
The Dance

Vienna gaped at Leon in shock. If only he knew what those words were doing to her right now, he wouldn't be staring nonchalantly at the road. It was taking everything in her not to slap his face to look her way. She was mad, probably because a part of her knew Leon was only joking. Or because of the other part that knew she wouldn't kiss him because it was still too early to get over Easton. It hadn't been up to two days after their breakup.

As Leon finally turned to meet Vee's eyes, he burst into laughter. His laughter sounded so good in her ears, his dimples very prominent as he closed his eyes for a second and threw his head back on the car seat. To Vienna, it felt like he hadn't been himself since he arrived, and seeing him laugh like this.. it wasn't, surprisingly, satisfying.

She remembered the old times when they used to sit in the locker room after school, eating stolen snacks from home and laughing about the impossible things they would have done to make their day better.

"I'm just kidding Anna" he wiped an invincible tear from his eyes. "You should have seen your face right now. You were like-" he put up a horrible expression of how she had looked at him.

Vienna looked away from him and faced her window, watching how they passed the buildings in a flash. It wasn't funny. Leon thinking that his words were some joke. "Well good thing you were kidding. I'm glad you didn't want to give me one of your mouth infections." she mumbled but Leon heard her.

"What did you just say?" Leon abruptly stopped laughing and looked at her.

"Eyes on the road mister." Vee ignored still looking out the window.

"Say I have mouth infections one more time and I might just give them to you" he said, still teasing her.

"Ewww!" Vee hit his arm that was still on the wheel. But instead of Leon to be affected, she was the one wincing in pain. His hand didn't seem like it had skin on it, just a long big stick with amazing tan.

His perfectly shaped pink lips opened as sweet laughter came out from them again, seeing Vienna wincing. "I guess we'll start working out together."

Those were just simple words yet sounded so sexy. Why was she feeling like this? God help her with this man, she thought to herself as they journeyed back to her house.

They had just got home and Vienna was walking towards the door when she noticed that Leon had stopped walking behind her. She turned and saw him standing on the driveway, staring at his phone in anger. His eyes went from side to side as he stared at the screen, clutching the phone so hard like he wanted to break it.

"Leon" Vienna called walking towards him. Before she could reach to touch him, he stepped away from her. She took a step forward and he took another back. "Leon-"

"I'll be right back Anna." And without another word, he entered his car and drove speedily down the road.

Vienna continued staring until his car was out of sight. What was that about? She turned to enter into the house, but something caught her eye. Easton and Riley were at Riley's door, kissing like no one else was in the world apart from them. She looked at them in hurt and disgust and continued the walk to her door when Riley's voice stopped her.

"Vienna!" She called and she dragged Easton, both coming to meet her.

"Hello Vee" Easton greeted.

"It's Vienna to you" Vee said coldly.

"Oh come on Vee" Easton chuckled.

She looked over at Riley, waiting for her to explain why she had called her back.

"You know..." Riley started, letting go of Easton's arm and walked up to her face. "Easton and I never really broke up. It was just part of our plan. Just mere fun."

Vienna stared angrily at the she-devil. How she wished she could slam her head on the lawn and mow the grasses with her mouth. Riley was just trying to mess with her. She shouldn't let that, but she didn't succeed in hiding her anger.

She knew for sure that through out those two years, Easton had really liked her. But something within her kept questioning. Why then had he cheated on her without any remorse? He didn't even chase after her when Vee caught them. Maybe Riley's words were true. Maybe it had all been for fun to him.

"Oh and I'm staying at Riley's tonight" Easton said breaking her thoughts. "Be sure to keep your ears open for Riley's scream" he smiled mischievously. Riley flipped her shiny black hair in Vee's face and they both walked away, laughing hand in hand.

One could say Vienna and Riley looked alike. They both had the same colour of hair, slender bodies with a nice hourglass shape, only a slight difference in that aspect as Riley's hips were a little broader than Vee's. Meanwhile Riley had small sand brown eyes while Vee had big round black eyes, Riley's skin was perfectly tanned while Vee had smooth baby-white skin. Moreover Riley had lots of tattoos and piercings even on her lips, which had made Vee wonder how they kissed if a ring was always blocking Easton's path.

Vienna stormed into the house in fury, ignoring her parents greetings as she ran upstairs to her room and cried herself to sleep. She only woke up when it was time for dinner and seeing that Leon was still not back, she ate her food quietly and returned back to sleep.


