
A White Heron's Rise / MHA x GI

Kamisato Ayaka wakes up in the middle of a room inside the world of MHA/BNHA. Now separated from everyone she knew back in Teyvat, she must learn to let go and find her new place in the world as a Hero. Why? When? How? She'll soon learn enough, though it seems she wasn't the first one to ask those questions nor would she seem to be the last. Notice: Art is not mine. Credit to @.TorinoAqua

Jake_Hansel · Anime et bandes dessinées
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28 Chs

It Begins

"Hah… Hah… Ha… It can't be…"

Toshinori ran as fast as he could while still in his skeletal form. He already exhausted most of his 3-hour time limit after classes to do some Hero work.

"Ack! Damn, I can't even sprint without my body feeling ill."

He coughs up blood, a small exertion on his weak body was too much but he didn't care. He had received horrible news an hour before. Naomasa had broken the news that one of his students had been part of an explosion that took out an entire room.

"Tsukauchi! Tell me… what happened to her." Toshinori was out of breath. He buckled from exhaustion as he stared at Naomasa who was already with the police.

"It's not bad if she got immediate treatment. She's already been transported to the nearby hospital for her burns to be healed by Quirks and some shrapnel to be removed manually."

Naomasa looks over to the building and grimaces. "Thankfully, Kamisato had only received minor burns on her upper arms while the lower half of her body didn't get affected. She received a concussion, likely from getting knocked by the blast. The other tenants received scratches and bruising from their rooms being partly destroyed."

"That's good…" All Might relaxed. "I wish I could've done something… what happened?" All Might asks.

Naomasa looks around before ushering All Might with him to a more isolated part of the scene. "It was a bomb."

Toshinori almost became his empowered form from the word, purely out of anger toward himself and whoever decided to bomb someone, especially within the range of innocents. "…How did you figure it out?"

"For now, we are hiding it as a gas leak. Firefighters say the explosion came from the door but nothing can ignite there so we checked the entire room." Naomasa pulls out a bag with pieces of plastic inside. "Lo and behold this showed up."


"Plastic casing from a cylindrical object and three of them scattered around, pieces lodged to the wall and others on furniture. It's badly burnt and misshapen but it's definitely a homemade one, powerful at that."

Naomasa returns the bag to his coat. "There's also an oddity that the firefighters mentioned."

All Might paid attention to what was next. "What is it?"

"Someone with a strong nose Quirk mentioned that the bomb was weird. It expanded rapidly from pressure which was what caused the explosion but weirdly enough the person with the Quirk couldn't smell anything remotely close to common ingredients in explosives."

The news made All Might even angrier but he kept calm on the outside. "Someone is targetting her? But… why?"

Naomasa lowers his hat. "We need you to ask her yourself. She will recover late in the night to make sure she's okay before she gets discharged today. If it's okay with you to wait for her then head to the hospital."

"I can always wait, especially if she's my student…" All Might pauses. "…and my legal daughter." He admits.


Ayaka lay on a bed alone inside a hospital room. She got up a few hours after the explosion. Her concussion wasn't that serious but it took a while for her to return to consciousness.

'Fatui…' she almost immediately determined. 'Unless it was a random act of terror, the only person who knows of my address is Midoriya, All Might, and myself. Except for one other, maybe more - the person that sent the Anemo Delusion.'

She grips the sheets tightly as she contemplates. 'They must have been searching for this Delusion, good thing I always brought it with me. Yokohoma was the only other location I publicly asked around. So it's true that there is Fatui or someone related to it. Though it could be someone else but Delusions are mainly Fatui so there's little chance it's someone else.'

Ayaka suddenly widens her eyes as she panicked and looked for the Delusion which was not with her. She was switched to another outfit since she was admitted to the hospital and couldn't find the Delusion she usually straps to her thigh.

"Where is it?" She told herself.

A knock was heard on the door. "Ayaka?" Someone said outside, spooking Ayaka into almost freezing in place. "Are you awake?"

She adjust herself and noted to herself that it was the first time someone in Japan had called her first name. "Yes? Come in."

All Might walks in as his deflated form. He walks to Ayaka's side and crouches to meet her at eye level while she sat on the bed. "I need you to tell me the truth this time."

