
A Tale of the Called

In a world of magic and sword, a young sorceress whose family was exiled by the king 200 years ago is now the first in generations who can return and live in the capital. However, the road is long and dangerous, and deadly encounter forces her to use one of her great-grandfather's old scrolls. The scroll, to her surprise, summons a warrior, and the bond is created between the two.

TheDarkestDark · Fantaisie
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12 Chs

Stronghold Town Farethwall - Part I

Coachman continued to drive the carriage west. In time, they could no longer see mountains, entering plains where forests, fields and steppes were intermingled. People could be seen working the fields, while wild game kept appearing as the carriage went through forests and plains.

Anneternia was a vast country, with a varied terrain, and rich natural resources, hence its involvement in many conflicts throughout the history. Due to frequent wars, more and more people started gathering in larger cities, leading to a situation where some regions became heavily populated, while other would have only smaller settlements scattered around.

Region in which Katarina lived until now was one of those with much smaller population. The reason why people were not choosing Anneternian Highlands as the place to live in was its location near the border. The neighboring country, Gearmaac, might have been long past its glory, but because of it having integrity issues, there were many skirmishes in the borderland. Insecurity was the main reason why this part of Anneternia was one of the economically weakest areas.

After seeing the central region, Kat finally knew how huge was the gap. People here had both better clothing and housing, and looked much healthier in general. Of course, she did not have a lot to complain about back at home, but the disparity still felt unfair. Despite wanting her family to return back to former glory, and being grateful for getting a chance to join the Academy, Katarina wondered if the ruler is aware of how is the country outside of their close backyard.

As she continued to stay lost in thought, the dusk started slowly approaching, but when looking through the window, there were no settlements in the vicinity.

- Mister, how far to our first stop? - Zahn asked the coachman.

- I'd like to tell you we are close, young sir - said the man - but we won't make it to our next stop before the night falls. Horses don't feel well, despite the previous stops.

- I hope we don't run in more trouble - Zahn sat back down, and started talking to Kat - It's been some magical beasts, then bandits in a matter of days. I'd prefer to get a breather.

- I couldn't agree more - Katarina started looking through her belongings - I've already used one of oldest and expensive scrolls - she gave Zahn a short look when she said that - and even went through magic exhaustion. I'd prefer to be in top shape for Academy trials.

- So what are these trials exactly? - asked Krista, who started becoming more talkative lately - You keep talking about them, miss Kat.

The way foxman girl was saying her name, always made Katarina smile, and it was no different this time.

- For me, and those with recommendation, it will be a test for so-called affinity, meaning they will check what kind of magic suits me best, to assign me to correct teachers - she started explaining - For others, like Zack, going for open trials, it will be a more general check for magic aptitude followed by the same affinity test I will have. If they pass, of course.

- Does it mean we could try to? - Skipper became interested out of sudden - Maybe we could use magic too?

Katarina smiled even wider. Foxmen, as beastmen having deep connection to nature had a good chance to be capable of using nature-bound sorcery. However, beastmen mages would rarely appear in Academy's history, since most capable ones learned straight from elders in their tribes, eventually becoming shamans. Still, there was no need for Krista and Skipper to bother due to one reason.

- Academy is aimed at advanced magical studies so you'd be considered too young. But no worries, we are taking you as our attendants so you will be taking part in our classes regardless. I heard some people decide to become attentands just to participate in lectures.

- I wonder if I can make it through. It's all quite new to me.

To Zahn, tagging along was the only way he could think of as a way of returning to his own world. If there was any chance of going back, he had no other choice, but to rely on magic. Nevertheless, acting as a mage with no basic knowledge, thinking of studying among mages made Zahn feel out of place.

Kat, on the other hand, behave as if he had already passed all the trials and was about to join her at studies.

- C'mon, Zack, they will go crazy about having a swordmage! I'd say they will do everything to keep you.

- I still don't quite get what's so special. How's this swordmage thing different from what you do?

Katarina made a know-it-all face before she started answering.

- Listen, there are many types of magic. Most of people simply tend to separate the types between elements, even though it's not what magic is really about. You don't force elements to affect the environment. It's the other way round: you affect, or maybe alter the environment to manifest the phenomena. Magic is a kind of mechanism, and the type should refer to the way you operate that mechanism.

