
A Tale of the Called

In a world of magic and sword, a young sorceress whose family was exiled by the king 200 years ago is now the first in generations who can return and live in the capital. However, the road is long and dangerous, and deadly encounter forces her to use one of her great-grandfather's old scrolls. The scroll, to her surprise, summons a warrior, and the bond is created between the two.

TheDarkestDark · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Stronghold Town Farethwall - Part II

Finally having room and their belongings tidied up, Kat and Zahn decided to have a look around the town, taking both foxmen children, Skipper and Krista, with them.

Since Kat's group had everything to continue their travel to capital, they were only doing window shopping, checking out stores and sightseeing to kill time until they could leave the town.

At the very first glance, daily lives continued as usual - merchants and craftsmen opened their shops and booths, people were walking the streets and doing their jobs in general. However, it was only the case away from the gates.

As they were passing by one of these, they could see group of townspeople crowding and shouting at guards, wanting to go outside. Obviously, not all the people could carry out their jobs within the walls, and leaving fields and livestock kept outside unattended or with limited hands to work did not seem like a good idea. No wonder the decision caused a huge uproar, and - to be honest - Katarina would not be surprised if this ended up in riot.

- This really looks pointless - she said as they walked away from the gate, and could barely hear the shouts - I simply can't imagine anyone chased by the church staying in the town. Besides, what's so bad with them checking out the ruins? I keep wondering why they would care? I mean, they are against reviving this ancient technology, but is it really so bad to go so far?

Zahn was listening to her all the time, and wanted to say something, when he suddenly pushed Kat and kids away, raising his shield. A moment after, a loud clang echoed as sword hit the shield.

Unknown male of strong build, wearing armor, appeared out of nowhere, attacking them. Good thing Zahn managed to react, defending Katarina, Skipper and Krista.

- Hey, what's this about!? - Kat immediately stood up and shouted at the man.

But the man did not answer, completely focused on Zahn, who managed to match his speed and counterattack. Still, even when pushed back, this stranger did not answer as if he could not hear anything around him.

Katarina kept her distance, observing the situation and assessing whether the man calms down or not. After a longer while of Zahn holding him down, she decided there is no point to hesitate, and used the nearby fountain's water to cool the stranger's hot head.

The man froze for a moment, with his eyes looking at Kat, as if he was about to attack her. However, before he could move, a woman wearing mages' clothing jumped out from the crowd, kicking the man in the butt, shouting at him:

- What the hell are you doin', ya idiot!? Who told you run around attackin' people, ya dimwit!?

The man who was completely silent until now, finally spoke with a rough voice:

- But they match the description! Pretty, young woman wearing light clothing and having blonde hair, and a man wearing a suit of armor, armed with a sword, dark haired, well-built.

What this guy said seemed to Kat as if he was complimenting the two.

Hearing these words, his companion sighed.

- And you forgot one important piece of info, stupid! Robbers are from Ba'ji Ridou, so they are unlikely to use any kind of magic. And those two just did, right?

The man blinked, suddenly realizing something.

- You... you are right, now that I think about it - he immediately bowed to Kat and Zahn - I'm sorry for jumping to conclusions.

That sudden change in behavior surprised Kat's group, and they kept fairly safe distance now.

While Katarina let her guard down, Zahn only lowered the sword, still keeping the shield up.

- Now, I think we deserve an explanation - said Kat, looking at the two - Who are you and why did you attack us? Depending on your answer, we will decide what to do with this situation.

The man, appearing powerful and fearless just a while ago, looked panicked now, contrary to his female companion, who kept her calm.

- I'm really sorry for my dimwit comrade's behavior - the woman came up front, also bowing - We both belong to Mercenary Guild. This stupid muscleman is Brandon, though everyone calls him Bran. And I'm Gaelle. Please forgive him for the rash behavior. You probably heard this already, but there were people who broke the rule concernin' The Metal Skeleton, and Nature Church forced the gates to be closed. I don't know the details, but apparently they took somethin' and the church put a wanted poster, so we decided to pursue the case. Not only for the bounty, we simply need to leave the town, else we fail another contract.

- Is it common for you to attack anyone who matches the description from the poster? - Zahn was still angry, especially since this Bran guy cut him - What will you say about that? - he showed a cut on his right arm, a wound Kat did not notice earlier.