'This... time?' She nervously thought. Not knowing what it meant before her thoughts were stopped as she replied. "I don't understand-"

"Ayaka!" Toshinori raised his voice.

"Do you have any idea how much I had to worry when I heard from one of my friends in the police force that your apartment had been blown apart? We decided to keep it from the public for now. I don't want to see anyone else get hurt, especially if they're supposed to be under my tutelage."

Toshinori sighs out and places a hand on Ayaka's shoulder. "I can't go on not knowing why someone placed a bomb in your room. So tell me, who is after you? Please."

Ayaka stared at his eyes that reflected concern in it. She wanted to tell him, tell everyone who she really is but she couldn't let herself.

Who knows what would happen to All Might, Izuku, and all her other classmates and people she met? Would they be targeted as well? Could she stomach the thought of them being gone again, just like the others in Teyvat?

'No… no… I can't tell him. I can't lose another family, another friend, and another life... I need to deal with this myself.' her eyes start to get watery. 'I'm sorry All Might, I truly am...'

"I really don't know, All Might." she tells herself to be strong in the delivery of her words. Not to show a hint of a lie in her voice. It is her burden alone and she was determined to see it through.

Toshinori stared at the young girl still stalwart in her image. He rubs the back of his head and stood back up. "Ayaka, I'm sorry for raising my voice like that. I shouldn't have pushed something so seriously. Look I'm just worried- upmh!"

Ayaka felt guilty about it, it weighed on her mind like an immeasurable weight had been placed upon her. So she did the least she could do, she hugged him.

Toshinori was befuddled, more so when Ayaka started to clasp him tightly with her arms. Ayaka looked up with assurance. "I know you're trying your best and that's enough. I don't blame you for trying to take care of everyone, you're a Hero after all."

Toshinori returned the gesture after he bulked up for a moment. It was a quaint look for the two. The interaction lasted for a while, letting the warmth of familial affection settle in.

Toshinori coughs into his hand after the hug. "I've talked to Tsukauchi about it and members of the staff while you were unconscious. You do not have a place to stay, right?"

"I do, I'm planning on moving to an apartment closer to U.A if possible-"

Toshinori stops her. "-Don't worry, I've decided to let you live with me for now. I have a place nearby but I still use my empowered form to get to U.A. but if you're fine with commuting then I can help you move."

Ayaka nods. "Thank you, I can't ask for more. You've done so much for me already, All Might."

"It's the least I can do since-" He pauses for a moment, deciding whether to speak his thoughts. "-I am... ermm... your father." he looks back to a surprised Ayaka. "Sorry! I shouldn't assume-"

Ayaka felt something from inside. All Might had already done so much for her. In Ayaka's darkest moments; with no purpose or no one to turn to, who was the first to offer her a chance in life, who was the one who gave their time and energy to spend time with?

It was a natural answer, Ayaka was looking right in front of the person who gave her a second life. "No! It's fine, I'm grateful to you. I can't stress how much you've done for me. I owe everything to you."

Toshinori had a soft gaze as she said everything. He was used to receiving praise as a Hero but something was different about that moment. "Ahem... Will you be okay tomorrow? I can let the school know if you still need time to relax."

"I don't feel anything else unusual. I can handle it myself, it isn't much of a problem. I was lucky I received less damage than I thought. A second too late on my Senho then I would need to wait for a while longer."

"That's good. Ayaka, you don't need to keep it inside if you have something bothering you, okay? It's always better to take on issues with someone by your side. Even in the line of Hero work, no one can do everything alone. I certainly had my fair share of problems that would be better handled by my colleagues."

The voice of concern only further strained Ayaka's heart. It was on the brink of breaking down from the words Toshinori spoke. "...Yes, All Might." she answered.

"That's good. Are you fine to move on your own? Go on ahead someone is outside to brief you on what happened, he is a friend of mine as well so don't worry."

Ayaka did as told and walked out after readjusting from her previous concussion. She heads to the floor for her to retrieve her clothes and anything on her before she got taken in.

All Might watched closely as Ayaka walked away, he sighed before another figure approached from the corner.

"Tsukauchi?" All Might asked with simplicity.

