
A Spy for Hire.

Kofi's just blown up her entire capital city to smithereens for taking her beloved master from her. But with the help of the Surviving System - the very thing the Delvaran government was after - she lands in the prosperous parallel country called Lupart. But what's this, her head are filled with memories that are definitely not hers and far much more than what she should be having " Did I just crash a person's rebirth "? Yes she did, cos she's a survivor. But Kofi has no qualms with anyone in this world and simply wishes to explore her surroundings but the original owner of this body won't let her. Now she has to fulfill her dying wish, deal with terrible family members, regain her lost memories..... and many many many more. But all these things cost money and Kofi's only good at stealing and you guessed it, spying. When she accidentally ends up at one of the most prestigious schools for the country's elite, her skills may be useful. She makes friends and twice as many enemies along the way but Kofi doesn't care. She'll take any mission no matter what it is. The question now is, Do you want to hire a spy? ( Disclaimer : Cover not mine, all credit goes to original owner. Only editing was done by me )

Kik1_Yijaa · Romance
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91 Chs

Chapter 11 : I want it all.

Dylan sighed as he watched Kofi jump all over the place [ I'm never gonna win with these amateurs. That one's very unstable and the other two seem scared ] Kofi came back with smile on her face " They even have AR-15 Rifles. My favorite "!

The three looked at each other, suddenly unsure. Chase pointed at the gun in her hands " Those are banned and hard to come across in Lupart ". Dylan nodded, raising an eyebrow " Exactly, so how is it your favorite "? Kofi laughed nervously while Whiskers who was resting on her head smirked slightly.

" Just cos it's physically banned, doesn't mean it's been erased or something ". Kofi had no idea what she was rambling on about but it seemed to work. " We should go get our gear ".

Kofi ran back to the walls displaying different weapons, " I wish I could take them all ". Whiskers rolled his eyes, " Too bad you can't carry it all ". Domino came online, " Technically speaking, the instructions were take as many as you can carry. Don't forget the space master ".

Kofi perked up, squeezing Whiskers tight " Have I told you how much I love you Domino? You're so smart too! If you were human, I'd hug you ". Domino was silent for a while, " Do you really mean it master "?

Kofi nodded, semi serious as she ran her hand over the guns " Absolutely, why "? Domino laughed lightly, surprising Kofi " I didn't know you could laugh " [ And so humanly at that ] " And I can do a lot more, if you do the last upgrade master ".

Kofi squinted her eyes, rubbing her chin " Will it stop you from functioning properly "? " I will go into sleep mode but all over functions will remain fully operational ". Kofi nodded, removing a small trident from the wall, " Alright, you can do your upgrade after we get some new weapons ".

Peach and Chase looked at each other, the doubt and sudden fear of failure evident in each other's eyes as they watched Kofi talk to her fox and apparently the weapons.

Kofi ran back with the tridents on her waist and a sash of throwing knives as well. " Aren't you guys gonna pick your weapons "? Peach scratched her head lightly, slightly embarrassed " I've never used weapons before ".

Kofi blinked a few times, looking her up and down and suddenly held her hands " Nonsense, your hands smell like herbs which means you can make potions ". Peach was obviously surprised by that and blushed slightly, taking back her hands.

" It's nothing special, more of a pass time of mine ". [ My secret sin ] The Rifnik clan was famous for their one of a kind wines and international breweries. But since she was nothing like the other prodigies, far from it actually.

She wasn't allowed in the family brewery or ever being given one of the family recipes either. Not wanting to be entirely useless, she taught herself how to use herbs, mostly the leftovers from the breweries.

Kofi shook her head, " Nonsense, I've never smelt poison as toxic or potent as yours ". Peach reddened even more, [ She's not wrong though ] No matter what she did or tried, it always came out terribly. She'd even passed out a few times in the beginning of her experiments but she'd seemed to build immunity against it.

And now, Kofi had somehow being able to not only identify it but also realized that her poisons were extremely toxic. Kofi held her hand firmly, " You'll have to show me how to make a few poisons when this is over ". Peach found herself becoming excited about the idea, " Really "?

Kofi nodded, suddenly pushing her forward " Of course, now you should really go get what you need ". Kofi turned back and faced Chase. " How about you "? Chase shrugged lightly, " Unlike your friend, I don't have any peculiar hobbies ".

Kofi giggled lightly, " We look like friends? That's amazing "! Kofi coughed lightly, clearing her throat " Anyways, I think you do a lot of shooting ". Chase blinked a few times, " How'd you know that "?

Kofi circled him lightly, moving from side to side " You've got calluses all over your hands ". Chase moved away slightly, suddenly embarrassed " You can't tell anyone about it ".

Kofi giggled lightly, covering her mouth " It'll be our little secret. But, you've got to tell me what lotion you put on those hands to reduce the calluses ". Chase and Kofi browsed the guns with Kofi telling him something about everything and he couldn't help but wonder [ Where did she even come from? ]