- We will pay for all the damage done. Just please, don't report this to the guild.

Gaelle bowed even more.

- Isn't it already too late though? - Kat asked, pointing at guards who just appeared.

In this very moment, she also showed a sign of panicking, but tried to stay calm.

- Only if you said you were attacked, but if you could, for example, say it was just a spar...

Zahn did not look very keen on agreeing. However, he left decision to Katarina, who decided to play along with mercenaries, all to avoid getting too much attention, and maybe getting something more in return.

Following discussion with the guards, they have paid fine, or rather mercenaries covered all costs related to the commotion and damages caused.

Now that the problem got solved, Kat and her group could continue sightseeing, but she decided to use this opportunity to learn a bit more about so-called robbery case involving Ba'ji Ridou.

- I didn't get this information from daekkor Garland, but since you are familiar with the case, you may be able to help me understand - she started talking - How high are the chances those people are still in the town? According to Garland, they could not get any flying ship to the sky above, though I find it hard to believe. Even with magic, it would have been hard.

- You are absolutely right about magic bein' insufficient for coverin' such area with a barrier - agreed Gaelle - Though it's not like it's impossible, I heard what Farethwell has isn't magic-based barrier. Apparently, they have some kind of device that creates a barrier.

- A barrier created by a device? You mean like in technology? Isn't the church against such stuff?

Both Gaelle and her comrade, Bran, smiled sarcastically.

- Nature Church is openly an enemy of technology, but people say they are actually investigatin' the ruins themselves. Not sure if it's true, though it makes more sense to use technology than to wield such magic power. I mean, how many mages would they need for that?

- So, you say it's really possible those people are still in town?

- I'd say it's fifty-fifty, but if the church is so sure, the chance is much higher - Gaelle looked at Bran, who just nodded shortly - You see, church is unlikely to give work to mercenaries. They have their own men, and handle most cases by themselves. Unless they don't want to get their hands dirty, or deal with some shady business.

Zahn sighed.

- The more I hear about Nature Church the more fishy they seem - he said, leaning against the wall - So it's either they want those people killed or it's something about the item they stole.

Gaelle shrugged.

- We've only planned to look for those people, and there was no information about stolen goods to begin with - she explained - Having said that, it's not like it was our main job. As I told you, we just wanted to get the gates open sooner. But this stupid sidekick of mine had to screw up, and not only have we no leads, way too many people know we're also looking for those Ba'ji Ridou now.

Bran started apologizing to Gaelle - the whole scene looked absurdly amusing with this muscleman bowing to this delicate-looking woman, though Kat knew she was actually pretty tough.

- Well, it's about time we left - Kat stood up, having Skipper and Krista follow her - I hope Bran will think before attacking someone the next time.

- Wait a moment, please - Gaelle stopped her from going yet - Listen, they know about us, but you are pretty anonymous in the town. So, I have an offer for you...

Katarina did not need her to say more, she could already tell what this mercenary mage meant.

- You want us to investigate for you, right? But why would we get involved anyways?

- Well, there are two things: endin' the lockdown and earnin' money. Don't you need the money?

Obviously, their party was not well-off, being made of one sorceress from renowned, but impoverished family, one Called and two foxmen. If Kat was to be completely honest, if anything happened, they could only rely on the money Zahn made. Moreover, upon joining the Academy, they will have to find some employment in order to stay in the capital without additional worries.

Still, after meeting church's daekkor, and learning how fishy this whole lockdown was, sticking the nose into such case could mean serious trouble. Besides, they had the two kids with them, so it would be also putting them in danger.

- I get what you may be thinking of, Kat - Zahn whispered to her before she could reply to Gaelle - But I believe we should try helping them out.

- And why do you say that? This man wounded you not so long ago.

- That's unrelated. We don't have any way to leave the town as it stands, so we could do something to get busy at least. Plus, if we do a good job, helping the church may prove useful in future.

What Zahn suggested showed Kat her companion had a cunning side to him. This did not change the fact that getting involved could mean trouble, but possible gain was much more appealing.

- Let's say we help you - she turned to Gaelle - What exactly do you expect from us?

