
A sip of forbidden blood

(Nathan) a young man in his thirties, his wife (Sol) is attacked by a gang of brutal vampires and is poisoned because she received fatal bites from them, and her only treatment is by withdrawing the poison by means of vampire fangs Where (Nathan) goes to a divination in order to turn him into a vampire to save his wife, but when he returns home, he discovers that it is too late, and after many eras of miserable time, he meets a mysterious girl named (Saya), where many strange situations become between them, and (Nathan) tries to appreciate It is possible to hide his truth from her and keep her away from him as much as possible. What will happen to him in the future? Will he be able to complete his life and return as a human being and love again, or will he end up as a bloodthirsty serial killer devoid of human feelings and compassion?

Iriss22 · Fantaisie
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2 Chs

      (She's my first love, dear Sol)

During the winter of 1899 within the Empire of Korea.

On a stormy day full of rain showers, she was there waiting for me to come to her. She knew that she would not survive. She just wanted to say goodbye, and she wanted to look into my eyes for the last time.

She was destined to die and it was my destiny to become a hybrid monster forever.

part One .....

The sound of her last breath still echoes in my ears, the looks of her eyes on me as she bids me the last farewell, the touch of her gentle hand on my face while it is full of blood, Those painful memories I couldn't forget, they stuck in my head forever

I suffer every day since you left me , Although 124 years have passed, I have never been able to forget her. . (Sol) I miss you so much..

Spring 2023.

The room door is knocking...

_ Enter

The door handle opens slowly.

_A woman's voice speaks kindly, saying:

Sir Nathan, your coffee is ready.

_ He was lying on his bed, He was distracted by the wall of his room , full of sadness and dullness of feelings. He replied: Thank you, a little more time and I will come.

He began to prepare himself in a happy and sad way at the same time, as if he was going to go on an arranged date to meet a beautiful girl.

He came out of his room smiling at all the workers in the house and asked them to take a day off so that he could be alone for a whole day.

He sat on the shaded balcony chair to protect him from the sun's rays and put one foot on top of the other and started drinking his coffee while sighing and saying to himself: In a little while, I will go to talk to my sweetheart, I am sure she misses me a lot.

Unusually, on this same date of each year, Nathan wears a modern and elegant outfit full of colors, although his style of dress is always a classic black uniform (a suit) with an old-fashioned hairstyle . The strangest thing is that he will leave the house in broad daylight even though he poses a great danger to his life.

He wore sunglasses, carrying a shade with him, put on a face mask, then got into his car and left his palace, heading to a place he had not told anyone about.

He stopped the car and got out of it, placing his hand on the door, looking at the place he had reached by burning him.. He closed the car door and started walking, approaching a seat in front of the beach. He sat down and started talking to himself, saying: :

_ Look, Sol , the only thing that remains of your memory has now become a popular heritage. People come to visit it. No one remembers what happened except me.

Why did you leave me alone and go You had to wait a little bit I was about to save you How weak you were.

He started crying like a child with all sincere feelings, tears of remorse and despair pouring down his cheeks as if they were burning him, not relieving him.

Five hours after he sat on this bench, he rose to his feet and said:

"My dear Sol, it's time for me to go now."

He put a yellow chrysanthemum flower on the seat and left.

(Yellow chrysanthemum flower): symbolizes sadness and loneliness.

When he arrived at the palace, the lights were completely off. The palace looked like an abandoned castle, full of misery, sadness, and pallor.

This was his order to the workers before they left the palace to turn off all the lights before they left.

Nathan entered the palace with cold features, indifferent to anything, and it was clear that he was very tired.

He quickly went to his bed in order to sleep and move away from the thoughts that eat his mind and heart.

_ Oh, now I want to lay my body on the bed and sleep so deep to death.

Nathan fell into a deep sleep that he had not slept like in a long time, but this temporary comfort he felt did not last long, so soon he began to see the sad nightmare that he always tried to escape from...

Winter 1899 (Korea Empire).

The weather was windy with heavy rain showers.

While Nathan was working as a major merchant in the city center

A bloody attack occurred from a large group of vampires, and they began to kill the population inside the villages

. A large part of the villagers drank their blood completely, and the other part was beaten, bitten, and poison drained into their veins in order to die with the most severe type of torment ...

