
A So Called Liliana

After being reincarnated into her own unfinished novel, a young woman named Lily finds herself in the body of 7-year-old Liliane, the villainess she once created. Desperate to avoid her character's predetermined demise from her step-brother's hands, she sets out to alter the course of the story. However, as she navigates the world she once wrote, she uncovers hidden depths to Liliane's character that she never explored in her original tale. The characters she had once created had become unknown to her. This newfound understanding forces her to question: who was the true villain all along? Determined to fix her beloved creation's fate, she fixates her mind to do everything in her capability as she gives getting tangled into more trouble. [A/N: I don’t have enough will power to give a damn about this right now. So on a break for god knows How long! Give it a try though It's gonna go through changes when I return] [Summary credits to "Danespl"! Make sure to check his recent work since you’re here anyway!]

Yuki_nah · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
13 Chs

Chapter Twelve : His Game

[⚠️WARNING! : This chapter contains some disturbing issues such as sexual harassment, rape and lack of consent etc. Which may be disturbing to some audience and readers. Continue at your own choice or skip the part.]

"You sure you want to worry about something unnecessary right now?" This older Liliane beside me, talked in a calm manner. Honestly, seemed more like a robot.

She leaned in closer and tilted her head, it felt odd when her lips moved and yet she kept the perfect poker face, "Want to see the next scene?"

"You sure are rude, I answered you once and you don't even bother answering mine." She continued to hold her eye contact with me.

Pointing at the little Liliane, I asked, "How old is she?"

Liliane shruggs it off as if I have disappointed her expectations of me, "I can't say for certain... Because this scene kept on repeating until the day the emperor came to visit."

"What do you mean?"

"Look around," she said. There were now many different versions of little Liliane crying or hiding in this same street and eventually running off in a random direction to coincidentally end up reuniting with Ashley. I went closer as I saw Ashley muttering something. "Why are you still alive, brat. Why aren't you dying and letting me be in peace."

I wasn't surprised anymore. Many versions of Ashley kept talking, "I should have thrown you away just like that boy. How does she end up finding me!? Lost kids around here get abducted and you don't? This rotten bitch just doesn't know when to die-"

"The next scene.. Let's go to the next scene," I didn't want to hear anymore of her nonsense. Because I had no intention of understanding her anymore. Liliane smiled, "As you wish, Lily."

"You know my name too?" I feel like I have used up all the points for feeling surprised as I started to go with the flow. She just responded with a smile and continued to stare at the scene in front of us. "Let's not waste time. She's now 13-years-old, if you're curious."

The 13-year-old Liliane seemed enthusiastic. Even I wasn't like that. She wasn't on any terms with June and Aaron, as expected. The part that I didn't like was that, she was friendly with Arian instead, "Father! Father! Look! The teacher praised me today!" She had a big smile on her. Arian caressed her gently, "My daughter is so smart, isn't she? You definitely take after your grandmother, Liliane."

"Will I be like her one day then?"

"Of course! I will make sure of it!" He lifted her up and sat her on his lap.

"I love you, father!" She planted a kiss on his cheek while he also returned it, "I love you more, Liliane."

"I will puke if I see anymore of this," I look at Liliane. She doesn't move nor respond, just standing still, indicating that it wasn't over. I didn't bother pestering her either.

"You're done with your study today, right?" He asked. Liliane nodded enthusiastically. "Want to play with your father today again?"

"Are we going to shop again?" Arian shaked his head. Liliane made another guess, "Sand castles? Horse-riding? Oh! I know I know, baking sweets again?"

Her guesses were wrong again, making her frown, "Then what are we going to do, father?"

"We will play a little indoor game today, my sweet Liliane. A new game that you can't play with anyone else." My heartbeat raised and fear was starting to eat me up. I didn't want to think of negative things but the things he was saying....

"Why can't I?" She asked in a sweet voice. My heart ached seeing her innocence. I wanted to snatch her away from his lap right that moment and run away with her.

