
A Tale of a Reincarnated Young Master

A man with Ancient Martial Arts family gets reincarnated in another world. my first Fic I mistakenly published this as a novel and couldnt change the type so here it is again.

YoungMasterJin · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter 6 Saving 2 cats and Information


"Grayfia, did you finish the task I gave you?" I ask Grayfia about the task I had given her 3 years I ago, finding clues about a certain super devil project hosted by the Naberius clan.

"Yes Jin-sama, I have found out that they are experimenting on a rare Youkai race called Nekoshou, and that they are planning to start a massacre by eliminating said race after the succession of an experiment called 'Super Devil Vessel' project." Grayfia said while she sat beside me and carrying me onto her lap and started burying my head on her big and firm yet soft breasts.

"what are they planning?"

"they plan to use a person as a vessel and help them reach Super Devil rank by overdosing them with Natural and magic energy. They found that the Nekoshou are the perfect subjects for it, And use them as a link to access the power to reach Super Devil rank." she said as she played with my cheeks and nuzzling on my head.

"Jin-sama I have already told Sirzechs of the situation, Do you plan to save them?"

"I will, and also I want permission to go to the Human World by the end of this year." I said while escaping Grayfia's cuddling.

"Understood, then I shall take my leave Jin-sama." she said with a bow while pouting and prepared to leave and do her duties.

watching Grayfia leave I used a teleportation spell to go to my destination.


Kuroka's POV

"Lord we need more subjects to perform the next experiment, this subject is at it's limit." A scientist said to the man I hate... 'hopefully that shitty old man will remember our deal.'

"then grab the young cat she is more tuned to natural energy." shitty old ma- Naberius said in an order like voice.

'WAIT? youn-'

*HISS* "SHITTY OLD MAN DON'T YOU DARE LAY A HAND ON MY SHIRONE!" I shout at the shitt old man as he looks at me with ridicule and snorted.

"what are you gonna do then eh? meow at me? HEHE. go get her." the shitty old chuckles at me and ordered the professor beside him.

'FUCK IT! I don't care anymore!' I was about to break my bindings and cut that shitty old mans dick and feed it to him and finally kill him, but before I could.


The door of this room was blasted and hit the shitty old man as smoke filled the surroundings.

"Is this the place, shirone?" A childish voice of a boy could be heard as the smoke gradually gets cleared, and I could see a boy with my little shirone on his back, she got off him and ran towards me.

"ONEE-SAMA!!" I hear shirone call at me and broke me free of my restraints, She hugs me and buries her face on my chest as she cries and muttered words I could barely hear.

*SNIFF* "y-y-you're ok we can finally get out of here."

"Shirone... use the card I gave you and wait for me." The boy who was carrying shirone on his back told my sister and she seemed to understand and she took out a card with a small gold and black magic circle on it, It glowed and a magic circle appeared below us and we appear in a big bedroom.

curious I looked around and saw a woman dressed in a maid costume with a short skirt wearing sexy stockings, she bowed to us and said.

"ah it seems that young master succeeded in his plans, welcome to young masters chambers, I am Grayfia young master Jin's personal maid.

I looked at her cautiously while snaking my arms at Shirone so I can keep her close to me.

"why are we here?"

"You two are here because young master saved you and is currently cleaning trash of the old devil faction."

"Grayfia-san.. will Jin-onii be alright?." my Shirone asked the maid in a worried tone with cute puppy eyes... or should I say kitten eyes.

"Shirone you can call me Fia-nee that applies to you too Kuroka, after all you two are going to be part of our family from now on."

"what do you mean by that?"

"ufufufu that's a secret~" The maid laughed while covering her mouth with her left hand and she looked at us as if we we're her young siblings.

young Kuroka didn't how right she was.. hays.