Gaelle's face showed the sight of relief.

- It's not really that much. All we need is trackin' them down.

- The way you said that sounds like some simple matter though - pointed out Zahn - If it was simple, you wouldn't need us to begin with.

- Well, it would be a different matter if my sidekick could behave - Gaelle sighed, looking at Bran, still obviously upset - It's not easy to hide inside the city. There's not many places that would accept shady-lookin' people.

Kat and Zahn looked at each other.

- So you say we looked shady to Bran?

Musclehead mercenary just shrugged.

- You seemed similar - he muttered, showing them the poster.

This was actually the first time they have seen this infamous wanted poster. Upon looking at it, Katarina's face showed slight anger, but Zahn actually burst in laughter.

- I honestly feel sorry for you, Gaelle - he said - Working with someone who jumps to conclusions like that. This poster does not show the actual faces, it's just a rough sketch that doesn't tell you much.

- Are you done yet? - Bran had enough of being criticized - I screwed up, you don't need to dwell on this anymore.

Before parting, Gaelle and Bran shared all information they had with Kat and Zahn. Despite revealing their target, mercenary pair was to continue working as they usually do - unlikely to find the wanted people who would be wary of them, further investigation could make it easier for Kat and Zahn. To stay in contact, Gaelle gave Katarina an enchanted magical earring for fast communication.

Kat knew about these - well-known magical tools used by magicians for hundreds of years already. While basically every magician heard about them, enchanted earrings adjusted for communication were not that easy to come upon and some could be quite expensive, meaning mercenaries they met were quite well-off.

Zahn, who was a visitor in this world, immediately got interested, same as Skipper and Krista.

Katarina did not go into much details, but she mentioned enchanting items was similar to her family's scroll creation skill. Since mages specialized at enchanting had various levels of expertise, the best items could go for really high prices.

- So, how much money would you need for communication earring? - asked Krista.

- I can't tell the exact price. I'm not a specialist - explained Kat - but I know you need ten gold pieces to afford such item, even if of low quality.

Both Krista and Skipper made a loud "wow". No wonder they reacted like that - one cold goin was enough to buy a purebred horse, and ten could get you a small house. The only person who was not amazed by the money was Zahn, who - on the other hand - wondered how this earring worked. Kat told him it was based on telepathy, but it did not help much - Zahn's world had no magic and telepathy was also something unheard of after all.

- Won't wearing this in the open attract too much attention? - he asked Kat as she put the earring on.

- I didn't think of it. You are right, Zack - she replied as she took off the earring and put in her pouch - So what do you think we should do now?

- First of all, let's go back to The Roses. We shouldn't drag the kids around.

Skippy immediately started complaining, but neither Zahn nor Kat changed their minds. Given the clues they got from mercenaries, places they had to visit were not suited for children - more than that, some of them would likely not allow them inside.

That is how the party proceeded back to the inn. As it turned out, Bellarose was not back yet, and whole business stayed in Annarose's hands.

- You are back already? - Annarose looked surprised seeing them at inn - Weren't you going sightseeing?

- It's not like that. We have a couple of things to take care of, but it may be too much for Krista and Skipper.

Having listened to Kat's explanation, Annarose gave her and Zahna a look full of suspicion, and whispered to Katarina.

- Isn't it just the two of you wanting some time alone?

Katarina blushed and quickly denied.

- It's not like that! Could you just look after the kids?

The young inkeeper sighed.

- I'm quite busy on my own to be honest. But, since they are your attendants, they should know how to do simple chores?

- Of course, we can - Skipper said that immediately, pouting - We were doing chores to help our parents.

- Ok then. If you are fine with that, I can keep an eye on them as they help me around the inn. Is that okay?

- As long as you don't make them do too much.

That way, two foxmen stayed at The Roses, allowing Kat and Zahn to go around the town, investigating.

Gaelle shared with them quite a number of clues, including places known for dealing with shady stuff - not only inns, but also shops and brothels.

- Where do you think we should start? - Kat asked Zahn once they got out of The Roses.

Zahn looked at the simple map Gaelle prepared for them. Farethwall was a big city so each district had their own share of shady places.