- Okay, how does it work for swordmages then? Can you give me an example how swordmages are different?

Kat wondered for a moment, and then - unexpectedly - shot a burst of air into Zahn's face, causing his hair to tangle.

- Wait, what was that about?

- Something that will help you understand. Why do you think it was air and not water I've used just now?

Zahn was looking at her for a moment, confused, before replying:

- I don't know. Maybe because it wouldn't do any damage?

- Incorrect. Think a bit more.

Zahn squinted his eyes.

- I really have no idea. Because there is a lot of air around?

Katarina clapped her hands.

- You are partially right. It's not mainly because there is a lot of it, but simply because the air was at my hand's reach. This kind of magic is called manipulation. In other words, using the matter around you, making it behave as you wish. Most of people think of it when hearing the word magic. And, honestly speaking, it's something mages mainly rely on. However, it's not the only magic type, it's just the most common one.

- Okay, and the magic swordmages use, what type is it?

The woman smiled.

- There is more than one. What you need for being considered a swordmage are two specific magic types: transformation and interference. Transformation is what allowed you to repair your sword, while this boost in strength you've been mentioning is most likely a result of interference magic.

Zahn nodded, though what he said afterwards was the complete opposite of this reaction:

- I still don't quite get it fully though. How are you able to tell what is the type of magic you see? Isn't transformation like manipulation? You showed me before, that air may behave like you wanted, and putting the steel back together seems similar to me.

- Again, you are partially right. As I said, you affect the world that surrounds you, but manipulation refers to not changing the composition of the material. In other words, manipulation allows you to direct the element, while transformation adjusts its properties, like merging two pieces of blade.

Kat went on the topic further, teaching Zahn more about each magic type. What he learned in the process is that everything comes to ability that allows people to control space around, and magic is categorized by the ways mage uses.

Manipulation was the most basic among all magics, thus commonly interpreted by people as magic itself. It enabled the mage to direct the power of elements as they wished. While being the simplest and the fastest to use, this type had average output. And by output, Katarina meant how much energy could be produced as a result of triggered spell. Important part concerning manipulation was that it did not allow the mage to directly use earth element since earth had to be torn apart before magic could be applied.

Transformation was more advanced type of magic, allowing the mage to modify parameters of elements. This meant one could affect objects and even people, making it possible to repair items and heal people. It was also one of two magics which could directly affect earth and plants, alongside the creation magic.

Interference was used for altering natural laws to an extent, including ability to disrupt the magic activation. By using this magic, mage could not only affect their surroundings, but most of all, their own bodies. Following thorough talk with Katarina, Zahn realized his improved physical abilities were likely a result of subconsciously using this magic.

Last one among magic types was Creation, the most advanced one, which main advantage was possibility of pulling matter not present in mage's vicinity. However, it required a rare affinity and considerable magical power. The best practicioners of this magic were able to bring forth the powerful phenomena, though cost was also considerable. This magic allowed summoning too. Kat did not really brag about this, but her ability was one of a kind - even swordmages were not that rare as creators.

Speaking of swordmages, their rareness came from unusual combination of magic types they could use alongside melee combat skills. As it turned out, the term swordmage came from the past where warriors learning the way of the sword would obtain ability to use magic through experience gained in combat. Nowadays, those who had swordmage skills were taught alongside mages, and seeing Zahn, so-called "natural" was uncommon.

In Kat's eyes, ability to use magic types which required completely opposite aptitudes was amazing, and the chance to travel with the person, who could use such magic felt like a great opportunity to learn about the roots of magic. And what she showed the most interest in was interference magic - apparently, mages who could disrupt other's magic were not that unique, but those who could affect their own bodies were considered special. Though Katarina did not mention it before, she was really curious about Nier, who also knew how to boost her strengths.

- I didn't notice, but you seem to be very curious about magic - Zahn grew to respect her knowledge after their numerous conversations - So, you know I'm capable of using transformation and interference, and I know about your creation, but can you use any other?

Kat's cheeks gotten pink, and she did not reply immediately. The silence went for a longer while before she finaly said:

- I can use each type, though I'm supposed to keep this a secret. I was told that even in my family it's a rare gift. Even Keitharnon was not capable of that. I'm telling you that because I consider you a friend.

Most mages knew manipulation to begin with, and being capable of using two types was already a pretty big deal. Even kids were aware.

