
A Stranger Thing

I would just like to say. I am a student looking to improve my writing, i enjoy writing a lot. I don’t care for the plot of my stories so if that’s what you’re looking for, don’t read this. if you want to criticise me, at least be constructive, thanks.

kyro454 · TV
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8 Chs

Hidden in plain sight

Mike took a trip up to Nancy's room in search for clothes. Instead of being honest and asking her for some clothes that would fit Eleven, he walked to his room to find clothes for Twelve. He looked through his disorganised closet and found nothing that Twelve would wear, he only saw formal outfits that were for special occasions, he had another drawer, one that was overflowing with clothes he either didn't wear or clothes that didn't fit. He looked through the large pile and chucked everything that didn't fit to one side, Mike was the same height and a similar weight to Twelve, so anything that didn't fit him, wouldn't fit twelve. He was rummaging through when he found a pair of chino shorts and a grey t-shirt. He knew it was an outfit Twelve would wear, it was just like Mikes. Now Mike had to find a way to get Eleven some clothes, he sat contemplating weather he should just tell Nancy, but when she got up and left her room to go to the restroom, he saw an opportunity to sneak in and steal some clothes. Wasting no time, he ran in the room, opened the closet door, grabbed the first thing he saw and ran to his room. The short but very intense run made Mike exhausted, he folded up all the clothes in his arms and walked the the basement.

He walked down the basement stairs, his breathing almost back to normal and dropped the clothes onto the wood floor.

"Here you go." Mike said proudly

Eleven got dressed without saying a word, she was dressed up in a beautiful long sleeved dress, it went down to her ankles, it was pink with white edges on the neck and cuffs, Mike also handed her some white socks with rough curls on the ankle. Meanwhile Twelve was not amused. "You make me wear this?" he asks in disgust as he points to himself.

"You look fine." Mike insisted

"Not as good as Eleven." Twelve said confidently. Eleven smiled, mildly embarrassed but mostly because she was thankful.

"Alright, we've got to wait until tomorrow so lets not be too obvious. Mike said.

"aren't you forgetting something" Lucas pointed out, "The hair." he mouthed as quietly as possible.

Mike nodded and ran upstairs, he ran into His sisters room to her laying on her bed, she was facing the opposite direction so he silently opened Nancy's cupboard and pulled out a long, wavy, blond slip on wig. He began to creep out of the room when the silence became loud. He could feel Nancy's eyes piercing the back of his head. "I can explain." he said, turning to look at her. "No need." She replied, "i hope your friend likes it" she said before turning back around. Mike ran back down to the basement for what felt like the millionth time and handed Eleven the wig, He didn't think Twelve would need one because its normal for boys to have shaved heads.

"Pretty." Twelve said looking at Elevens locks.

"Pretty?" Eleven replied


Later in the day when dinner time comes around, Lucas and Dustin had been round all day and had eaten at the Wheeler's house, feeding any leftovers to Eleven and Twelve, they were all preparing for Monday, they would hopefully talk to will and their disguises would hopefully fool everyone. Twelve grew more and more anxious, he had a feeling the heist they were about to attempt would fail miserably, but when he saw how calm Eleven was, it soothed his nerves enough to prevent total panic. Due to the fact that he was about to infiltrate a public school that was piling with children, he couldn't catch any sleep. When Eleven dozed off, Twelve began drowning in thoughts. What if they were caught, what if someone found out who they were or what they could do. In what felt like years, the light suddenly awoke followed by Eleven. Mike rushed down the stairs with a plate full of pancakes. "Eat up. big day" He said whilst Eleven rubbed her eyes profusely. He then jogged back upstairs to get ready for school.

Eleven noticed the panic in Twelves eyes, "Its okay," she said reassuringly "We can do this." Twelve felt calmer than ever, his breathing slowed to a normal pace and he felt ready to go to the school. Knock Knock! A loud banging on the houses back door. Fear found its way into both Eleven and Twelve as the knocking repeated itself. Their only option was to escape so the sneakily crept up the stairs and cracked open the basement door just enough to slip through, Eleven poked her head out and slid through the gap, closely followed by Twelve. They walked to the front door when a bang came from it. They were trapped from both doors, up the stairs they ran and they hid in Mikes bedroom, Mike was nowhere to be seen, had he ditched them? both of them sat like a ball in the corner of the room terrified until Twelve plucked the courage to stand and raise his hand to the doorway, prepared to defend them both. The door opened and nothing but an intelligible whisper could be heard. Heavy footsteps slowly came closer towards them.

"AAHHHHHHHHHH!!!" Dustin screamed in terror, falling down to the ground like a sack of potatoes. Twelve lowered his hand and stood confused looking at Dustin's panic stricken face. "Holy shit" Dustin breathed heavily, "I think i just pissed myself" He said. "Where is Mike?" Twelve asked,

"Oh that's all you have to say" Dustin replied, standing back up rapidly. After a short pause, Twelve raised his eyebrows as he became impatient for a response. "Getting our stuff ready," another pause followed, "To talk to Will?" Dustin raised his voice, reminding Twelve what they were supposed to be doing. They all walked back down the stairs and saw Mike packing a few spare batteries, his radio and some sort of card that stated he was part of the "Communication club" a club that focused on communicating with technology. Twelve had a buzz, a feeling that words couldn't explain, only that he felt like he could fly, like his body had no feelings but to stay calm. He was in a different room when he awoke, he was seeing things, sort of like what happened in the bath tub. He was dreaming?