
A Second Chance Romance

Jane got married at the young age of 21 with her high school sweet heart, but what happens when he tired of their marriage after just four years and is frustrated by the fact they still hadn’t conceived a child ? Calling her boring and infertile, her husband demands a divorce. Heart broken Jane runs away from what she thought was their first date in long time getting hit by a car. The last thing she see’s is her ex husband’s horrified face. She is surrounded by a white light and then wakes up in the middle of a vast forest. She can remember her dying, so she thinks this place her personal heaven as she was a botanist. (A scientist who studies plants) Until an arrow flys right by her ear hitting a tree behind her. She screams and begins to run but trips and falls spraining her ankle in the process Another arrow lands right next to her piercing the ground next to her hip. Two men appear on horse back, a tall dark hair man dismounts pointing a sword toward her throat. “I am crown prince Beau Delmar, what are you doing trespassing on my hunting grounds?” Crown prince ?! Hunting grounds!? One moment she was living a simple life in Seoul, the next she was being interrogated by a prince! After getting her heart broken and dying shortly after, maybe this was her second chance at life. Better yet her second chance Romance.

Lahani143 · Fantaisie
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9 Chs



The sound of the crosswalk beeping made Jane look up from her latest book purchase. Botany an Experts Greenhouse. She was rushing to the address of the cafe her husband had told her to meet him at, it was where they often went on dates in college, an old favorite.

*A date, I almost can't believe it. I cant remember the last time Jun and I ate out together.*

Jane was a twenty five year old botanist, her job meant she got to spend her day surrounded by her most favorite thing: Plants. She studied them under a pharmaceutical program at Korea's largest university for medical properties often researching new medications.She was also chief supervisor at Seoul International Greenhouse which was more of a hobby to her than a job.

When she finally crossed the road and arrived at her destination, her eyes wandered through the cafe's windows in search of her husband. When She found him, and their eyes met she smiled brightly, but his expression seemed...tired and he motioned for her to come inside.

"Hey sweetie, what a surprise that you're near the greenhouse at this hour. Did you get off work early at the office?"

Jane dropped her heavy book onto the table causing the two glasses of water that were on the table to shake a spill a bit. Jun clicked his tongue in annoyance wiping up the mess with a paper towel.

"You can say that, I requested the day off to take care of somethings and so I could speak to you about something important."

Jane folded the corner of the page she had left off realizing the seriousness in her husband's tone of voice closing it shut, tucking any stray strands of hair behind her ears nervously.

"Is everything alright?"

Jun sighed looking around before waving for the waiter to come over and take their orders.

"Order your lunch first and then we'll talk."

He cleared his throat uncomfortably before ordering a roast beef sandwich, she quickly ordered her usual chicken garden salad. After the waiter walked off to put in the orders she leaned back into her chair trying to relax.

"Okay, what's going on?"

Jun sighed for the third time now, Jane tended to keep count of things like this. Three was never a good sign, it meant he was upset about something, nervous, or both.

"It's, well it's about us Jane, this marriage. I-I don't want to be a part of it anymore. I want a divorce."

She felt her hands go ice cold, she pulled them from the table, clasping them on her lap trying to regain any feeling in them. She studied her husband's face, searching his eyes for even the slightest hint of doubt, but there was none.

"Why are you asking for such a thing? Are your complaints about this marriage so bad that they aren't something that we can work through? Maybe we can take a trip to reconnect, or go to a councilor-"

"Jane stop it. You and I both know this marriage hasn't been going well for a while now. It's time for us to end this misery and move on with our lives and try to find love somewhere else because this marriage doesn't have any love left."

Her mouth went dry. It was worse than accidentally inhaling dirt, something she sometimes did on accident at work. She felt a painful lump in her throat that prevented any words from coming out.

Jun could see the hurt in her eyes, he had known this woman in high school, back when she was a young girl. He could count the times he had seen her cry on a single hand, today he would finally add the fifth finger to his count after knowing her for twelve years. He watched as she picked up her glass of water and drank half before speaking again.

"I-I haven't stopped loving you. Does that mean you don't love me anymore?"

He pinched the bridge of his nose, inhaling deeply before giving her his answer.

"No, of course I don't love you anymore. I feel closer to my boss at work than I do my own wife, I can't even remember the last time we kissed Jane. That isn't normal in a marriage. You lock yourself away in your office at home, you have no social life or friends, We've been married for 4 years and still haven't had a baby, and I'm bored. I'm tried of this sham and you should be too."

The waiter arrived with both plates of food, Jane picked up her fork and began to roll a black olive around on her plate as each of his painful words sunk in.

*He doesn't want me anymore*

He reached to grab her hand to make her look at him, she pulled her hand away, tears slipping through her long lashes when their eyes finally locked.

"We tried, we went to many doctors to figure out why I haven't gotten pregnant. They all said it would take time. A-and you just play computer games during all your free time at home, this is not just my fault."

Jun stood quiet as he ate and listened to her, he felt himself getting angrier and angrier with each bite. What she said wasn't wrong, but he had lost interest in her years ago.

"Well you don't have to worry about me anymore because I moved all my personal belongings out of our place into my new apartment the company is providing me. I also put in the paper work for our divorce proceedings."

Her jaw dropped. He already left, this was never a discussion, it was an announcement. He wasn't here to talk about divorce, he already ended the marriage on all his own terms.

"I-I can't believe you."

She stood up quickly grabbing her belongings. She could feel the sob threading to escape, as she swung her backpack onto her back it knocked into the table knocking all the food and drinks onto the floor causing a huge scene. Several people gasped, some even took out their phones and began to record the drama scene unfolding in front of them. She walked quickly to leave shoving past onlookers, and once outside she began to run.

"Jane! Jane wait! JANE STOP!!"

Jane was too blinded by her broken heart to realize she had already ran into the road in the middle of traffic. When she turned back to look at her now ex husband she heard the honk of a moving truck in slow motion. She saw his panicked expression before she felt as though she was flying, and then she was agony.

"Jane, Jane keep your eyes open Jane."

Everything hurt, but there was a comforting feeling of warmth as she took less and less shallow breaths. Suddenly Jun's panicked face began to fade and was replaced with the face that of a beautiful woman dressed like a goddess. The mysterious woman offered a gentle smile, and motioned for Jane to take her hand and follow her. Jane at first was scared to take it, but then reached forward taking the beautiful woman's hand and was then blinded by a bright white light.