- So, are you like those elementalists? - asked Krista with sparkly eyes - I saw a show they made in our city.

Katarina suddenly got worried. Talking about past meant that little foxmen would remember their parents, and she did not want them to start crying, but it looked like both Krista and Skipper were too focused on listening to her talking about magic.

- Not exactly - she said calmly - Elementalists are those who can us magic to handle various elements, and this has nothing to do with magic type. It's elemental affinity that allows mages to work with specific elements. And they can use various magic types to do that.

- So it means I won't be able to use fire, even if I'm a swordmage, but have no elemental affinity for fire? - wondered Zahn.

- Yes, you are correct. Magic is a really complex topic.

The man nodded with a smile on his face.

- It seems I've got a lot to learn.

- Well, I'll help you however I can. Besides, Academy exists for the very purpose of teaching. All you need is desire to study. Speaking of which, can I examine your body a bit? Studying it may let me learn something about your interference magic.

Since the moment she summoned him, they had limited time to spend together, whether it was on the road, in Valator or in the village where they met Nier and Layla. And all that time, Kat used for educating Zahn about the new world he came to, disregarding her own wishes to some extent.

When Katarina gave it a bit of thought, it seemed she became reluctant about asking him for favors, being afraid his straightforward acceptance was a result of a contract they might have due to the magic of the scroll she used in that forest. Since Kat never had close friends her age when she was a child, she wanted her relation with Zahn to be true, and not hindered by magic. She realized that, after feeling relieved by him declining this sudden request.

- Please, don't treat me like a some interesting case - Zahn straightened up on his seat - Besides, this is not a good time and place to take off the armor.

Katarina agreed by nodding - he was absolutely right, loosening up after the dusk outside human settlements was not something considered wise. Aside from that, after giving it a bit of thought, checking his body when he did not need sharpened senses or stronger muscles would have been pointless - considering studies of magic circuits, of course.

Obviously, her idea was completely useless in this circumstances, and there was another way to actually try and see if this interference Zahn kept using subconsciously stayed active at all times. Mages were mostly able to find others with magic powers, though the ability differed between individuals. In case of Kat, she would feel a certain sensation in contact with another person, though it was unlikely to feel any shock related to magic flow when it's static. Still, whenever she would come upon active magic of another person, Katarina would experience a specific feeling, something like a need prick or a shiver - although the people who she used as reference were her family members. Nevertheless, why did she not think about this way before and wanted to examine Zahn's body?

This another way was much faster after all. Without giving it another thought, she touched his hand, and - as expected - there was not such sensation as the one she used to get in contact with magic, but she also started to blush at the same time.

"Why am I such a kid?" she asked herself, noticing her cheeks got hot. Surely, even in her world's standards, Zahn was - without a doubt - an attractive man, however, Kat could not afford to feel like that. Better focus on studies.

While she got lost in thoughts, Skipper used this time to talk to young knight. Apparently, the young foxman respected his "big brother" so much that he wanted to grow the same. The thing wasm foxmen's built was usually slender, and they rarely had muscular bodies like Zahn. Kat knew that Skippy was unlikely to ever grow like that, and should rather make use of other strong points of his race, but she did not want to decline this dream.

- We are entering the town! - announced coachman, while having the carriage slow down.

Since the darkness has already fallen, the gate was closed, and they had to wait for the guards to come outside for making a standard check-up at such hour.

- I'm going outside, just in case - said Zahn.

Kat only nodded, though she felt her companion got way too careful. Surely, they went through couple accidents from the moment Zahn was summoned into this world, but there was always a limit to bad luck one could have. While she did not feel they needed to be on alert, Katarina heard from him that her attitude is too carefree.

When Zahn decided to go out, Skipper wanted to get off along - this request was declined straight off though.

As the young knight got outside, the other three were observing what was happening through carriage's windows.

Needless to say, the group has already left the most dangerous area, and being in the town's vicinity meant only senseless monsters or most desperate bandits were the only ones to try something.

Kat knew that, and - as she expected - nothing unusual was happening around. After a moment, the large gate opened slightly and four guards emerged, fully armed.

Coachman did most of the talking, though guards got really interested in Zahn, who went to them wearing his combat suit. For some reason, whenever it came to soldiers, this one companion of Katarina would always became a center of attention - it looked like the way he moved and handled himself was enough to understand the man was skillful. Still, she did not get that all since she was no soldier.