- We need to think like runaways - he said - This city is a real fortress so forcing the way through the walls will surely prove hard. Still, they have to pass them somehow to get out of here. I doubt the would stay anyway in the centre then. Our best bet is to check places located close to walls or gates, possibly with good view at their target.

Kat sighed.

- Most of the inns are located close to the gates and by the main roads. But shops and brothels are a different matter. If this is a correct way, we cut the number of places to visit by a half - she kept marking location on the map while speaking - Now, which part of the city should we start with?

- With nearly no info, I have no idea. Those Ba'ji Ridou, what do you know about them?

Kat closed her eyes, which has always helped her to recall the old texts she read.

- They are nomads, so they travel around, but originally come from the south. I heard they investigate the technology they found, making vehicles and stuff. Supposedly, there is a lot of metal ruins on southern deserts, and that's why most of Ba'ji Ridou can be met there.

Zahn nodded.

- If that's the case, let us start with area around the southern gate - he suggested.

Expecting people originating from the south trying to run into this very direction was the obvious conclusion, so obvious that Zahn actually considered going different way since the criminals could do that just to outwit pursuers. However, at the same time, they could go with simple solution in case pursuers overthink their strategy. Therefore, since they had to start somewhere, the most obvious scenario was the best way for newbie mercenary wannabies.

- We have five places marked in that area - Kat pointed out at the map - Two inns, two shops and... one brothel - her cheeks became pink just by saying that word.

- Inns would be the very first place to visit for gathering intel - said Zahn - Unless we contact Gaelle to consult.

Kat shook her head.

- I'd rather skip on that. Item she gave us sure is nice and all, but it uses a considerable amount of magical energy over time. It's wiser to contact them only when we absolutely needed.

- So we go to inns first then.

There was a lot of commotion everywhere within the city since the gates were closed. While people of Farethwall running their businesses within the walls were fine for short time, there were many passing by merchants visiting each day for whom being delayed by the current circumstances could become a huge problem. Moreover, simple travelers could miss ships or other transportation if they were not to arrive on time. No wonder the guards had their hands full with handling constant quarrels.

- They may be forced to open the gates even without the culprits being caught - remarked Zahn - Such disturbance could easily escalate into a riot.

- Let us hope it won't be the case - Kat trembled a little after hearing her comrade's words - I'd rather not get involved.

Walking around the city was not easy with groups of people gathering in various places. Looking at this objectively, finding two people with such crowd flow seemed like a fool's errand. Nevertheless, Kat and Zahn managed to find the first of the inns, one called "The Mischievous Goat".

- Well, that's one hell of a name - Zahn was the first to spot their destination - The place doesn't look inviting.

The place was located in back alley, quite unusual for an inn, and the building itself seemed to fall apart - when they approached, couple of stones were lying next to the wall from which they have obviously dropped, and the windows were so dark it was hard to see what's inside. If it was not for the metal sign by the door, they would not be able to tell the place is an inn.

- The look makes the place shady, exactly what Gaelle made sure we look into.

Despite her words, Katarina was actually hesitant about going inside first, but Zahn did not want to waste time, so he led inside without a second thought.

What they saw inside was a complete opposite of the outside of the building - the place was clean and tidy, the furniture was well-maintained, and it was bright inside owing to numerous lamps. The contrast between outside and inside of the inn was extreme to the point that both Kat and Zahn became speechless as they walked in.

- Good afternoon. How can I help you? - the inkeeper, an old man with a goatee, wearing a pince-nez and elegant suit welcomed them.

- Yes, actually...

Kat stuttered as she started to speak, but Zahn immediately came with help.

- We are looking for friends of ours actually - he talked to the inkeeper - They were supposed to rent a room in this district, and meet with us at the central plaza, but we didn't hear from them yet.

- Given the situation, they might've gotten stuck outside the walls - pointed out the inkeeper - Our inn did not have any couple renting rooms recently, so I cannot help you. Unless you are interested in food or a room?

They declined politely and left the inn. The very moment they got outside, Kat immediately crossed out "The Mischievous Goat".

- Really, this one's surprising. Never judge the book by its cover applies here too well - she commented - And the goat in name could not be more obvious.

- Still, we didn't find what we need. How far is the next place?

- Hm, the closest one would be...