Naomasa swayed his head, news that Toshinori was even more worried about. He breathes heavily from Naomasa's answer and retreats into his thoughts. "Ayaka... do you not trust me?"



Ayaka yawned as she stopped her phone from ringing the alarm she set. She does her morning stretches, making sure to do them perfectly before heading straight for the bathroom to get ready.

It was an hour early than she woke up, the start of class was still hours away but she had something else to do now that she was in All Might's home.

All Might, despite being a Hero that pulled in multiple figures a month, only had a medium-sized apartment. Most of his money was donated and the rest was for essentials.

Ayaka walked to the scariest part of the house, something that even her brother didn't touch. She was nervous, it was going to be a task hardly anyone could do properly.

The kitchen.

She looks through items inside the refrigerator and cupboards. She nods to herself as she takes what she needed and prepares herself for the task.

'You can do this Ayaka, you may only know how to make sweets but you've been doing this for months. Cooking for someone else isn't that bad right?'

All Might soon woke up, the smell of food whisked him away from slumber. He walks out of his room with a heavy step, it was early for him since he was up all night looking out for Ayaka.


Toshinori saw Ayaka on the table with a meal ready, the rice still steamed from the heat, and the various side dishes were still hot. "Ayaka, you didn't have to cook. I can always get something in the convenience store along the way."

"I'm ashamed to say that I can only cook the basics even though it's been months. I hope everything is fine, I prefer homemade since it'll help me sharpen my skills."

Toshinori sat down while looking at the food. "Really? Well, I'll give you my honest opinion on it."

Toshinori started eating as Ayaka awaited his judgment. It took a while for him to get a good taste before he offers his words. "Haha, you don't need to be so stiff. It's fine but not excellent, it could use some more work."

Ayaka appreciated the critique. "I'm going to work harder then. I'm going to change into my uniform and head off."

"This early?" Toshinori looked at the time. 'It's not that bad. I could finish up more work so I can have more free time in the evening.'

"I'll finish up and wash the dishes. I'll prepare for a while then we can go. The trains should start operating soon, the morning rush will be intense so we can head to U.A. afterward."

A while later and Toshinori was ready to move. Ayaka closed the door behind them and checked to see if it was locked.

Toshinori turned to her, wanting to make sure. He wasn't about to risk another bomb situation. "Did you lock the door?"

"Yes, sir."

"Ayaka, when we're outside the classroom you don't need to answer me like I'm teaching. I'm Toshinori Yagi to everyone, not All Might. Besides, I think it's too formal anyways."


"No buts. I'm here as Toshinori Yagi - not All Might."

The commute was not horrible but not also good. It was cramped as expected but it could've been worse.

The transport headed close to U.A. since it was a school zone. They were walking along with a crowd of students and other people before reaching the sights of U.A.

"Do you usually bulk up to arrive at campus?"

"Yes but I stop short of actually going inside the campus. I enter as Toshinori, it keeps the press out of there. But I usually go after lunch, from now on though I'll be going earlier since I'm going to accompany you the whole way there."

"I appreciate the sentiment, truly. I didn't think you'd be having much trouble with the reporters."

"They keep wanting to talk, haven't you experienced something of the sort before? Sometimes I think, the press are even worse than Villains but imagery is always a part of a Hero's work. You will learn to be presentable, though I think you have enough experience in that

"I am always willing to learn."

"Haha! That is true, let us go. The press is probably waiting for me, so I can show you how I enter without anyone noticing."

Toshinori enters through the front but waits until a few students get the attention of the reporters waiting. He slid in between the masses of people before slipping inside.

The combination of his unassuming look and the distraction caused by the students who tried to enter made him enter without anyone even noticing him.

Ayaka waited from the back and tried to enter as well, only to be stopped by Izuku who tapped on her shoulder.

"Kamisato! I only saw the news just a while ago, the apartment is listed as yours. I'm sorry I couldn't call you but I thought it'd be better to not bother you."

"It made the news that fast? I guess communication is fast for the TV to cover something that happened yesterday."

"That's just how important your situation was, I didn't think a gas leak would cause something so bad."

"It's nice to know that you care about it. Though, I don't want to make anyone else concerned because of it."