After a longer while, guards went back and opened the gate. They did not even go closer to the carriage. Of course, based on the tall walls and how sturdy the gate was, the only reason why the townspeople could get afraid would have been an open war, or a powerful draege coming from the sky. It was the first time Kat saw such powerful fortifications in the town, even Valator could not compare.

- What was that about? - asked Katarina - They didn't even come to check on us.

Zahn laughed, unexpectedly.

- Daughter of one of those guards came of age and the guards have a big celebration ongoing. They even asked if I'm married, since the man looks for a son-in-law. We have also learned that man's wife runs an inn, called The Roses or something. The very moment we agreed to stay there, they let us in without any questions.

- Oh, is that so? - Kat said that, puting - Good for you. I guess, you won't be getting to Academy with us?

- What are you going about? I didn't even meet that girl.

Their foxmen comrades started laughing, mentioning their parents used to be the same, what made Katarina and Zahn blush. This silly argument came to an end before it even started, and - definitely - it was for the best.

The gate was closed the very moment carriage pased through. The town they arrived at used to be a fortress before creation of Anneternia, known as Wartzwal stronghold at the time, and currently called Farethwall. Fortifications remembering numerous wars were preserved and still in use, but aside from that, not much was left from the town's military past - only barracks and old metal tower, said to be built long before the stronghold was erected.

As the carriage continued to run through the street made of rocks, everyone could see the tower from within. Kat, who read about this building years ago, recalled that its original function was unknown despite long studies conducted by most renowned scholars.

She only learned that the tower was two times higher than Royal Palace in capital, and nearly of the same width. But when compared, Royal Palace had beautiful stone walls, glass windows and numerous decorations. while the metal construction from Farethwall looked like a skeleton with only metal framework - no walls, no floors, like a building which someone started constructing and dropped the idea after shaping it up.

Knowing only a bit from the text she read, Katarina expected the tower - referred to as The Metal Skeleton by the locals - to be nothing more than a pure curiosity. Neverhteless, once seeing it with her own eyes, she started wondering who would come up with such idea, and why. No matter the size, but the sole construction was completely different in terms of applied methods.

From the sights of it, stone blocks required to fill in the gaps between metal beams would have to weigh dozens of tonnes and the people making this building needed a way to pull them this high. Many theoretized about the means to achieve that, basing their works on analyzing similar structures throughout the continent, but none of theories could explain how such large pieces were put together and whoever came with a new idea would always end up with theory being refuted. They were most often refuted completely, though some included points on which many agreed, like usage of machines that were no longer known. However, no one was able to find out more details.

The biggest problem in uncovering the truth about metal buildings was the church, which openly considered studying the old machinery to be a blasphemy, resulting in ostracizing many of the scholars. While learning about buildings was acceptable, there were even some exceptions considering specific objects metal constructions were made of, additionally limiting the possibilities scholars had. And the church's approach continued to be adjusted over years, so one could never know if they were going to be attacked for their work, should church's authorities deem it improper, like recent talk concerning lances that used to be sticking from The Metal Skeleton's top.

Being aware of church's standing, Kat was actually happy magic was openly considered a gift from the god, and not treated like studying the ancient technologies, which she found to be simply stupid, though never said that openly.

Contrary to her, Zahn never saw or heard about something like that before coming to this world. The very first time he came into contact with ancient constructions made of metal was back in Valator, when they were wandering around the Metal Market.

Based on their talks until now, it seemed that architecture in Anneternia was much more advanced than what he remembered from the place he was born, and even now Zahn kept looking at town's building with visible admiration.

- I wonder if I ever get to see such buildings back at my hometown - he spoke out loud.

- Are houses in mountains that different? - Skipper asked out of curiosity.

Obviously, Zahn was talking about his world, where building techniques were nowhere close to what he saw in Anneternia, but they were supposed to keep Zahn's identity a secret, at least for now.

- Well, wood is the main material in mountains, something you can easily get - this was in fact true, that is why Katarina could explain without making up lies - Besides, stone constructions require more work.

The inn, where the group was about to stay was located in the southern part of town. Since they entered through the eastern gate of Farethwall, and The Metal Skeleton stood firmly in the center, turning towards inn meant they could no longer see the tower.

