
A Tale of a Reincarnated Young Master

A man with Ancient Martial Arts family gets reincarnated in another world. my first Fic I mistakenly published this as a novel and couldnt change the type so here it is again.

YoungMasterJin · Anime et bandes dessinées
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17 Chs

Chapter 7 Meeting and the 9 Archons

Walking down a hallway Jin stops in front of a big twin doors knocked on it and opened it.

Inside there are 8 people the 4 maous and their respective queens by their side chatting and exchanging pleasantries. Sitting on an empty chair everyone goes silent and Sirzechs Lucifer starts the meeting.

"Jin I see that you're done with the Nekoshou problem?" Sirzechs said to Jin with both elbows on the table and his fingers intertwined.

"yes Lucifer-sama" Jin said with a serious expression, though instead it looks cute as he is still nearing 10 years old.

'shoo cute~ kyaaa~' Grayfia seeing his face resisted to rush over to her future husband and smother him with her bountiful breasts, and you could see a faint blush reaching to her ears if someone looked at her right now.

"then please tell us what information you obtained there and also explain the big explosion that shook the underworld." Sirzechs told Jin with a stern gaze.

"after going through the Naberius clan I found out that they were trying to make a superdevil by siphoning natural energy through a container which is a vessel, or in this case a body that can handle the strain of a lot of natural energy. They had several nekoshous experimented on, but only one had been close to their goal and were planning to find other candidates to experiment on which is the experimented nekoshou's sister, they are Kuroka and Shirone, Kuroka being the experimented on and Shirone the one they were planning on using as another breakthrough for their project, I saved little Shirone on time before they could start experimenting on her and also saving her sister Kuroka on the process. I also found out that these were the schemes of the Old Devil Faction and have Information of spies and potential spies in our Underworld Government, I got these information by the clan leader Iam Fougli Naberius himself before ending his life. the err... Big explosion afterwards was a move that I tested on the Naberius clan's territory which said test came out perfectly-" before he could finish Jin was interrupted by his older brother.

"""""YOU DID THAT?!?!"""" Sirzechs and the other maous shouted and had their mouths wide open in shock.

"Ahem what is your current strength Jin, and please don't lie this is very Important." Ajuka asked Jin carefully.

"err I think i'm close to ultimate-class, but the move that I did required a lot of Mana and I have an extremely large mana capacity that's why the attack was very strong."

"high-class? a-and you can use a move that can rival a satan-class devil... Jin later can I you come to my Personal laboratory so I can check your mana capacity?" Ajuka was dumbfounded but quickly recovered and asked Jin with a penetrating gaze as if he couldn't wait to cut him up and see what makes him work.

Jin felt a chill went down his spine and he couldn't help but look at Sirzechs with a 'help me look' but Sirzechs ignored him.

"you can do that later we still have a meeting to do, and Jin you said you had a list for the spies of the Underworld Government?" Sirzechs asked seriously.

"ah here it is." retrieving the list that Jin had made with the help of Iam Fougli Naberius, Jin hands it over to Sirzechs and he keeps it to discuss for later.

"and also the Archon war has finally ended and we now have 9 Archons, and my sources could only Identify 5 archons, Venti the Anemo Archon, Zhong Li the Geo Archon, Baal Raiden Shogun the Electro Archon, Yami the Umbra Archon, and Luna the Radiant Archon." Serafall says in a serious manner.

(A/n: Yami is from black clover whom is buffed, and Luna is an Oc she has light and healing powers, though I added them it won't focus on them and I only added this crossover for them waifus.)

The Archon war started right after the 3-way Great war which ended with a stalemate from the 3 factions. 9 Gnosis pieces suddenly showed up announced by the <World Voice> that upon getting a Gnosis piece you would be rewarded with a personal dimension you can connect with and become a source of a power of sorts, even though the rewards sounds underwhelming after The Geo Archon successfully made a new faction and having the power to control the worlds wind every rogue Gods and Gods with no domain a Great war started with Gods clashing and dying, and because of this war the earths land which originally had a ratio of 70% land and 30% water, the planet became a blue planet with only 29% land remaining and 71% water, Greatly changing the planet.

and now the war had ended with a lot of people dying, countries destroyed, and continents gone from the face of the earth.

"hmm send an envoy on each Archons, and a message for a non-aggression contract." Sirzechs told Serafall solemnly and he looked at Jin.

"Jin we shall continue this later but can you leave us for now?" Sirzechs told Jin as Jin leaves the room and started preparing for his date with the Neko sisters.



'hmm the 9 Archons this wasn't in the novel... maybe this is an alternate universe.. well the shitty Old man did make this universe for me so I don't know what to expect.' musing to myself I used teleportation magic to my room and dived in to my bed.

"mhm Jin-Jin chuuuu" A wild Rias appears as she hugged me unconsciously and she seems to be dreaming of me... "sigh this girl"

planting a kiss on her forehead I shut my eyes and let sleep take over me.


Kuroka's POV

I am currently laying on the most comfortable bed I have ever been in while hugging my precious Shirone.

'tomorrow me and Shirone will go shopping with Gremory-kun, I will use this opportunity to unmask his true face and show Shirone that she shouldn't trust anyone. and that she should let her big sister be the first one to mate with Jin-kun first.'

"Just you wait Jin Gremory your acts shall be uncovered by me nya. and I will ride you and give birth to stadium of kitties. hmpf your so lucky that the nekoshous are nearly extinct." I mumbled carefully to avoid waking Shirone up.


I close my eyes to sleep. today had been a rough day and i'm tired and finally free from all of that bullshit that I went through.

'my sleep will be so comfortable today and I get to hug Shirone to sleep!' I hug Shirone tightly before sleeping.

short chapter as I have no clue what to add. chapter 8 still in progress.

YoungMasterJincreators' thoughts