
A witch and a god of Mischief

After Loki gets caught Tony brings him to a lovely cottage in London and meets Lavender Von Stein a Witch to help get them home and take care of the tesseract

Zavery_Meddows · Films
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We arrive back home. Atlas ran off inside. Loki grabs my wrist, spinning me in his arms and kissing me deeply. I wrap my arms around his neck as one goes into his hair. Loki held me close to his chest. I felt his hand slide up my waist. I smile, deeming it. "Loki, I love you," I whisper. Loki looks down at me and moves hair from my face, cupping my cheek. "I love you, and I love our son," he said. My eyes water, hearing him. I hug him tightly. "Oh, Loki," I mumble. Loki looks. "You have made me see love is worth fighting for you, and that boy means the world to me," he said. Atlas walked out. "Mommy, is this man going to be with us for a long time?" he asked. Loki bends down. "If that is okay with you, little prince," he said. Atlas nodded. "You make Mommy happy," he said. Loki smiles. "You and your mom make me happy." Atlas smiles. "A happy family," he said. Loki nodded. "Yes, my dear boy," he said. I smile and pick up my son "Mommy, can we move to the city?" Atlas asks. "The city here in London," I ask. "No, Mommy, the one Tony is from," he said. "Oh, New York," she said. He nods. I smile. "I will talk to Hagrid about taking the Dragon. If he can, we can move to NYC," I said. Atlas smiles. Loki is playing with him. I told Hagrid, "Okay, everything is all set for us to move," I said. Loki looked worried. "Is it okay for me to be in NYC after what I did?" he asks. I touch his cheek. "Yes, my love, it will be fine," I said. They soon pack, and with some magic, they move into a lovely house in Brooklyn. Atlas was so happy.

I am going to start a story about Atlas and his love life.