He turned around after a while and started to look at all the wand cases in the surroundings. Silently he walked around his shop and kept shaking his head. He never once presented me a wand to try, he just kept shaking his head each time he got close to a wand. 

After a long time, he sighed and walked behind his counter, looking at both me and Randolph.

Randolph spoke with confusion. "Is there a problem?".

Gregoravich sighed deeply once again, his gaze staying focused on me;

"That boy cannot wield a wand. At least, not a wand that I have here anyway…".

When Gregoravich made that statement, silence echoed through the room as each person inside considered the weight behind those words. I was dumbstruck myself hearing them. 

I had an inkling of why he stated I was incompatible with the wands here, but my main worry was the weight behind that realisation. If the man in front of me knew why, then he knew something I wanted to keep secret…

Gregoravich started to speak with a dull tone. "The boys magic, I can sense its corrosive and destructive in nature. This is something I have never seen before… Any wand he holds will erode over time. The wand he would wield would only be temporary…".

He leaned forward speaking deeper towards me and Randolph.

"Do you think any wand would accept him? Knowing it would erode into nothing but dust? That's like a human choosing the gallows over a candlelit dinner, it doesn't happen".

Randolph stared in disbelief, looking at me and then Gregoravich. Seeing as to how I showed no emotional outburst or response initially, Randolph realised that what Gregoravich stated was complete fact and I knew it.

I sighed thinking over my options. I needed a wand. I couldn't assume I was a master in wandless magic and just take a leap here, a wand was necessary. 

My hand moved into the pouch on my hip slowly, both Randolph and Gregoravich watching my movements. After a few seconds they both saw me pull out two things.

A gem and a piece of wood.

Randolph looked at the piece of wood at first with a sigh, but as his eyes met the gem in my hands his expression changed to shock. I had never shown him this gem after all, so he was probably boiling with questions on how I got it.

Gregoravich on the other hand… a spark seemed to alight in him. He paced around the counter and came up close to me. I stared coldly at him, my eyes telling him not to be so hasty here.

He waited for my words and after a moment I spoke.

"Will this do". I said in English.

Gregoravich smiled, responding in English as well. "Give me an hour…"

Reluctantly I handed Gregoravich the wood and the gem, feeling as though I was giving away my last possessions in this world in that moment. He scattered off in an instant, only briefly reminding us again to come back in an hour. As he retreated back into the shop I sighed.

Randolph on the other hand looked at me with confliction. He knew I had my own secrets but with the gem and nature of my magic revealed, he would of course be curious. I knew he would want some kind of explanation but I had to figure out what was right to tell him and what was not.

Heading outside, we both walked across the pavement and sat down at the ledge near the river. Our legs dangling above the river, we both sat in silence for a while. In this moment I took the time to look down at my face in the water.

The boy I was staring at right now was completely different to the one I met 3 years ago. That 8-year-old face that was covered in dirt and appeared malnourished was now replaced with an 11-year-old face littered with cuts and scars, a brooding expression and a stone-like countenance that showed no movement. 

Even though my thoughts could become excited at times and I could feel content, my face never changed ever since Jason's 'experiments'.

I hated looking at this broken boy. It made me feel weak and the imposter syndrome boiled as I saw this face as foreign to my true face still. This boy had done no wrong though, only I had. In a poetic way, I guess I despised myself most of all.

Randolph who took in the sights of the Wharf once more seemed to calm down from everything that happened inside the shop. He broke the silence between us speaking first.

"Grimbolt told me your magic was special" He stated. "He mentioned it was 'chaotic' yet 'controlled'… hearing Gregoravich's words in there makes me realise that goblin's eyes really are something else…".

Hearing Randolph say this I had to agree. I never heard Grimbolt state this to Randolph but I imagine these words were spoken after I left and it was just them two alone. 

Looking across the wharf I spoke in a dull tone. "I didn't mean to hide this from you Randolph… It's just the situation behind it all is something even I'm not able to figure out yet. That gem was found along with the wood when I left the forest…".

Randolph sighed as he put his hand on my shoulder. "We all have our secrets, Axel. Just remember I am here to help you; I am not your enemy".

I nodded to Randolph. "I understand…"

I debated in my head at that moment telling him… telling him I was an obscurus, that I had managed to control it and I was learning what it all meant, but a fear in my gut surfaced as those words tried to come out my mouth.