"who's behind this?! speak and you can fie a quick death." Stepping at the man's chest while. the man he stepping on is Iam Fougli Naberius, the head of the Naberius clan. I know that he couldn't be the one to start this experiment as no devil would even think of using senjutsu to artificially make ones body in tuned with nature, even ajuka a very smart devil didn't think of it because of how dumb it is and how unfruitful this whole experiment is. you can't and will never be attuned to nature by force because the world decides wether one is worthy to lend it's power to said individual, it could work if you somehow siphon it off of someone but you would lose yourself in the process as the negative energy of the world would consume you, or the world itself would intervene. there are many more drawback to this but the author is too lazy to list them or maybe he ran out of ideas.

"I don't know what you're talking about!!" he shouted at mew eyes widening and body shaking in fear.

"oi Fougli if you don't speak then I will let you feel that death is better than being alive." letting out my Intimidation skill and he seems to get crushed by the pressure... wait my surrounding are being crushed by my pressure. 'WHAT THE FUACK?? I'm already this strong? or is the skill or my soul power?'

I thought as I looked at Fougli looking at me in submission.

"I GIVE I GIVE PLEASE STOP!" it seems that being crushed by my intimidation crumbled his will.

"alright speak!"

"it was the old dogs of the government! they have some of the old satan faction members hiding as a spy! I think that they may be the minions of Rizevim Liv-" long story short he told me some information about the dogs of the underworld government and I asked him for a list of the members that he knows. being done with him I burned his body and purged his soul and quickly went outside and started pointing my right hand to the sky, casting my strongest skill yet, gathering my mana a blade of a gigantic spear materialized on the sky, it became so big that it overshadowed the whole area of the naberius clan.


a skill I developed myself inspired by my divine spear though not as versatile it is stronger in terms of damage and collateral damage...

[Meteoric Spear] ah yes how original but I don't have a better sounding name that suits the skill so I went with this.

the spearhead fell on the Naberius clan's territory and is now replaced with a big explosion shaking the entirety of the underworld.

[System Window:Notice(Task)

Task complete!

Task: The Nekomata Sisters

Task Completion Grade: Perfect

Claim Rewards?

[YES] [NO]

System Window:Notice(Task)]


[System Window:Notice(Task)

You have received...

10x Gacha token, [Senjutsu], Kuroka, Shirone.

System Window:Notice(Task)]

'ok?.. I should head back now' I then use a teleportation magic and disappeared.

what young Jin didn't know that he has now unknowingly claimed the nekoshuo sisters as his.


Grayfia, Shirone and Kuroka saw a magic circle with the Gremory sigil but Purple in color appear at the side of the room.

Appearing in my room I looked towards Shitone and kuroka.

"Jin-onii!" Shirone shouted as she jumed at my embrace.

"what's wrong, Shiro?" I asked her while giver her headpats and ruffling her cat ears.

"there was a loud explosion and then a big earthquake, I thought that Jin-onii would get hurt" *sniff* she told me while hugging me tightly.

"don't worry shiro-chan I'm fine see? not even a scratch, you're niisan is the strongest you know!" I coax the little kitten while patting her head even more.

"mhm hmm, Jin-onii is the strongest." she said with her cute eyes shining in admiration and affection.

"Jin-sama you should prepare for your report with the maous." Grayfia reminded me.

"ah I almost forgot! Fia-chan thanks for reminding me, also please let Kuroka and Shirone choose a room to settle in. Kuroka, Shirone tomorrow we will go out to buy some necessities." I told both of the nekos as I went outside the room and go to my big brothers study room.

'Kuroka is still cautious around us huh.. then I should do well for tomorrow's date so she can relax, she's new to everything after all.' Thinking to myself I sigh and proceeded to go to my destination.


OOF I’m back and sorry for the wait. School just sprang up so I don’t have much free time and I could only use the PC here for when I have online class (college sucks btw) as I also have other siblings using the PC. I tried using my phone to write but my phone is so outdated that when only 300 words were written the app just crashes for some reason and I ain’t got the patience for that shit. anyways expect 2 chapters a week. also this week only 1 chap cuz I lost my drafts and need to start over.

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