But the tower was not the only attraction in this town. Apparently, people of Farethwall were not the type to go to sleep early, as they kept seeing pedestrians walking through the streets. It was possible to wander around thanks to numerous street lamps, and guards were on patrols, keeping an eye on anything suspicious.

- Remember how captain Serj they are short-handed? - Zahn talked to Kat as they passed another two guards on the way - It doesn't look this city has such problems.

Katarina shrugged.

- We are closer to the capital, so maybe that's the reason? I don't know, I'm a mage, not a governor.

- Usually, you put strong defenses around borders, but it didn't seem like that back in highlands. Even though I get the terrain gives you a lot of advantage, the way soldiers are stationed seems weird.

- Well, we are not rulers, so there's nothing we can do about that.

Carriage has finally stopped by the three-story building, located nearby a small market. A wooden sign with sculptured roses was hanging on a metal pole. The building was much bigger than Kat expected, and it also had its own stables so there was enough space to leave the carriage too.

Coachman went to park the carriage, while the others entered the inn. Main entrance led them into a spacious main hall that also acted as a tavern, though there were not too many clients inside - from the looks of it, over the half of spots were not taken.

However, their main aim was to get some lodgings, thus they all went to the counter, where two inkeeper ladies were talking - both were pretty, but there was a visible age gap between those women. Looking at them, anyone would notice resemblance - a mother and her daughter were likely the family of the guard.

- Oh, so you are the man guys mentioned - talked the mother, whose name was Bellarose - They didn't mention the bigger company, though. And not mentioning such a beautiful girl - she added, looking at Kat - Though my Annarose is also a cutie.

When Katarina looked at Annarose for a bit longer, she thought the word "cutie" was not describing that girl well. This Annarose was slightly taller than Kat, and more "curvy", though indeed had a pretty features, definitely coming from her mother. Katarina, on the other hand, was slender, but did not feel inferior towards slightly younger woman. Still, seeing how well-endowed she were, especially concerning her bust, Kat felt strangely competitive out of sudden.

- So, the inn is called that way after your names - asked Zahn.

- Originally, it was after grandma's - explained Annarose - The inn belonged to grandpa, and our names continue the tradition which started with grandma.

- You are Annarose, your mom is Bellarose, and your grandma? - Krista was really interested in the story.

- Her name was Milarose.

Both women were really talkative, which was actually usual trait for an inkeeper. Still, it was already late and they were quite tired.

- We need two rooms, please - requested Kat.

Annarose was the one taking care of the register.

- One with double-bed and one with two beds?

Katarina's face got red instantly.

- Two rooms with two beds - Zahn corrected the young inkeeper - Also, our coachman should be here soon, so he will need a room too.

- Oh, I'm sorry about misunderstanding. We've got plenty of free rooms on the top floor.

- Yeah, business is not going that well lately. All this commotion at the western border makes people less likely to travel - Bellarose complained - and, as you probably know, east had its own issues going for years already.

Kat had a chance to experience the problems in the east not so long ago, but with situation being no better in west, she was worried the country may soon fall into the fight on two fronts, causing chaos. While fighting in the east became something everyone got used to due to their neighboring country Gearmaac being in constant turmoil, following the issues with establishing government, west Berchium was known for its stability.

- I didn't hear anything about relations with Berchium going bad - Katarina wanted Bellarose to tell her more - We had no such news.

- Probably because that's something that came up only recently. Apparently, the royal family got assassinated and the country went under military control. Good thing we have the people from Soko coming here recently, else the business would have to rely mainly on north.

- So it's about business? You are not worried about the safety?

- My husband is an army guard, so I hear this and that. While both Gearmaac and Berchium are unstable at the moment, their military strength is not high enough to expect aggression. Besides, our rulers secured the capital and closest cities.

"Too bad they don't seem to care about people living close to borders that much", thought Kat, hearing Bellarose's reply. Her family had to stay in Highlands for invitation was precisely addressed to Katarina d'Ors Sophors, and not anyone else from Sophors.

Surely, internal disputes in Gearmaac were common and heavily undermining its international standing, but it was not something that could stop groups of brigands from raiding settlements located near the borders. Good thing the home she grew up in was built in an area considered hard to reach even for locals.