"Of course, I would be concerned. All Might should've been as well. Anyways, I noticed you with All Might with you - did he say anything about it?"

"He talked about it the moment it happened. Today was just All Might telling me about his way to get inside U.A. He said to get used to dealing with those of their profession, it's in their nature to get knowledge and it is our duty in turn to look good in front of them." Ayaka pointed to the reporters.

Izuku stared at the increasing number of people. "That's true... still, I can't stomach knowing that millions of people are going to watch."

Just as they tried to inch closer to the entrance, the reports saw their next prey and flocked to both of them.

"Hey, both of you!" a female reporter announced. "What are All Might's lessons like… oh! Aren't you that girl from the slime case months ago?"

The cameras were all focused on her, waiting for a response that could finally be satisfying.

Izuku began to nervously fidget at the number of people focused on them as Ayaka stepped up to answer.

"All Might's lessons are to be expected of the no.1 Hero. It gives us the basics and he enthusiastically delivers. There's always something to learn when he is around. It's too early to know more but that is what I think."

It was a short and expected answer, nothing noteworthy but nothing to be not satisfied with. Still, like the vultures that they are, the reports still sought out more.

"Thank you for the answer!" the reporter says before turning to another person walking along the road. "Excuse me, you with the wild hair! Aren't you from that slime case as well?"

Katsuki tried his best to restrain himself from outright blasting the reports all the way out but he was going to be a Hero. "Can you stop bothering us?" he calmly asked, though it wasn't that much of a difference from his usual tone.

"Let's go, they seem to be satisfied with leaving us alone to ask the other students," Ayaka told Izuku.


Shota Aizawa stood in front of the class as he announced his assessment of their performance. "Everyone did good in the battle trials. I've gone and looked at your video clips and scores."

He shoots a look at Katsuki. "Bakugo, stop being immature and work with your allies. You have talent but it can be overshadowed by your attitude. You're a Hero not a baby, get a grip."

He turns to Midoriya, who looked down in shame. "Midoriya, broke 3 limbs this time? I can't keep letting you use the excuse of not having control over your Quirk. You have the motivation but you need training."

"Yes!" Izuku answered.

Shota finishes his concerns and announces to the class, "Now onto homeroom business. It's been only about a day but I want you to…"

'Another special test?' the class thought.

"...choose a class president."

'Finally something normal!' they relaxed. Then turned into an uproar of multiple people volunteering.

"Choose me!" "No, let me be the president!" "I can do it too." "I volunteer as tribute!" "This is not that kind of show, idiot!"

"Silence!" Tenya interrupted the whole class.

"You'll be responsible for leading the entire class. It is a burden that only a few can take up, let alone excel in. It requires mutual trust in each other, which is why we put it to a vote."

'You're the one with their hand up the highest though!' they all pointed out.

"Iida, won't this be problematic?" Tsuyu asked.

Eijiro nodded. "Yeah, everyone would just vote for themselves. It's not like we've been together for long."

"That's the point. Whoever gets the trust of the others on the first day is suitable." Tenya justifies.

Ayaka called for their attention. "Iida, there's a problem with your conclusion. If say - one person receives 5 votes, then only about a quarter of the class votes for them. Wouldn't that be unfair?"

"That's true…" Tenya admitted. "Sir Aizawa what do you think?" he asked.

A sleeping bag seemingly manifested out of nowhere as he zipped it up. "Don't know, don't care. Just do it in time, I'm off to bed."

The class looked at the hobo with curiosity. 'Where'd he get that from?'

"Why don't we go for a majority? Eliminate those who have the lowest vote then go for another round. We keep voting until a majority is achieved, therefore it's not unfair." Ayaka recommended.

Tenya nods. "That's a good suggestion. Are we all in agreement?" the class was full of confirmation, it was a better system than they thought. "Then let's proceed!" Tenya said.

The first round came, and the first few who had more than 1 vote came in. 3 votes went to Ayaka, 3 votes to Izuku, and 2 to Momo.

Katsuki was absolutely livid at Izuku getting 3 votes but didn't say anything since he knew there would be a second round of voting.

The second round was next, those with no votes and 1 vote were eliminated. The rest were chosen among the three. Ayaka had 7 voting for her, Momo got 7 votes and finally, Izuku received 6.