Kat stopped in the middle of the sentence, but Zahn knew what place it was. Knowing what kind of business it was, Zahn was the one to enter as going together would make them suspicious.

- Just don't get caught in anything - Katarina warned him as he walked in.

Only several minutes later, her companion walked outside, red-faced with noticeable kiss marks. She was pouting at this sight, but did not make any comment, and just asked:

- So, did you find anything?

- There was one Ba'ji Ridou girl working there, but she doesn't match the description, and doesn't have any man. Besides, others said she wasn't leaving the building for couple of days so it couldn't be her.

- And you believed them?

- Based on what I saw? Yes.

For some reason, Zahn did not want to go into details as to what he saw, but since Kat blushed when anything concerning man-woman relationships was brought up, she quickly dropped the topic.

Afterwards, they visited all remaining places nearby the southern exit, but their investigation remained fruitless.

- I guess it'd be to easy if they really stuck to the most obvious part of the city - Zahn sighed - East doesn't seem to be the direction they are likely to pursue, so how about we try west now.

Kat turned to him, surprised.

- Why do you say east is unlikley?

- We came from the east, and did not saw any vehicles typical of Ba'ji Ridou. Besides, we are already quite far from the centre of the country, and still close to the border. If I were in their place, I wouldn't risk going towards the country which has internal problems.

- Ok, fair enough. I have not much experience with the world outside of the area I grew in, so I'll rely on you on that one.

Western gate was the most crowded one at the moment, mainly because of the fact many people were heading towards the capital, and simply a lot of goods was transported that way, regardless of times.

What was interesting about this sight of the city was that Gaelle did not mark that many places for them - there were only two inns listed. The first one they visited was a miss yet again, by the second proved to be another case.

Place called "The Fat Hog" had a great location in this part of the city - close to the gate, stables and baths. According to people around, it was quite cheap, but the owner still managed to make a decent money thanks to the size of the property and amount of rooms that could be rented at the same time. However, the cheap cost and amount of guests making it easy to mix in made the place popular among those who wanted to remain hidden.

Once Kat and Zahn entered the inn, several heads immediately turned their way. People inside were surprisingly alerted by any new guests coming in. One could easily feel something fishy was going on in this place.

There were several people working at the inn, but they approached the counter as usual, and one of the inkeepers approached them herself. It was a beautiful, blonde woman with blue eyes, wearing man-like suit which underlined her considerable bust all too well.

- How can I help the two love birds? Needing a place were you can be all alone?

Both Kat and Zahn blushed.

- It's not that. We have a different reason.

Katarina explained the situation, trying to be as tactful as possible. Still, the inkeep had quick wits, and skillfully avoided leaking anything she should not say.

- We respect our guests' privacy - she said proudly - I cannot give you any information about people staying here whatsoever. But if you expect your friends are here, you can always stay and wait for them. However, you will have to pay for the food and lodging. We don't allow people to stay here for free.

Kat was disappointed, but nodded and backed off with Zahn to discuss their options. As they were walking towards the door, someone called to them:

- Hey, you two. I may have something for you. I heard you were asking the inkeep about the couple. I saw people who may be the ones you are looking for, though I can be only sure about one being from Ba'ji Ridou.

The guy looked really shady, wearing a hood indoors and sitting in the dark corner of the room. Kat was sceptic about getting involved with such people, but Zahn was not the one to miss any chances, even if they seem unlikely.

- So, what can you tell us?

- It depends on how can I profit from this.

Zahn sighed, greeted his teeth, but threw him couple of bronze coins. The guy only smiled at the amount, so Zahn threw one silver.

- Great, now we can talk. I actually saw a pair like that renting a room couple of days ago. Since then, they were appearing here and there, but no trace of them since yesterday. I could tell they went in, but not getting out.

- And that's all? Don't you have an idea where they went?

The man shrugged.

- I'm not sure. You know, this place has many secrets. They may still be somewhere here.

- What do you mean? - asked Kat.

- I wonder.

Hooded man smiled again - Zahn threw another silver coin.

- If you stay here a bit longer, you may see inkeeps leading people to the back - he said - I hear this place has direct access to underground passages. I think this should give you a general idea.

If his words were true, they really might have hit a jackpot with this place. With underground passages, they could easily smuggle both goods and people around the town - this place was shady indeed.