Either way, Kat decided they have learned all they needed for now from the inkeeper lady, so continuing the conversation was not necessary. However, Zahn seemed really interested in the news from the world, thus he decided to stay a bit longer. And Kat could not blame him for wanting to learn as much as possible about the state of affairs - after all, she had limited knowledge about the current world, and there was a limit to how much she could teach him.

Now that Katarina gave it a bit of thought, it felt as a real waste to just leave like that. To begin with, it was not like her usual self to just skip the opportunity to learn something. She did not want to admit that, but deep down, she actually felt something like jealousy about Zahn spending time with others, women specifically. Of course, Kat was the one who performed the summoning with her own powers, connecting their lives, so they already had a special connection, but it did not mean she could treat him like her property, and she definitely did not want that.

The situation was even more problematic as it was hard for her to understand her own feelings at this point since she knew that among summoning side effects, there could be specific effect affecting one's perception in summoner-summoned relation. To make it short - Katarina could not tell whether what she felt came from herself or from the spell. Still, it was not like that at the start, and the feelings seemed to evolve over time.

In the end, she did not interrupt Zahn's conversation, and left him alone with inkeepers. No matter the feelings, he was the only person Kat could fully trust. Of course, main reason for that was related to connection between the two created by summoning spell, which made it nearly impossible for the Called to deny the summoner, but Zahn was also a really honorable man who would keep his word no matter what.


The group woke up early in the morning, just after the sunrise. The plan was to leave just after having a breakfast. However, following the commotion they have encountered in the inn, things got complicated once again - apparently, there was an incident which forced the guards to close the gates shut.

Trying to learn about situation, they reached to Annarose, who was taking care of the inn by herself at that moment. The young inkeeper was as talkative as on the previous day.

- Some people from Ba'ji Ridou got into the town. You sure know who they are, right? I heard they came to investigate The Metal Skeleton. I mean, their culture is different, but still, doing something like that...

Katarina told Zahn only a bit about ethnology in her world, and hoped he will not ask some weird question. Fortunately, it looked like the maneither got gist of it or simply decided to leave anything unclear for later.

Even though Nature Church continued to be restrictive about anything related to the Cult of Metal, closing out the city because of Ba'ji Ridou coming to check something seemed like a really serious exaggeration, thus Kat had some additional questions to ask.

- Did stuff like this happen in the past?

- Not sure - Annarose looked as if she was trying to browse through some distant memories - Many come each year, for research, often from other countries where Nature Church holds no power, but they usually reach to the mayor first, who then declines, because of church.

- Maybe those people lost their patience and acted up? - suggested Zahn.

The innkeeper shrugged.

- Honestly, I have no idea why someone would want to investigate such a place. Since I was a child, I kept thinking why do the people keep this thing standing. Then, I heard none of experts could find a way to dismantle it without damaging nearby area. That's just stupid. Sooner or later, even if they don't touch it, the tower will simply fall down on its own.

Kat did not say that loud, but she actually never understood why would anyone care about people checking some old ruins, and made it forbidden in the process. Her famly members were never fans of Nature Church. Though she did not know the full story, her predecessors learned about a lot of bad things the church did in order to enforce their rules.

Forbidding the people to learn about the past, about their history, was something she - as a mage - simply could not comprehend. In magic works, history was important as knowing the roots of magic was the key in understanding various appliances, and also in its development. So, if there could be a chance for people incapable of using magic to learn anything from the ruins, she would never blame them if they wished for it.

- I still find closing out the whole town as a stupid idea - Kat was straightforward about this whole situation - If the gates are closed, no one can leave, that's true, but didn't they forget that this Ba'ji Ridou clan has flying carriages, or ships, or whatever they call them? Wouldn't it be much easier for them to flee that way?

- Don't worry, young lady. These blasphemous machines won't fly through this sky - the voice belonged to a man in his thirties, wearing a brown garment with a moss-like collar.

Seeing the man, Annarose bowed her head and spoke with respect:

- Deakkor Garland, it is a great honor to have you visit our inn. How can I help you?

Deakkors were priests of high standing within the Nature Church. This man, called Garland, came in with several other men, wearing also brown, but less decorative garments.

- It's an official business I have here, Annarose. I'm sorry for saying that, but I got to the Roses hoping to run into your mother. You should know well that she's best at gathering information.