Izuku sighed with relief. He didn't want to be president in the first place, so being eliminated was fine with him.

The final round of voting was initiated and everyone voted as the entire class saw who became the class president. Ayaka had the majority with 12 votes and Momo became the vice president with 8 votes.


Lunch arrived and the group of four was a bit late to the tables which meant their usual spot was already taken by someone else.

"It's so packed again like yesterday. Do you think we could find a table?" Ochaco mentions.

Izuku scoured the area but could only see a few spots. "I don't know..." he spots Katsuki with 3 other people while angrily yelling at them in the distance.

Ayaka notices them too and directs the group to approach them. "Excuse me, can we sit with you 4? Our location yesterday got taken already. If it's not much trouble."

"Hah? What makes you say I'd agree to that, Princess-"

"Of course!" Denki immediately accepted.

Bakugo snapped his head to glare at him. "Dunce-face! I don't recall you calling the shots around here!"

"You can sit right next to me if you want." Denki patted the seat right next to him. Obviously trying to make Ayaka sit next to him.

Tenya instead fills the seat. "Thank you for your generosity, Kaminari!" Denki was filled with dismay and was disappointed on the inside but didn't show it. "Yeah, Haha! Really... generous." he painfully spoke.

"It's good to see you guys being here. Don't worry about Kaminari, he already tried to do that to the other girls in our class." Eijiro said.

Katsuki huffed. "If you mean to try, then actually try instead of being so damn inept at asking. I already hate you guys for constantly going to my table."

Eijiro continued with a new conversation. "That election sure was amazing, I thought Midoriya was going to win but the alternative vote came through."

"Damn straight! Who in their right mind would vote for Deku? Nerd can't even speak up even if he tried to!"

Ochaco was stone-faced when she heard that. 'I'll be dead if he finds out.'

"Hey, it's better than voting for you Bakugo," Hanta said.

"What did you say?!"

Lunch wasn't that bad at all, considering that even Katsuki had put up with most of the boys sticking to him every time, especially Eijiro. Eventually, the conversation reached a familiar topic.

"Hey, you guys heard about that explosion in the middle of an apartment right? You guys wonder if a Villain did it?" Eijiro was the first to bring it up.

Tenya answered in his usual informational presentation. "Explosion? Yes, I did hear about that in the news this morning. I don't believe a Villain was involved, the police say it was a gas leak."

"Hold on, you guys watch the news?"

"Are you an actual idiot? How can you even get into this school with less knowledge of something so simple?!" Katsuki berated Denki.

"Bakugo was actually the one that talked about it this morning. Told me how much bullshit the media was for covering something up, his words." Eijiro adds.

Ayaka stiffened. 'What? How does someone like Bakugo know that?'

Tenya was surprised at the claim that the media would cover something up. "Can you elaborate on how you came to that conclusion?"

"Couldn't you figure it out for yourself, Four-Eyes? Or are those glasses just for show? If you look at how the room layout and how the objects were set up after the explosion you'd see that it came from the door, not like any other gas leak explosions I've seen. The pictures were there if you looked hard enough for them, morons."

"See? Even Bakugo could do something cool like that. I guess working with explosions makes you an expert. I wish I could do that, it'd make me a better hero." Eijiro admitted.

Tenya put some thought into it. "Maybe you're overthinking it-"


"Security three has been broken. All students evacuate to the rooftop." A message was accompanied by the loud blaring of the alarms.

"What's security three?"

"It means someone's dumb enough to break into the campus, Four-Eyes."

The group falls into the growing torrent of people, each rushing to the evacuation. Tenya was with the others. "Fitting for a top school, the reaction is amazing!"

"What's even going on?!" Izuku asks in a panic.

Tenya fits through just enough to go to the window to figure it out. 'It's the press! They got in somehow. The people panicking don't even know it's nothing serious!'

"Everyone! It's just the press. There's nothing to worry about!" he tries to scream, only being able to reach those who were paying attention.

"I can't get their attention!." He told everyone, who was all starting to get split up even further.

Ayaka sprung into action. "Then we'll get someone who can, Bakugo?" she asks.

