
A Void Dweller's Relaxing Life in Canterlot City

DISCLAIMER! I OWN NOTHING IN THIS STORY OTHER THAN MY OCs, THE REST BELONG TO THEIR OWNERS EVEN THE COVER PIC! THIS FIC IS ONLY FOR ENTERTAINMENT AND FOR FUN! == A young man finds himself in a place he believes is the afterlife, where stretches of golden fur run as far as the eye can see. There he discovers a power that had been sleeping in him for a long time. Waking up, he discovers that he is in a different world that is not his own, there he learns that he has been mysteriously registered to a high school, again. By the end of the first day, he wins the affection of four sisters, one fashionista, and 3 lolis. Later in the evening, 3 mysterious women are teleported into his backyard. This he can deal with, after all, what’s worse than making sure that gods do not discover his origins, as these immortal and eldritch beings might try to devour him if they do, and not just those of his current planet, as well as his job as a universal handyman that the Wills of planets summon when they need extermin- I mean fixing done on their surfaces. So beauties, bullies, and school are the least of his worries, perhaps even calming and relaxing~

Crazked_Drake · Films
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16 Chs

Molded? And We're Not in Kansas Anymore

Snapping his eyes open Henry looked up and saw the familiar ceiling and for a moment there he almost thought that it was all a dream, until he felt a warmth surging in his veins from his heart. As well as feeling the two powerful forms within his beating heart ready to be summoned and used at will.

Sitting up, he saw from the curtains that it was morning, but before he could enjoy it a hellish putrid stench struck his nose so heavy it was as if someone hit him with a truck directly on his nose!

"Aghh! The hell!" He gagged at the rotten and disgusting smell, to his surprise he was coming from him. His entire body was covered in black oily and disgusting filth that one might think that he had taken a swim in the sewer, rolled up in tar, garbage, and discarded fish guts, and then hugged a hundred skunks.

"What the heck, okay! Bath time!" He jumped out of his bed and raced to the shower. It took an hour to get the filth and smell of him.

To his surprise, the filth that came off him was actually blood, hair, and a lot of skin, as if he had... molded?

Finally, when he was clean he wrapped himself in a towel around his waist as he stood in front of the mirror, what he saw surprised him.

Looking back at him, were a pair of soft and gentle golden yellow eyes that made him remember the fur fields where he accepted his power. They glittered a soft warm light like looking at the first rays of the sun after a cold, dark, and frightening night.

His hair was still black, but a beautiful midnight black, as well as thick and smooth which had become slightly longer too, about medium length with two bangs over his forehead.

Looking at his face, Henry could barely recognize himself. Sure he was handsome before, but now he was very handsome. Not to mention the muscles he had packing on his form. Each muscle was perfectly aligned, he was currently extremely athletic looking, if there was a character from the anime he could be almost compared to would be Ohma Tokita, if not a little better as well as in height but a few inches taller.

"Wow, to think I would look and feel like this, this is amazing." He smiled brightly as he clenched and unclenched his hands, only to stop as he noticed another thing, the world seemed brighter and colorful.

At first, he chalked it up to having enhanced senses, but this was different.

This was what he had noticed, accepting that power enhanced him even in his human form. Greatly multiplied everything, at least 3 times his previous self was if he could estimate correctly.

"Now to get dressed and make breakfast." With that he walked back into his room, only to be assaulted by the stench he had left in his bed.

"Alright, change of plans; get dressed and clean up the room then we get breakfast." And he did just that, picking up a blue short-sleeve shirt that could barely hold his new body size, as one could see the muscles tightly underneath it threatening to burst out of their threaded prison, and then got a pair of cargo shorts and shoes.

He hastily removed all his bedding and dumped them all in his laundry room and began washing them immediately along with the clothes he had on that had gotten dirty due to the filth from his 'Molding' as he called it.

He then ran back into his room and grabbed everything else that was dirty, his sense of smell he could find them easily. He set the washing machine on and did everything that needed to be done, separating the colors and clothes from the rest, and got it started.