Obscurus' were seen as things to be destroyed, to be killed. They posed a threat to the populace big enough that the governments made by witches and wizards would actively hunt them down. 

If word got out that I was an obscurus, even if I stressed that I knew how to control it, they would kill me without a second thought. They would not want to take any risks after all.

Deep down I worried that Randolph would also not want to take any risks either…

It had to remain a secret until I had the strength to wield it and use it enough to protect myself. 

Time rolled on from our initial talk into discussions over various topics. Randolph and I usually spoke of stuff related to broom making, and he would fill me with knowledge of what charms to use, what wood was better than others and so forth. 

I had heard these things a million times before but I let him speak, talking was better than just awkward silence after all.

Our talking was eventually broken as exactly an hour passed and the door behind us opened, a little jingle accompanying it. Stood at the door was Gregoravich, with a gaze that was filled with pride. Me and Randolph stared at each other briefly before getting up and wandering over back into the shop.

As we entered the shop, Gregoravich went behind the counter and into the back rooms of the shop leaving us stood alone. We waited for a moment before he finally returned with two things. 

In one hand was a wand box and in the other was the remaining wood left over from what I gave him. 

He put the wood down first, allowing me to grab the remaining bits and put them in my pouch. There wasn't an awful lot but it may come in handy down the line.

He then placed the wand box on the counter in front of me and Randolph. He carefully clicked the box open and lifted the lid, revealing the wand inside.

Both mine and Randolph's eyes looked at the wand in awe. Its design was beautiful yet it also seemed 'twisted', Not just by design as the wood twisted to the end of the wand and around the gem, but also in 'nature' itself. Blue veins also pierced through the black wood and the gem I had given Gregoravich was embedded into the hilt of the wand like a heart. The wood seemed to wrap around the gem… as if it accepted it as its own organ.

As me and Randolph looked at the wand closely, Gregoravich spoke slowly in English…

"13 Inches. Unyielding. The wood you graciously gave me was even more difficult to tame than Poplar… That gem as well was also a treat to use in the wand. The wood took to it like a long-lost brother in a way…"

My hand extended out and grabbed the wand from its case. As I held the wand, I felt a surge of energy within me as the wand seemed to accept me comfortably as its master. 

As I held the wand though, something felt off… the best analogy I could think of was in terms of broom making. It felt like the wand had its 'handle' and 'bristles' but not its 'bond'.

Gregoravich's gaze lingered on me as he seemed to watch my confusion with some enjoyment. Randolph's eyes also remained on me and the wand, wondering what I was looking so perplexed about. After some time, I spoke.

"Is there… something missing here?".

Gregoravich smiled coldly. "You are quite special boy… yes, that wand isn't complete".

He stepped out from around the counter once more, coming closer to me. Randolph's eyes remained locked on Gregoravich's every move as he came closer. 

He knelt down slightly, pointing his wrinkled finger at the wand in my hand.

"This wand… It has no core".

My eyes widened as I stared at Gregoravich. Randolph as well showed surprise hearing his words. If there was no core in this wand, what was the point of making it? What is the gems' purpose if not being a core for a wand?

Gregoravich stood up and spoke slowly. "That gem only acts as a primer… a channel for you in a way. It does not fit the prerequisites of a 'core' at all from my inspection of it… however…".

His gaze went cold, his eyes drilling into me.

"There is one thing that can act as a core… and you have it already".

My lips went dry and before I could say anything he spoke.

"Your obscurus boy, that is the core for this wand".

As that word was uttered, the world slowed to a halt. Something I wanted to remain a secret had been brought to light in just over an hour. I was foolish, I underestimated Gregoravich greatly. He saw right through me…

My mind boiled with worries and questions however it was quelled realising I needed to act now. I needed to do something. Should I escape? Or should I… kill him?

I was shocked as my mind started to consider the idea of killing Gregoravich but that extreme felt natural to me. The knowledge of my obscurus, the fact it existed was something I needed to keep a secret. 

As this intent, this idea, rose within me the energy of the obscurus within me began to boil up. As the black energy seemed to leak out of my skin, Gregoravich stumbled back a bit, fear and anger brewing in his eyes. He brought out his own wand in that moment, prepared for what could happen next.

Both of us however seemed to forget there was one other man in this room and that man acted before anyone else. His vine wood wand raised into the air, pointing forwards.

A flash of light blinded me and I felt the world around me vanish in an instant. My ears still ringing with the final words I heard before being taken away.