The situation was dire and there was no room for arguments. Katsuki doesn't need to risk being an idiot, he told himself. "What do I need to do?"

"Uraraka, use your Quirk! Bakugo, you know what to do."

Ochaco reaches for Katsuki who felt his body lighten. "Die!" he screams out just before activating his Quirk to go directly above everyone else.


The explosion above caught everyone's attention as the students saw Katsuki in his deepening rage. He sticks the landing and glares intensely at the horde of students.

"Will everyone calm the fuck down?! It's the press! We're U.A!, can you idiots even notice how shitty you guys look when you march like headless chickens?!"

The roar of anger made everyone question whether the one who spoke was a hero or not. Though, Katsuki did the job well.

The crowd calms down and finally looks at the press clamoring for the entrance to U.A. Soon enough the police were able to handle the situation after the breach.

His classmates saw as Katuski landed on the floor and dusted himself off. "Dude, you were so manly back there. Getting people's attention is really what you do best."

"Of course, I am, Shitty Hair! If I can't even do something as simple as that then I can't be a Hero!" he yelled back.

Ayaka smiled at the interaction. 'Nice to see Bakugo still motivated. Perhaps, he'd be softer on Midoriya eventually but it's one step at a time for now.'


Right outside the campus stood the staff of U.A. All looked over the intense damage the wall had sustained for the alarms to activate.

Midnight looked at the damage and was suspicious. "How can this be? I don't think a person from the press can do this, especially when it's supposed to be a strong barrier."

Nezu was serious this time, and it showed through his tone. "Truly, All Might. You are here early, what are your thoughts? Do you think it's the same ones that attacked your daughter?"

"Principal! Not so openly, please." he awkwardly asked before returning to the matter at hand. "Someone is plotting something, Nezu. This is too much of a coincidence but then again it could be different."

"That is true - unless we can determine for sure, we have to assume another party is involved. Either this is the same people or someone else entirely. One thing is for sure, they are attacking U.A."


12:50 PM

Shota showed up, unusual for the class since he was supposed to be in homeroom. Everyone was curious as to what he had to say.

"It's been decided that today's Hero Basics Class will be taught by All Might, one other teacher, and me." He announced.

"What will we be doing?" Hanta questioned.

Unlike All Might, Shota lazily lifted the card that read what they were going to do next. "Rescue training. From tsunamis to car accidents, you will learn the next basics in your training to be Heroes."

"Rescue Training? Doesn't sound easy to me."

"Are you serious Kaminari? It's the epitome of Hero work! I can feel my bones shaking from excitement!"

"Aren't we all? I'd be great for Water Rescue - Kero."

"Will you quiet down? I'm in the middle of explaining." Everyone keeps their mouth shut, lest they incur the wrath of the hobo. "Good, you will have the option of using your Hero Costumes. Some of them may inhibit movement so it's up to you to decide. We'll go by bus since the venue is far, start preparing."

Everyone stood up to switch to their costumes, Izuku had his blown apart by every OFA strike he did so he opted to use his Gymn clothes instead.

They all proceeded to where the bus was. Ayaka was now the class president so she had the duty of organizing everyone. "Stand in a single line and go one by one, don't push each other so we can go smoothly."

Everyone was excited to go but listened to her words. Each of them entered the bus and sat down, most choosing to talk to pass the time.

"Hey, Midoriya?" Tsuyu asked.

He got spooked by the sudden calling of his name. "Yes, Asui?"

"Call me, Tsu." she insisted.

"Ah yes! Tsu," he told her and surprisingly not being awkward about it.

"I've been wondering for a while, so I'm just going to ask. Your Quirk seems so similar to All Might." she pointed out.

"You... you think so?" he starts to stutter his words.

Ayaka decided to help him out from panicking. "It's just really similar, Tsu. I don't think All Might's Quirk has a drawback like his."

Eijiro enters the conversation. "Yeah but still, it's really nice for him to get something simple as strength augmentation. It's flexible for any situation and flashy as well. Mine is only got for close combat but it's so dull."

"Well, I think it's cool! Like something that can be used by a pro Hero. It fits!"

Eijiro chuckles which confused Izuku. "That's what Kamisato said to me back then after the exams. I could probably be a pro Hero with something flashy eventually, once I can figure out how to make my Quirk more useful. Then again, popularity has a lot to do with being a Hero."

