
A traveling businessman in grand line.

Kahn crossed the great sailing world. Accidentally get a super-dimensional trading space, so that he can randomly trade with the existence of other worlds! The end of the world, trading fresh fruit for perfect gene medicine, super alloy weapons. Dragon Ball World, exchanging roast meat and Karin-sama for fairy beans.

k6aQ4w8r3B7lc4g · Fantaisie
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By this time, the two had already walked out of the town.

Their boat can already be seen not far away.

At dusk.

The sea, the beach and the sky are red with burning clouds.

Kahn walked on the coastline of the island with Robin on his back.

"In short, listen to our deal first, and then you can refuse or accept it as you like."

Robin didn't speak, Kahn continued to talk to himself.

"I want to be a traveling businessman who travels all over the world, collects countless treasures and is free."

"Open a small shop on a favorite island and sell all kinds of rare and magical things to different people."

"Don't you think it's great?"

This is the first time Kahn told Robin about his dream.

Robin's eyes are slightly narrowed and his heart is complicated.

Dream ...

Didn't she also have a dream as a historian to interpret the blank history of one hundred years?

"Before, I thought I could accomplish this dream by myself."

"But after spending so much time with you, I found that I really prefer two people to traveling alone."

"If I say goodbye to you one day, I will definitely feel very lonely and bored when I travel alone on this vast sea."

Listening to Kahn's whispers.

Robin can't be at peace.

So is she herself.

Having experienced many farewells, betrayals and always being alone, she has already suffered enough loneliness.

And this time with Kahn is the most comfortable and peaceful time she has had since the O 'Halley incident.

Kahn: "Nicole Robin, I'd like to formally invite you to be my partner and the first clerk in my small shop that hasn't opened yet."

"As a deal."

"I will protect your safety and dreams and give you the life you want. "

"From now on, your enemy will be my enemy."

Robin didn't speak.

However, she grasped the fingers of Kahn's clothes slightly, but it revealed that her heart was not as calm as the surface.

"What' keep me safe'? Now that you know my identity, you should know that I am the' son of the devil'. I am regarded as the existence of the devil by the world government. Being involved with me means being an enemy of the world government and navy ... "

"So what?"

Kahn light way.

"You don't understand!"

She grabbed his shoulder fingers slightly hard,

"You don't understand their horror!"

"Those guys ... are really monsters in conan the destroyer! !"

"Being a companion with me means being an enemy of the world. As a businessman, you should know that there is a stupider business in the world?"

"In the end, one day you will treat me as a burden and discard me."

Robin's words are full of gloom and disappointment.

Betrayal and abandonment in the underground world closed her heart and filled her with suspicion and distrust of others.

"Be against the world ... that sounds really cool."

Kahn's emotion made Robin look up.

"Although I really want to do that, I really can't do it now."

"But don't worry, I have a way to keep you from revealing your identity."

Kahn is very confident.

"I just traded a magical prop from a little old man not long ago, and I can change a person's appearance and body shape as long as I wear it."

"After you put it on, I'm sure that even if the CP0 gang came, they wouldn't recognize you as Nicole Robin."

Robin looked at him stupefied.

"Why do you want to do this?"

"I don't know how many beautiful salesgirls there are in the world. Why should I ...?"

Kahn: "…"

He didn't really want to get involved with Robin, but in the past few months, he liked Robin a little.

Good-looking, in good shape, with high IQ, black and straight, and long legs. Now, I'm young and eager for the wind, and in a few years, I'll be an intellectual royal sister who will grow completely on Kahn XP system.

Who can stand it? !

I'm sorry to say it's for Robin's grown-up royal sister.


Kahn coughed twice, vague way:

"I like it ... I can't help it ..."

Although his voice is small, it is vague.

But Robin still heard it clearly.

Hear what he said.

Fifteen-year-old Robin's girl's heart couldn't help trembling.

She bit her lip lightly, and two blushes rose on her cheek. She couldn't say a word on Kahn's back.


On the boat.

Kahn took out the magic props that the little old man Eminem got.

A magic earring.

This magic prop has a lot of magic stored in it, so it doesn't need magic to be used. It can be used with the mind, which allows the wearer to change his appearance at will.

Kind of like the ability to imitate fruit.

After putting it on Robin.

Kahn taught her how to use it.

Robin, who has a high IQ, learned it quickly.

She looked at Kahn, her mind moved, and her face immediately became the same as Kahn's, but her figure remained the same.

"How was it?"

"Very, very good."

Kahn smile some unnatural way.

Robin, who has become him, feels like the man after women's clothing.

Robin tried a few more times.

In addition to the appearance change, the body shape has also changed slightly.

Looking at Robin who turned into a middle-aged woman.

Kahn nodded with satisfaction and said, "With this prop, as long as you don't use the fruit ability, you basically won't reveal your identity."

Robin's back to his old self.

She touched the earrings with her finger, and her face lit up.

There is this magical prop in.

It means that she doesn't have to be imprisoned by the identity of' Nicole Robin',' Olaha Remnants' and' Son of the Devil' anymore!

Finally, she can out of the dark and come to the light!

The mountain named "Destiny", which has been depressed on her and pressed her out of breath, seems to have been shaken a little!

There are tears in Robin's eyes.

She bowed her head and whispered:

"thank you ..."

"You're welcome! We are partners now! "

The handsome face of the teenager stained with blood has a bright smile, and his silver hair shines brightly in the sunset.

This scene falls in Robin's eyes.

It has become a scene that she will never forget.



The contract is established.

Robin agreed to Kahn's deal.

Became the first female clerk in his mysterious little shop.


Is the first, not the only!

In the past few months with Robin.

Kahn realized one thing!

Beauty is the treasure of the sea! !

They are cute when they are girls, charming when they are girls, and irresistible when they are royal sisters.

Such a treasure, for Kahn, who is determined to collect all the rare treasures in the world, can't let go of it of course!

So Robin can only be the first woman in the shop, not the only one.


Kahn's little mind can't be known by Robin.

Her move of' childlessness and broken hands' still made Kahn dread ...

There are magic earrings.

Don't worry about Robin's identity being exposed.

Therefore, you don't have to stay in the West Sea where all kinds of underground forces, mafia and pirates are all over.

Kahn has nothing to gain in the West Sea.

After discussing, the two decided to leave.

Grand line is still a little dangerous for the two of us now.

After consideration in the East China Sea, South China Sea and North China Sea.

The two finally decided to go to the South China Sea!

After the decision.

Two people immediately began to set off.