So that was there he thought he might clean up his room, there wasn't that much of a mess but he still thought to arrange it anyway, then he lost himself in the cleaning that he started to clean the entire house instead and took an hour at best, as he was precise and accurate.

This was surprisingly pleasant for him, as his thoughts ran miles at what had happened during his sleep when he was in that world.

Wondering why he had been chosen and what he had been tasked to do, there was always a reason and a cause not to mention a price for something as nothing was ever free.

But he has no regrets about his choices.

He finished his laundry at last and hung it in his backyard, to his surprise when he walked outside he was face to face with the forest behind his house which made him pause.

'Well, this was not here last time I checked. It's not like someone suddenly grew a forest behind my yard, not to mention that something like that should be impossible in this world… Unless.' He ended with a sigh, before carrying on the proceed with his laundry duties as he reached a conclusive answer to his assumption.

He was no longer in his world.

That was the only thing that made sense here, he was moved with his entire house to this world. And since he was busy and lost himself in the cleaning he didn't notice the difference as he didn't turn on the TV or touched his phone yet.

'I will figure it out in a while, but I have to admit that this place is surprisingly pleasant, the air in clear and fresh. Almost sweet to be inhabited by people.' But that was not true, as he could hear the sounds of cars and people from his current position.

When he finished hanging the last piece of clothing, he turned around and looked about clearly this time.

He noticed that the closest house to his own was about 500m away, from both sides. And that he was living in a hilly place, it was peaceful and quiet too as there were almost no people around. The reason he could pick up the sounds was because of the enhancements that he got.

'Breakfast time, then we go to explore this new land.' So when he entered his kitchen which was as splendid as the rest of the house, he was wealthy so everything in his place was beautiful, neat, and comfortable for him.

Henry began to make breakfast at last. Making himself a large yet simple breakfast of; delicious bacon, scrambled eggs, toast, and pancakes, he made twice as much as he would normally consume and devoured it all in moments, with the savagery of a beast as well as the elegance of a king, creating a strange yet mesmerizing contrast at his table manner as nothing was spilled or messy after his feast.

'Now that am fed, I can finally take a look at my new world.' He said excitedly as he got up and did the dishes. Walking towards the entrance he reached for his jacket, only for something to drop out of the pockets, as it was about to fall to the ground, it vanished in a blink of an eye, only to appear in Henry's hand.

And it turned out to be a letter in an envelope.

One thing he discovered when he was cleaning around the house was that he had some sort of domain around him of a radius of about 3 m in any direction.

Means nothing within that range gets past him, as he knows, sees, and feels all within that area extremely well without thinking about it. Not to mention that he is incredulously fast as well within said range, his body would appear as if it was teleporting, but that is only him moving very, very fast at any angle.

Though he hasn't tested on a bullet, he was sure that within that range he can dodge or catch it easily with his new strength.

"What is this? I don't remember getting something like this, heh! What am I saying? Being in this world already is a mystery. Perhaps it might be a letter from the one that sent me here." Chuckling he proceeded to open it, as the top of the envelope was addressed to him.

Opening it he unfolded it and began to read it. It said;

'Dear Mr. Helving

We are pleased to inform you that you have been successfully accepted to our school for this scholastic year.

We have heard that you are an excellent and promising student from your previous school in Manehatten, and we would love to have you here with us at Canterlot High School.

Please be sure to come to our offices on Monday to begin classes as well as an imported issue stated here within your documents.

Yours Sincerely,

Principal Celestia.'

Henry stared blankly for a moment, as his mind raced at light speed to comprehend what this letter meant.

But one thing was for sure,

'This really is not my world anymore.'

Reading it over again for the second time, Henry was a little stumped at what to make of this. Seems like he had been registered to a school somehow and everything was all set and done, all he had to do was show up at this Canterlot high school by Monday.

He checked his phone and noticed that it was Friday currently, so he had a weekend to settle and investigate the place very well.

"Though, the name Canterlot and Celestia do ring a bell. Where have I heard them before?"