"At least you have it better than me, dude. I can't even surpass what my Quirk can do before I fry my brains out. Imagine that when I use it in front of people! It's showy but I can't even handle it after a threshold."

"If we're talking about strong and showy then we have to look at Bakugo, Todoroki, and, Kamisato." Eijiro responds to Denki.

Tsuyu adds her thoughts. "Bakugo will never be popular because of how angry he always looks. I mean did you hear what everyone said after the whole alarm went off? They told everyone that they were more scared of Bakugo than the actual intruder threat."

"What?! No way! I will become a damn Hero! Like hell will I not become popular!" Katuski retorts.

Denki replied from the side. "I mean, if they get to know you it's not that bad. Funny even - seeing you constantly get angry at us even though we're baiting you to be angry."

"What?! So that's why you idiots keep going to my table?! You were messing with me?!"

"See? Baited again... It's not that hard to get a reaction from you. It's pretty fun, not going to lie."

"Do you want another plastic surgery courtesy of my palms, dumbass?!" The teasing continued for a while with even Eijiro joining in to throw a few statements,

"We're almost there, stop being so noisy," Shota said.


They arrived at the venue, everyone exited the bus and was greeted by a Hero with what looked like an astronaut suit, though it was actually just a puffy jacket made to look like one.


Izuku and Ochaco were the most enthusiastic. "It's No. 13! The hero that specializes in rescue and disaster relief!"

"No. 13 is my favorite out of all the heroes! I love her!" Ochaco added.

"Let's go inside. All Might is with us today so let's not keep him waiting." No. 13 ordered.

The class answered in unison. "Thank you very much!"

They entered the massive complex that was in front of them. Everyone was in awe at the massive size and complexity of the building.

"From any disaster under the sun. Every single catastrophe can be seen here that you all will encounter in your journey to be a Hero! I built this for the exact purpose of rescue training! This is the Ultimate Simulation Joint or USJ!"

No. 13 finishes her introduction. "Now, there's more I would like to say but I'll hand that off to someone you know all too well."

"I am-" Everyone looks above the dome, to see a figure falling from the sky. "-here with an entrance!"

All Might lands with a hero pose, to which Izuku starts to vibrate in place from the sheer awe and admiration he held.

"All Might!" everyone exclaims.

"Haha! As No. 13 said, we have a few words to share - a reminder if you may. As you all know, each and every Hero has a Quirk that is very useful for disaster rescue. I and many others have abilities that can easily do the job right."

"But!" All Might emphasized. "Everyone has the capacity to kill, it is one of our duties to make sure we avoid killing or otherwise unnecessary harm. Everyone should know that your Quirks can easily hurt or maim if not careful. That is why we are here to train you how to use your Quirk to save, learn to control, and learn to hold back."

Shota goes to the front with a staggering walk. "He's right, which is why we're going to start immediately. First, we'll head to the water zone since-"


The lights went off, and a crackle of electricity came but died down as soon as the lights went off. Everyone stood confused and murmured at the commotion.

And a portal formed at the center.

All might saw the portal and out came people he didn't recognize. It was an attack and All Might was already vigilant the moment they entered.

"Stay together! This is not a drill, those are Villains!" All Might commanded. No more was the hearty tone and out came the serious attitude as he ushered the students.

Ayaka did as told but what caught her eye was definitely not something she would've expected. 'Those…!'

There among the crowd of Villains was the appearance of a single man that stood out to her. He was wearing plain clothes and nothing of note was going to incriminate him but there was one object in his possession that sent alarms going off in her head.

The weapon.

Not a Delusion or a mask that made the Fatui recognizable. Those things were easily identifiable which made it less likely they were going to show it inside a foreign world.

The same exact design and template, the red highlight being in the same place and the look of the person wielding it.

A sharp gaze with red eyes and brown hair that was grown out long and unkempt, only tied into a loose ponytail to keep it away from his face. He scoured the class and finally locked eyes with Ayaka.

He smiled deeply and gripped his weapon even more. "There you are…" he muttered. "Looks like that traitor Tokarev had something useful to tell. The others will be happy that our search is over…"