Vee woke up feeling a lot better. She had surprisingly slept very well even though Riley's screams had disturbed her throughout the night. She had a day planned with Phina and Camy so she needed to get dressed for that.

She turned to move out of bed but something was restricting her- an arm. Leon's arm. She turned to look at him. He looked so peaceful as he slept. He was still wearing hisq yesterday's clothes so Vee guessed that he didn't shower when he got back, he probably came back very late.

She laid down again and studied his face, his beautifully sculpted masculine jaw and his nicely shaved beard, his perfect lips that didn't make any sound as he slept. Now she felt embarrassed because she knew she snored sometimes, light snores but still embarrassing seeing that this man didn't.

She moved his dark hair that was dropping down his face away to look at his straight long lashes. They were even longer and darker than hers. Damn! He was just crafted into perfection.

Suddenly Leon's eyes opened. They didn't flutter to give Vee a sign that he was waking up. They just opened, those almond-shaped dark brown eyes staring at her. She wanted to move away from him but his arm was still around her waist, keeping her in place.

He stared at her for a while before he removed his hand from her and sat up. "Good morning" he greeted, his voice husky and sweet, Vienna almost melted.

"Morning" Vee sat up and looked at him.

"I'm sorry uhh.." Leon said. He used his hand to brush his hair to a presentable style. "I got back very late and the doors were locked so I just climbed in here... I think"

Vienna leaned closer and sniffed the air around him. "Have you been drinking?"

"Um, I'll just go freshen up."

"Answer me Leon" Vee insisted.

"Okay, fine. Um, my parents- my parents called... and they um, they were talking about- our marriage" he said looking at her.

Vienna sighed. Were these people still bent on getting them married? "Okay but you got a text and you looked really upset about it" Vienna pressed on.

"Ofcourse I was upset. My mum was asking me if I had met you yet and if we were already doing the baby making dance"

Vienna gaped in surprise, a smile on her face. "What?" She laughed. "Okay but that doesn't mean you should be that mad. You almost broke your phone. I would be surprised if I don't see a crack on it."

"It is enough reason to me Anna. Why do you think I left New York?" He stood up. "I'll go freshen up. I'll meet you downstairs for breakfast." He said and left.

Vienna couldn't help but laugh. She hoped her parents wouldn't hop on on this crazy train. They had left the topic of marrying Leon since she started dating Easton, but she wondered if they would continue, now that they knew about their breakup.

Leon had breakfast with Vee and her parents at the table. Mr and Mrs Devel kept staring at both of them, looking for a change in how they behaved. Vienna gave them that look that said 'stay off our business'.

But it seemed her mother didn't notice her look or she just chose to ignore it, because the next moment she was asking a very disturbing question. "So Leon, I saw you sneaking out of Vee's room this morning."

Leon choked on his pancakes and coughed loudly. Vee on the other hand glared at her mother.

"I wasn't sneaking out Sasha, I just happened to spend the night there"

Vee looked at him in surprise and her parents' eyes widened in excitement. Realizing what his words could have meant, Leon tried to clear the misunderstanding but Vee's mum was already squealing like a little girl and her dad was smiling broadly, as if congratulating them.

'Look what you did' Vee said to Leon with her eyes.

"Oh really!" Sasha exclaimed, controlling her excitement. "Did you guys do the dance?"

'Oh Lord open the ground and swallow me' Vee said to herself at her mum's words. She gaped at the one she called 'mother', acting like a child.

"Oh yes, did you?" Her dad was suddenly looking at Leon. "I heard screaming last night, was that Vee?" he was practically begging Leon to say yes.

Leon looked at Vienna miserably.

"Aww baby did you enjoy it?" Her mum asked.

"Okay this is just disgusting." Vee stood up and carried her plate of food with her.

"Frank I'll leave now" Leon said to Vee's dad and was about to stand when the man held him down.

"No sit, sit. Tell us about it. Did she give you a hard time?"

"We didn't do anything. I just came back really late and the door was locked so I used Vienna's window"

"Oh Leon, you know we always keep a spare key under the flower pot. It's been ours and your parents' tradition for years" Sasha said.

"Now tell us, no need to get shy" Frank said.

"We could give you some tips. We've been doing this for over 23 years now." Sasha smiled at him.

Leon could only bow his head in distress as they continued throwing questions they knew they wouldn't get answers to.