- So, what's the plan? - Zahn asked Kat, smiling.

She looked at him, surprised.

- Why do you ask me? Wasn't you the one who wanted to help those mercenaries?

- I thought you were the boss, though. I was only making suggestions. You are the one who has a final word. I would follow this trace.

Katarina sighed.

- Obviously, we cannot let that pass. Let's rent a room, and keep an eye on what's happening.

Moments later, they had the key to one of the rooms, but did not go there, staying in the main hall to eat something. Obviously, they did that to observe whether inkeeps lead someone to the back, to learn more about the path.

They did not have to wait for too long. Three guys passed the counter and were led by the blonde inkeeper.

- Looks like that guy didn't lie to us - said Zahn as the group disappeared from their sight - The problem is where these passages lead. If they have a way to get out of the city, there is a high chance our targets are no longer here.

- You're right. We have no guarantee - Kat nodded - I think it's about time we contacted Gaelle. Though I don't believe we should do that here. Let's check the room we got.

Their room was located on the second floor. It had a good view at the western gate and nearby flea market. Quarters they have rented were supposed to be a high standard, but could not compare to what they got at "The Roses".

- Now, let's activate this - Kat touched the earring, pouring her magical energy into it - Gaelle, can you hear me?

She had to wait for a moment, but soon she got a reply.

- Hey, yes, I hear you well. Since you contact me, it seems you found something. Did you see the people we are looking for?

- Not the people, but we have intel about possible place where they stayed. Actually, we rented a room at the very inn.

- Where is it?

- "The Fat Hog", by the western gate.

- Oh, that one? I heard this place was a colorfoul gathering, but the officials could not find anything to get them so far. So, you say those Ba'ji Ridou are hiding there?

- We heard people matching the description were here, but we couldn't confirm that information. However, it seems this inn has access to underground passages, so they might have been led outside already.

Gaelle did not reply immediately. It seemed like she was thinking about something.

- It's not necessarily such a bad info for that - she finally said - Our main target is to get the gates opened after all. If we tip on this inn to the guards, and it's indeed as you say that they know the way out of the city, we can reach our goal without finding those people.

- Yes, but for now, we have no guarantee that's the case. They might have some secret rooms or something, and the underground passage may be just a rumor.

- That's why we need to learn more before doing anything else. We'll get there as soon as possible and help you, but when we do, we need to act is if we don't know each other. Until later.

Gaelle must have cut the connection, and Katarina did the same.

- In the end, we need to deceive the inkeepers somehow - Zahn summed up the situation - The thing is, how we do that? If they see us acting suspicious, they will be on high alert, and telling the guards won't make a difference.

- We could try asking them to lead us outside the city - suggested Kat - That would be pretty straightforward, but maybe it's worth a try?

- Not after we told them we are planning to meet someone. We didn't mention Ba'ji Ridou, but just talking about the couple could make them connect the dots. We need a different way. Don't you have any magic that could help us with that?

Katarina scratched her chin, but smiled after a moment.

- I think I've got one we can try to use.

Kat's plan was quite interesting, though it relied on a creature that could be hardly controlled. The magic she mentioned allowed her to see whatever an animal she uses a spell on sees. When they were eating before, Katarina saw a cat walking by the counter, hence the thought to use this specific magic - the problem was that she could only use the cat's eyes, and not control the animal.

Nevertheless, it was worth giving a shot. They specifically planned the scenario. First, Kat had to get in contact with the animal, therefore she went towards the counter and look into its eyes. Afterwards, they needed the cat to went to the back of the counter, all the way to where inkeepers were leading the people before. In order to make the cat move, Zahn threw a piece of meat behind the counter, using a moment when inkeepers where not around. Having the cat going to the back, he then needed to keep an eye on Kat who was basically blind with her own eyes when linked to the animal.

Kat was seated with her back to the counter, so the inkeepers would not notice her different state.

While Zahn was keeping an eye on her body, Kat was using her magic, looking through the cat's eyes. They might have expected that to happen, but waiting for the cat to follow the path they needed could have required a long time. She hoped her magic power will not be wasted.

