
A Stranger Thing

I would just like to say. I am a student looking to improve my writing, i enjoy writing a lot. I don’t care for the plot of my stories so if that’s what you’re looking for, don’t read this. if you want to criticise me, at least be constructive, thanks.

kyro454 · TV
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8 Chs

Back In The Basement

Back at Mikes house, Karen and Ted were still inside with the agents. They didn't know where their son is, or if he's really in danger, but they both were fearful inside as to what may happen to Mike. Tears fell down Karen's cheeks, Ted didn't care enough to comfort her, their marriage was basically broken off, hanging on by the thread of their children. The agents were leaving when Karen thought to call Joyce on the phone. Once the door had shut and all the men were gone. Karen dialled Joyce, her fingers slipping across the number pad, sweat dripped down her neck:

"Joyce?" Karen exclaimed

"Karen Wheeler?" Joyce replied frustrated

"Is Mike there?" Karen questioned.

"Why do you think he'd be here?" Joyce said in a smartass tone

"Is He?!" Karen shouted.

Joyce looked at Mike. His eyes widened and he aggressively shook his head. "no" Joyce calmly said

A moment of silence followed until Karen spoke "Okay, thanks anyway, let me know if you see him"

Joyce hung up the phone, and Mike looked relieved, like it was life or death and Joyce chose life. All of a sudden the lights began flickering, the lights all corresponded to a letter. first a 'h' 'e' 'l' 'p'

"Will." Joyce said. they followed the flashing lights outside and to a street lamp. Why would the lamp be on?

They decided to go home. Dustin went to his house, Lucas went to his, but Mike and Nancy had a bigger problem, how would they explain this? They went back anyway, bringing Eleven and Twelve with them. "Be super quiet and do what i do" Mike said, they both nodded. They got to the front door and Nancy used her key to get in the house, "go" Nancy whispered. They stared quietly making their way to the basement. They open the door, they walk down the steps and there sit down, Karen doesn't know.

"Nancy!" Karen shouted from the top of the stairs.

"Mom." Nancy said sounding disappointed

"Where is mike?!" Karen was still raising her voice.

"hi mom." Mike narrowly opened the basement door and shut it behind him

"Where have you two been?!" Karen shouted

"At Dustin's" Mike lied "Nancy just turned up so tell me i've got to come home." This made Nancy smile. Her annoying brother finally sticking up for her? it must be Christmas. "Yes" Nancy blurted out. "Next time Mike needs to be less stubborn on staying the night right?" Nancy said gritting her teeth. "Yes.. sorry" Mike had convinced gullible Karen. "I'll see you tomorrow mom, it's getting late" Mike said before squeezing back into the basement.

"That was close" Mike said, wiping his face of the sweat. "Do you know how to find will?" Mike asked Twelve. Twelve walked to the small table and sat at the dnd board. He pushed all the small plastic pieces off the board and flipped it upside down, he then picked up a piece off the floor and put it on the upturned board. "Demogorgan?" Mike was confused "yes" Twelve said. At first mike was very confused, so he went to bed and got some well deserved rest after a long day. The sun rose over Hawkins as it turned morning, Mike ran down the stairs, past his family eating breakfast and straight into the basement, he ran down the basement steps to see Eleven and Twelve sitting together playing with a small plastic car, the car reminded them of the time they spent in the lab. Mine let out a sigh of relief, they were still there, noone had found them. Mike called Dustin and Lucas over to discuss more about what happened, and mike was dying to tell them about the demogorgan.

Dustin and Lucas had turned up at Mikes house, they arrived together as if they had been with each other all morning, "Come in, quick." Mike urged them. Mike lead them into the basement and pointed at the dnd board. They both looked at each other and Lucas said, "What?". Mikes voice was filled with frustration, "Will has been kidnapped by the demogorgan." Mike said, as if the upside down board and messy floor made it obvious. "Okay." Lucas said doubtfully "and why is your board upside down?" Mike stuttered, he couldn't think of an answer "Oh my god" Dustin said like he had realised something, "Demogorgan, in the upside down. Will is trapped in the upside down." "What are you talking about!?" Lucas interjected. "The upside down. a parallel of our word but its dark and filled with monsters." Dustin was speaking gibberish, nor Mike or Lucas had a clue what he was on about until he grabbed the book that described in detail every thing about dnd. Dustin flicked through the pages until he found a description on 'the upside down'. "See, 'A dark and gloomy parallel of the normal world, the upside down is home to many monsters, beware all adventurers.' It says it right here" Dustin pointed out. The three of them stared at each other< Eleven and twelve still playing with their toys. "Mr Clarke." Dustin said.

They knew Mr Clarke was very smart, he was their science teacher, of course hes smart, but did he know Dungeons and Dragons? "Well if we're going to ask Mr Clarke we will have to ask him tomorrow. hes out of town today." Mike said. "how do you know? he never told us that." Lucas asked sounding jealous. "He tells me everything" Mike said, clearly trying to make Lucas even more jealous. "Well do you think our El and Twelve can find, and talk to him on the radio?" Dustin suggested, the radio was a communication box that was powerful enough to reach the other side of the world. "No, they cant, plus how would we even get them into school." Mike argued. "well i think its worth asking" Dustin said. "ask them then" Mike challenged. "No you ask" Dustin demanded "No. its your idea, you ask th-" Mike was cut off, "We can here you." Twelve chuckled, still playing with El and the toy car. "Do you think you-" mike was cut off again. "Yes, it has to be a powerful radio" El spoke up. "Okay, stay here ill get you some clothes, what do you like wearing?" Mike asked, Eleven and Twelve looked at Mike, without any words being spoken, Mike knew it was a stupid question, "Sorry," he began "El ill get you some of Nancy's clothes and Twelve, you can use mine. Mike walked up the stairs and left the basement. Eleven and Twelve were about to disguise themselves to go out in public, even when Brenner was looking for them.