- Sadly, mom also left for business early in the morning, and this whole lockdown means it will take her much longer.

- Well, that's too bad. If that's the case, I'll have another thing handled at your inn before leaving.

- And that is?

- Oh, nothing much. I just need the guestbook.

Annarose looked at daekkor with visible suspicion.

- You are aware that sharing such information without being shown an official warrant is considered a crime?

- Sure. The church always follows the law - Garland passed her a paper with an official seal - Please, read it thoroughly, though I'd prefer if you assisted us immediately. It's a matter of utmost importance and we cannot just waste time by sitting idly.

Despite all the respectful behavior the young innkeeper showed to the man from Nature Church, she looked displeased about the document he brought. Nevertheless, Annarose passed the thick book to daekkor.

The man went through several pages in a short moment, gave several orders, and turned his face towards Kat and her group.

- Well now. I heard you're mage and knight candidates, so I don't really expect you to be any of those blasphemous technology lovers, but I still need to investigate properly. You see, there's a strict protocol we need to follow in such situations.

- Sure, we will cooperate - Katarina announced that immediately, knowing it is the best course of action - It's not like we have anything else to do, being imprisoned inside the town after all.

The young sorceress, though ready to work with the church, was doing that only because of the standing this religious organization had, and could not stop herself from being sarcastic. However, daekkor Garland continued to handle the case with a straight face.

- I can assure you this precaution is not baseless - he seemed to fully believe his own words - and it will be lifted once investigation is over.

Zahn, who was only listening until now, finally decided to join the conversation.

- And how long would that be? - he asked - A day? Week? Month? If you wander around inns, it looks like you don't have a clue where those people are. Speaking of which? What in the world did they do to get the whole church chasing them?

Daekkor sighed, but slightly smiled after a moment, though his eyes showed a completely different emotion.

- First of all, I'm the one who will be asking questions here, and not you, boy - his voice sounded slightly threatening - So, please be so kind and only answer my questions from this moment. I've already spent way too much time on pointless chitchat with you all.

In the end, Garland did not tell them a thing about the case he was on, and only asked them quite a number of questions, mostly concerning their origins, where did they come from, and what kind of business they have in the town. Finally, they searched through their belongings, which was the worst part for Kat, whose face became red when the officials got to her clothing, including underwear. She was even more embarassed since they searched her and Zahn's stuff at the same time, and they had to be both present during the search.

After the Nature Church concluded investigation on Katarina's group, conclusion was there were no suspicious items in their possesion. While this results was something to be expected, and officials leaving came as a big relief, they left a big mess.

- I'm sorry I could not stop them - Annarose apologized immediately after daekkor Garland left with his men - I hate how they force their rules on everyone.

- But aren't you a believer? - Kat asked, pointing at leaf pendant the inkeeper wore, a sign of Nature Church.

- Oh, you mean this? - Annarose put the leaf on palm of her hand - I don't mix faith with church, I consider these to be different matters. I told you that I don't understand those who barge into the ruins, and work on this technology stuff, but it doesn't mean I support how the church treats those people.

She started helping Kat with tiding up the mess, and continued talking:

- This has to stay between us, but you must know that not everyone in Nature Church is a nice, nature-loving priest. Some of them are really nasty, and daekkor Garland is one of such people. I don't know how much longer you will be staying here, but you'd better not get involved with him.

- So that's why you changed that much when talking to him? - asked Zahn.

- Like I said, he isn't a good person, but Garland is of high standing in Farethwall, so you shouldn't do anything unpleasant towards him if you wish to keep living a calm life. Though it's not the only reason why I don't like this man. Apparently, he approached my parents about marrying me, but never talked to me directly, so I could decline. He treats women like objects, this scoundrel.

Katarina immediately connected the dots.

- Isn't this the reason why your parents want to marry you so soon?

Annarose nodded, and looked at Zahn.

- I'm sorry about my parents - she said to him - Not that I wouldn't be interested, but I don't want to be the third wheel.

The young innkeeper looked at Kat, who blushed.

- It's not like...

She started whispering, and Annarose quickly interrupted her.

- So, does it mean it's okay for me...?

Katarina made the answer obvious, causing the innkeeper to laugh really loud. The third person, who was the main topic here, did not hear a thing they whispered about.