Finally, after several minutes, one of the inkeepers appeared in front of the cat, and the animal followed that person to a solid-looking wall. At first, Kat did not see anything unusual, but a moment later a slight glitter could be noticed on the wall which soon opened, showing a passage leading downwards. Kat knew this magic - it was enough to work with now, hence she undid her current spell.

- Oh, looks like you are back - said Zahn, seeing her sight returned to normal - Did you find anything?

- Yes, there is a hidden passage though I didn't have a way to see where it leads. I mean, I could wait and hope the cat goes there, but it would take too long. If we are to act, we need to act now.

- I get you already have a plan then?

- That's right, though I only have an idea how to get inside, and whatever happens next is unknown.

- Isn't it better to wait for Gaelle and Bran then?

- It would be great to have more people to help since my plan requires a diversion to succeed. But it's already past dusk, which makes it an ideal time to act.

- You seem to be enjoying this, but you remember Gaelle said it was enough to find the hidden passage?

- Of course I remember that. Still, do you think it's a good idea to let the criminals go?

- It's not. However, remember it was this daekkor guy who said they were criminals, and I don't trust him.

- And you got onboard for tracking them down? Isn't that a hypocrisy?

Zahn shook his head.

- Not really. If we have a chance, let me talk to them. Obviously, only if we manage to find those people.

- I doubt it will be possible with my plan.

- Why? What do you intend me to do?

- Well, that's quite simple.

She explained her plan, but Zahn did not like what he heard.

- Are you for real? I'm not the type to just go and start a fight.

Kat chuckled seeing his reaction.

- C'mon, we simply need a commotion for the inkeepers to get involved. If you are not up to it, we can try buying someone to do that, like these guy who gave you info before. Or, maybe we don't need that.

At this very moment, Gaelle and Bran entered the inn.

- Zack, punch Bran! - Katarina hit him in the arm - C'mon, I told Gaelle, they know what to do.

Zahn hesitated, but jumped in front of the two mercenaries, hitting Bran in the face. The musclehead, who no one would expect to budge from such a hit, fell onto one of the tables, making everything fall onto three tough-looking men.

- What the hell!?

The trio immediately jumped to Bran, hitting him. Zahn felt someone pushing him.

- You just go - it was Gaelle who - We'll make sure they won't spot you.

Kat already managed to get to the wall she saw before Zahn joined her.

- So, what's next? - he asked, looking at the solid wall.

- It's a simple trick once you know how it's done - she explained, touching the wall with a finger and moving it around as if writing something - And one more. Ready.

Suddenly, the wall was no longer there, and stairs leading downwards appeared in front of their eyes.

- Don't just stand there - Katarina said to Zahn - Hurry up. Disruption won't last forever.

Exactly like that, the path closed behind them just after Zahn walked inside, and everything turned dark.

- One moment - Kat used her magic again to light up the path in front of them - Now we can walk without tripping. I don't want to use whatever kind of light they have in here. It could give us away.

They did not have to walk long before noticing a light in the back of the tunnel into which the stairs led. Seeing the light, Katarina immediately stopped using her spell to avoid being spotted should anyone be there.

Both of them slowed down, and approached the light carefully.

The tunnel opened into a much bigger room, or rather a spacious cellar. There were numerous crates, boxes, barrels and baskets inside. They could also see a wall covered with racks.

- Exactly what you could expect from an inn's cellar, except for it being strangely deep underground - pointed out Zahn - If we didn't see those people walking in before, this could fool us.

Katarina nodded.

- Still, we don't know where's the path leading farther.

Zahn picked up one of the torches and started walking alongside the walls.

- What are you doing? - asked Kat.

- Checking where the air flows. If there's a path, this fire will lead us.

- How long will this take though?

- No idea, but you can help me by taking another torch and checking different wall.

After a short moment, Zahn asked Kat to come to him.

- See? - he pointed at the flame.

Katarina brought her torch closer.

- It looks like it's around here - she agreed - But I don't see any trace of magic.

- Maybe it's some kind of mechanism? Do you see anything looking like a lever?

Kat looked around, but nothing like that caught her eye. On the other hand, Zahn started touching every object close to the spot where the flame wavered, hoping to start the mechanism by chance. However, this approach did not work too.

- It's pointless.

