
Fake Boyfriend

Vienna had hurriedly left the house, leaving Leon in the hands of her parents. She had given him an apologetic and mocking smile as she walked hastily passed them. He had tried to tell her parents that Vienna was leaving but they were caught up in their own world, also making sure to hold him down each time he tried to stand. She stuck her tongue out at him as he threw her a devastated puppy look and closed the door.

It was noon when Vee got to the small pastry restaurant where she was supposed to meet with Phina and Camy. She looked around but couldn't find them. Phina sometimes worked shifts here because it was her uncle's restaurant but even she wasn't behind the counter. Vee was making her way towards a table when the door chimed and Phina and Camy walked to her.

"Sorry my car had issues" Camy said apologetically.

"No it didn't. You just wanted to adjust your seat in a specific way" Phina argued.

"That's what I said, issues" Camy said and sat at the table Vee was heading to.

Phina wrote down their orders and left to get it.

"Phina is such a cute workaholic" Camy snickered. "Look at the way she's moving"

Vee glanced at Phina at the counter, placing their cakes and pies in a tray.

"Speaking of work," Vee leaned closer, "Leon got me one"

"Leon? Really?" Phina asked as she placed their trays on the table and took her seat.

"Who's Leon?" Camy asked, digging into her pie.

"Do you really have bad memory Cams?" Phina rolled her eyes at her. "That guy who climbed into Vee's window on graduation night."

"Oh your new found crush"

Vienna glanced at Phina. She had already told Camy? This was serious, she didn't think Phina liked Leon that much, she thought it was a one-day crush thing.

"But too bad he's Vee's future husband" Camy said again.

"She doesn't like him that way" Phina looked at Vienna as if waiting for her to concur. Vee only nodded.

'Who are you trying to convince? Yourself or Phina?' Her subconscious came in. She was folding her arms and smirking at her.

"Aren't you going to eat Vee?" Phina asked, mouth full.

"Nah. I already ate before I came" she responded.

They seemed to expect her reply because both of them were already pulling the plate of cake to themselves. Vee shook her head at them. She wondered how they ate so much and still remained in shape, especially Phina. She knew if she ate like they did, within one week she would have lost all her figure. So she always tried to stay away from mouth-watering food.

"So about this job Leon got you..." Camy trailed off as she looked at Vienna. She and Phina had decided to share the cake, Camy taking a larger piece.

"It's at a publishing house." Vee said dryly.

"You don't seem that excited. I would be excited if Leon got me a job." Phina said.

"Well Vee doesn't know anything about publishing"

Vienna faked gasp. "Yes I do"

"Okay so what do they do there?" Camy dropped her fork for a second and placed her hand on the table.

"Well... um I'm not really doing the publishing stuff. I'm working as an assistant to the CEO."

"Oooh fancy" Camy took up her fork again. "You would have told me you wanted to work, we would have applied at one of my daddy's companies for you. Phina's applying there too"

"I'm not applying anywhere Cams"

"She is" Camy said smiling at Vee.

"I didn't even know about it until we were half-way there" Vienna said. "And the guy seems rude, I almost didn't want to take the job"

"Then why did you take it?" Phina asked.

"Well Leon's pretty convincing, that's one..." Vee started.

"Aww he's so cute" Phina said dreamily and Camy and Vee laughed.

They chatted for a long while, talking about their plans now that they were done with college. Camy's plans revolved around her boyfriend, Theo. She said they were planning to rent an apartment together soon. Vee remembered what happened at the club, a part of her was convinced that Theo knew exactly what he was doing that night. But he hadn't told Camy, so was he really drunk?

'If you were him, would you tell your girlfriend that you were trying to get into her best friend's pants?' her subconscious threw at her.

She didn't want to talk about it, Camy seemed so happy talking about Theo and she wasn't ready to spoil the mood by talking about something she wasn't very sure off.

Camy kept talking about Theo before she drifted to her dad. Camy loved her dad so much but she said she wasn't going to introduce Theo to him until she was sure he would totally accept her choice. Being an Italian heir, her family had some set out rules that revolved around their heir settling down to a man of the family's choice that would be able to carry on the business. Camy planned to shape Theo into the man her family would accept before she introduced him.