He replied, "Because It's going to be our secret game."

Liliane screamed in excitement, "Our secret! How fun!"

The scene quickly changed to what I'm guessing is his majesty's room. Arian had taken his tops off and kept rubbing his hands on her small legs. That innocent little girl still didn't know what was going to happen. He told her to put her hands up and he took off her clothes. She asked, "Are we going to change into new clothes, father?"

He kept smiling. However, this time his innocent smile had fell apart and turned into something evil. "Of course, we will."

He took her hand and placed it on top of his boner. Making the little girl curious, "What is this father?"

He fucking even had the audacity to reply, "Something that will pleasure you, Liliane. Don't worry about a thing." He touched her exposed chest and rubbed his fingers against her. She said, "It feels weird, father."

"Liliane, I beg you. Please stop this. I don't want to watch it anymore!" I snapped and shook Liliane. She finally spoke, "How will you understand what I've been through if you leave now, Lily.. How will you?" She grabbed my face and forcefully turned it towards the sinful scene. She closed her eyes. I continued to plead, "Liliane, I understand. I really understand so please!" She continued to ignore me as well. I was so helpless that I started crying.

That bastard opened his mouth again, "Stick out your tongue, Liliane." The little girl did as she was told. Within seconds, he sucked her tongue and force his way in her mouth. Finally, she started to retaliate. She pushed him away and spat out something, "I don't like this game, father. Can I go back to my room?"

He didn't listen to her and continued to force himself onto her while she cried out for it to stop. She was bleeding. Still, he didn't stop but Liliane did. Her mind, her will, she fell apart. She stared directly at our direction. Her lips slowly muttering something, "Why did you let this happen to me?"

Her voice started to ring in my head. "You could have saved me! Why didn't you!? All I ever wanted was to be loved, was that too much to ask for?"

I shook my head. Liliane finally changed the scene, "Do you know how many times that repeated?"

I instantly turned to her, "It didn't stop there?"

She started laughing, loudly, "Do you know how many times he fucking raped me!?"

I didn't know what to say to her as I had just experienced it once. My body and mind already got so messed up just cause of that one time.

She added, "EVERY. FUCKING. DAY! He didn't even stop even when I was menstruatiing." She hugged herself and started to rub her arms, "He said he felt so good and loved. He even said that I was also enjoying it and feeling his love because I was wet. Could you believe that?"

"I begged him to stop so many times but he never did! He never did. He never listened!" She looked at me, changing her tone, "But Lily~ What would you know? You had Mathel and June to help you. What could you know about helplessness? What would you-"

"STOP IT!" I screamed. Her face twitches as she leaned in closer. "I suppose, June somehow still helped me poison his majesty. Mathel also helped me with other things", she said as she counted with her fingers. "But it was too late by then", her hand dropped. In an instance, she vanished and so did the scene. Now it was the same older version of Liliane that was standing before me, on the bed sobbing quietly. Mathel knocked on the door and came in, "Princess... His highness-"

"PLEASE LEAVE ME ALONE!" She said throwing the pillow at her. Mathel closed the doors as she left. I followed her to see June and Aaron were standing outside. "She's still refusing?" June asked.

Mathel nodded, "She said it before that your highnesses eyes resemble the late emperor... So she just can't. She refuses to even look at herself in the mirror."

"It's been weeks! Is she going to starve herself to death!?" Aaron complained. June stopped him from rushing in the room, "She's been through a lot, Aaron. So let her at least-"


"WILL YOU STAY QUIET AND LISTEN TO ME FOR ONCE!" June lost his cool. Aaron immediately stopped and stayed still.

I went back inside the room to find Liliane standing by the balcony facing my direction. She was waiting for me, so it seems.

My heart feels super heavy right now. I'm gonna go crawl in a hole and cry. It hurts, why did I write this.....

I'm great at making bad choices so ig I'm gonna suffer through this too.

Yuki_nahcreators' thoughts