Katarina felt resigned, and leaned on one of the columns supporting the ceiling. The very moment she did that, something creaked and metallic sound echoed, followed by one of racks moving forward with the part of the wall behind it.

- I don't know what you did, but looks like it worked - said Zahn.

- I didn't plan that though.

There was a light coming from the tunnel behind the racks, slightly lower than the chamber they were in right now, but still high enough for Zahn to walk straight.

- It's kind of weird we keep getting deeper and deeper, but we aren't seeing any traces of people who should have walked through here - he pointed out as they walked through the hidden door.

- Yes, that bothers me too. I didn't think we would have to walk that far. I have no plan for what happens should they notice we went in here.

- We didn't leave any traces though.

- Don't be silly. Magic always leaves traces. Well, you need to have proper skill to notice obviously.

- So that's why you knew how to open the door at the back?

- Precisely. Still, it doesn't help in situations where magic is not involved so I never considered it to be very useful. I read a lot about magic allowing to trace people, but learning it was a completely different thing. Even now, I'm not sure if I was doing something wrong or if it's that I simply have no aptitude for such magic. I guess getting rare affinity to creation magic may be the reason why other types are not that easy for me. On the other hand, now that I think of it, tracing should be something in your field - its basics require transformation magic after all.

Zahn smiled.

- I'm happy to know about something like this, but you don't expect me to learn this right here, right now?

Kat shook her head.

- It would have been hard, even for a genius. Besides, I have no texts about this magic with me, and don't remember all the details. We need to rely on ourselves as we are now. Did you hear that?

Something akin to a metal clatter could be heard from the direction they were heading to. Both Katarina and Zahn got instantly alerted. The latter unsheathed his sword.

- I'm not sure if this will be useful here - he said looking at the amount of space in the tunnel.

- You just guard me, and I'll try to do something if we get attacked.

The man nodded, walking in front of her. As they approached the end of the tunnel, they could hear people talking.

- I still don't quite get it - some man was talking - The Nature Church wants those people and offer the reward. Why don't we just sell them?

- It's boss who said us to wait, so we wait - another voice replied - Did boss ever let us down? Just wait and see what happens.

- You may be right, but still, do we even need to guard this place?

- You two never shut up, instead of focusing on the job - the third, rough voice scolded other two - Only those boss allows can get in, and nopne of people we keep here can leave.

Katarina and Zahn kept listening to this conversation, trying to figure out what this was about.

- This sounds fishy - said Zahn - It seems they are keeping people underground. Doesn't seem like they are leading them outside. More like they imprison people.

- But why would they? If they were capturing people to sell as slaves, I think reward from daekkor would have been much higher.

- Well, not that really matters in this situation. So, what do you want to do? There are three men there at least.

- I have two ways of handling that. I can put them to sleep by thinning the air inside, but this will also make it harder for us to breathe, plus the people held captive here would fall unconscious too. The other way is to blind them temporarily and let you incapacitate them.

Zahn sighed - to him, answer was obvious.

- Let's go with option number two.

Kat nodded, and shot a light flare into the room where the three men talked. Just after that, Zahn rushed inside, knocking out the men. However, they both misjudged situation, not considering there will be more people inside. Because of this miscalculation, he got involved in a fight against a young man wearing a spiked leather jacket - fortunately, that guy charged at him carrying only a weirdly bent piece of metal.

Used to close quarters, with limited space, Zahn did not use his sword, relying on the shield to ram into the man. But when doing so, a sudden pain went through his arm, following a loud noise, as if something bursted. It did not took him long to notice the smoke coming from the tip of the piece of metal his opponent held.

- Ok, I don't want to kill you - said the man wearing the jacket - Just let us go, and I won't hurt you.

Something was really off here. Zahn was surprised enough to lower his shield without thinking, but Kat remained calm and disarmed the man with a spell. As she did that, a young blonde woman jumped in front of him, spreading her hands.

- Don't hurt him! We only want to leave this town!

Katarina and Zahn looked at each other, then the sorceress spoke:

- Would you mind explaining what's this all about?

- Wait, you are not with those from the inn?

Everything turned out really awkward, and soon they learned the two who were imprisoned were really their targets. Obviously, Kat and Zahn planned to give them away to Natural Church, but the man asked them to hear his story before they make the decision.