The sky is black, carrying showers of rain, as if crying the last farewell to the victims of the massacre that took place

Nathan runs between the alleys of houses, gasping for breath, trying to find his wife, and he has a glimmer of hope that tells him that she will be alive and not dead.

_ He screams loudly and chants her name, hoping that she will answer him or see him

But the sound of the crying and screaming of the victims was louder than his own, as the blood mixed with the water running on the ground

Nathan searches among the corpses and bodies, praying to God that his wife is not among them, but suddenly he turned his head to the right, and when he saw his wife Sol near a cart selling sweets, holding in her hand a bag full of Nathan's favorite kind of sweets..

Sol was lying on the ground, pale in color, subjected to a massive amount of beating and biting. He approached her with slow steps. His feet could not walk, as if he had been paralyzed. His eyes were filled with tears.

_ Don't be afraid, everything will be fine. I'm here now. I'm sorry. I know I'm so late for you.

_ Sol couldn't speak she was just looking at him with her eyes filled with tears and pain.

He picked her up and started running towards their house and laid her on the bed

He began to look at her wounds and the bites she had received

_ Speaking to himself: This thing will never be cured by prescriptions

_ He approached her head and said bear it, my dear, I will go to a nearby place and bring you medicine. You have to bear it and not give up.

Nathan ran out of the house and headed up the mountain to the house of the most famous shaman in the area. His clothes were dripping from water and stained with his wife's blood. He was running and his feet were stumbling from stones and mud

_ Nathan saying to himself: Damn it, why is the shaman's house in a mountainous area like this? I have to hurry, I don't have much time.

He arrived at the shaman's house and forcefully opened the door, panting, saying:

_ My wife was bitten by vampires and her body was filled with poison. Help me, I'll give you the money you want.

_ Shaman: I'm sorry, I can't help you with such situations

_ I will drown you with money, believe me, I keep my promises.

_ The issue is not a matter of money, it is just that using the blood of vampires to transform you in order to extract poison from the veins of your wife is something forbidden even for us shamans.

Nathan fell to his knees weeping, begging the shaman to convert him so that he could save his wife, saying:

_ Just this time, help me, I swear that I will not harm any innocent person, even if it costs me my life. Please, I do not have much time left.

The shaman took pity on his condition and agreed to help him, saying:

_ I will help you to transform, but on one condition.

_ I will accept this condition, no matter what

_ The condition is that you do not approach any human blood, whatever it is, and if something happens and you start a rampage and want to shed blood, I will be the first to search for you and kill you.

_ Come on, hurry up, please start it up and let me transform.

The shaman took out a small transparent bottle with very black blood inside.

What is this blood, what are we going to do with it?

_ It's the blood of a vampire, you have to drink a sip of it to start transforming.

Well, come on, give it to me to drink

_But wait, there's something else I haven't told you...

_ He didn't listen to her in a hurry.

He drank a sip of blood

_ You have to be careful, you will show symptoms of transformation on your way home. You must bear and be patient and try to restrain yourself.

_ What do you mean ?

_ When you start drawing poison from your wife's veins, you have to stop when the poison ends, but if you don't restrain yourself, you will dry her blood completely.

Nathan came out of the shaman's house, heading home to treat his wife. He was running as fast as he could, not caring for his body, which was burning from the inside because of the new blood that was running through his veins like poison.

He fell to the ground in the road from the severity of the pain due to the symptoms of metamorphosis, breathing rapidly, and his body began to turn pale little by little.

He gathered his strength and stood on his feet and continued to walk despite the difficulty of the matter for him.

_ Finally I got home.

He approached his wife and saw her, she was breathing her last. He approached her while he was in the severity of his collapse... and said, "Sorry, sorry, I'm late, don't worry, I will treat you now."

Sol gave him one last goodbye look and placed her bloody hand on his face and smiled with her eyes closed forever.

_ Why did you close your eyes, answer me? Don't sleep now please

He grabbed her hand and pulled out his fangs and his eyes turned bloody red and he started trying to get the poison out by drinking it but to no avail.

_ Sol, please wake up, see that I am trying to get him out of you, come on, wake up. Nathan continued trying to extract the poison, but he noticed something strange about himself

He couldn't restrain himself. He continued to drink her blood until it dried up from all over her body. He only understood that when his thirsty desire was satiated.....

_ _ What did I do, did I take advantage of her death to satisfy my barbaric thirst for blood?

I'm a beast now and heartless too...


What are your expectations for the second part? I hope you liked the story

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