Phina's plan on the other hand, sounded like the five year plan. Phina was an exceptional cook, she experimented all kinds of finger-licking dishes. She planned to go to culinary school and along the way train under some celebrity chefs before she finally opened her own restaurant. For the time being, she wanted to get any kind of job at all to save up for the school, she majored in advertising in college so she was looking for a job on that path.

Vee also shared her plans too. She wanted to go into a business that could help all sections of the economy. She wanted to do it all, marketing, advertising, she wanted her own business where she would be able to dictate what is and what isn't. But hers was a very long way to go.

They drifted to college talk and Vee told them about her encounter with Riley and Easton and how Riley's screams at night made her parents think that she had sex with Leon. Phina looked shock but Camy laughed it off.

"You guys, I have to go" she looked at the clock on the restaurant's wall, remembering Easton's date.

"Why? You haven't even had anything" Phina said.

She couldn't tell Phina that she was going on a double date with her crush so she instead blew them kisses as she hastily walked away. "I just have to go okay. Bye!"

Vienna got home and met her parents laughing as they watched TV. "Where's Leon?"

"I think he said he was going to the car wash." Her dad answered. "Any problem hunny?"

"No we have a date" Vee clamped her hand over her mouth as soon as the words came out. But it was too late, her mum was already giving her that 'I'm-going-to-be-a-grandma' look. She left them and went upstairs.

Leon was already outside next to his car when Vienna emerged from the door. Seeing her, he couldn't help but stare. She was wearing a short skin-tight black leather skirt that exposed her laps and a baby pink singlet-hand blouse.

"Why are you wearing a skirt?" He asked as he opened the passenger door.

"I don't see how it affects you oh sweet fake boyfriend of mine" she entered and shut the door, leaving Leon staring in space.

She wined down the glass and looked at him, "Ehem!"

Leon jolted out of his trance and got into the car.

'Squeal!' Her inner goddess was jumping in excitement. Did she just get a reaction out of Leon just by wearing a skirt? She glanced at Leon as he drove, his entire focus on the road, and she couldn't help smirking to herself.


They arrived at Wests' Hotel and just as they entered the restaurant, they saw Riley and Easton making their way to leave. Seems the couple really didn't want to believe that Vienna had really moved on because their smile dropped immediately they saw her with Leon.

"Hey where are you guys going?" Vee gave a fake smile.

"We were just coming to get you" Riley said through gritted teeth.

Vee took Leon's hand as they headed to a table, Easton and Riley following behind.

They sat down as a waiter brought a bottle of wine and four glasses. He poured wine into each glass before he left to get the menu.

"You're not drinking alcohol are you?" Leon asked as Vee picked her glass.

"I am." Vee said simply. She knew she wasn't a lightweight drinker, no matter what the graduation night had proven, so Leon had nothing to worry about.

"So do you guys kiss?" Riley suddenly asked and Vee choked on her wine. She stared at Riley who was looking directly at her.

"What kind of boyfriend wouldn't kiss his girlfriend?" Leon asked as he sipped his wine, unaffected.

"I'd like to see you kiss now" Easton said and it was Leon's turn to choke.


"Uh that's a very weird thing to do." Vee said.

"No it isn't" Riley leaned in and gave Easton a peck on the lips.

Gosh, this girl was really a devil.

"We can't kiss now" Leon interjected.

"Why not?" Riley titled her head to the side, feigning confusion. She was obviously enjoying this and Vee hated it.

"Um...well...you see, um-" Leon was lost of words.

"We know you guys aren't really dating. Am I right or am I right?" Riley asked smirking wickedly.

Leon sighed. "Yeah" he glanced at Vienna who looked devastated and angry at the same time.

"See babe" Riley laughed looking at Easton. A quiet mocking laugh that pierced deep into Vienna's skin. "There's no way Vee could have gotten over you in two days" she now looked at Vee.

"We should go" Leon said helping Vienna from her seat.

"You shouldn't leave now, we could have dinner atleast" Easton looked at Vee.

Vee released herself from Leon's hold and walked away.

"Wait Leon before you go" Riley stood up and walked to him.

"How'd you know my name?" Leon asked.

"Doesn't matter" Riley gave a charming smile. She took out a pen and wrote on Leon's palm. "Calm me" she said and sashayed back to her seat.

Leon looked at Easton who was dumbfounded by the turn of things. "Sure babe" Leon winked at her and left.


Merry Christmas to all my readers.

Here's another chapter to boost the holiday spirit.

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