
A Second Chance in Time

Hi, I’m Mark and while I’m not the strongest and neither do I have any unique ability, most of my opportunities being either wasted or given away one way or another, I’m the one that survived the most. Now that I think about it, this life is pretty miserable. I got my ups and downs, but because I rushed at the beginning, I ruined my entire future and the only thing keeping me alive is my ability to adapt and survive. That’s it. No magical abilities. No genius talent. The most unique ability I had was an ability the “survivor” title gave me called “The survivor”. Oh, look, I'm about to be killed aaaaand I'm dead. ... . . Die, they said, you will receive eternal rest they said, but where is the eternal rest?! “Hello and welcome to the Regression and Reincarnation agency. Due to your peculiar achievements, you have been fo- ahem, given the chance to go back in time, as well as three wishes.” –––––––––––––––––– Follow Mark on his journey to change his ending, see his rises and falls and journey with him together in this story through your imagination. ______________________ This is my first book and my native language isn't English, so expect grammar mistakes and so on. You will find no harem in here because webnovel is filled with harem stories and second, I'm absolutely tired and bored of reading harem stories, so I'm making a book myself. Same for swords, they are everywhere, so they got boeing quickly, so MC will NOT be wielding a sword. The closest thing to sword you'll get is a knife. Either way, enjoy my book and if you don't like it, just stop reading, no need to write comments or reviews about how, from your perspective, the story is. _______________

Blank_Joker · Fantaisie
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40 Chs


I open the smallest one first.

It contains rings and bracelets, they're black and white, when I tried to lift them, each one of them was super heavy for its size.

"Those rings and bracelets are a gift from your uncle, he's a professional blacksmith, you'll be going to live with him as an apprentice after me teaching you the basics.

He knows that you're training to be a blacksmith right now, so he made the these with the heaviest metal he could get his hands on, the rings weight 10kg and the bracelets 30kg."

"Send my thanks to uncle, dad."

'No wonder I had to push this box across, it weighted a total of 400kg, luckily it had bearings that acted like wheels, so I didn't need to push it too hard.

The box had a total of 10 bracelets and 10 rings, though they were of different sizes.'

"This gift will last you for life, worst case you'll carry them in a backpack or I'll remake them to fit you or you'll do it yourself.

It is a family tradition to get these rings and bracelets to kids that decided to become a blacksmith of any kind, be it a goldsmith like me or a blacksmith like your uncle."

Then I unpack the second gift, it was a backpack, I see a not on it too.

{This shit's weighted, but it's durable as fuck. As a joke I tried to destroy it, got a few dent's though I fixed 'em up and your grandma cleaned the dirt on it.}

"As you have guessed, this was made by your grandparents. This bag 100kg and can survive a 100m fall with 50kg without a scratch, so don't worry for what kind of training you'll receive in the future."

The bag was a mix of blue, violet, black and red and very pretty too, this might be the best gift this year.

The last gifts were a small hammer from uncle, weighted clothes, slightly more weight, but made to fit me, they were baggy, just my style.


The final gift was a knife set with another note on it.

{I heard from your mom that you're cooking well for a kid; I'll be coming over this year so I hope that you'll make a meal for mw with this knife set.}

The set contained a jagged knife that is normally used to cut bread, a normal knife, a clever, the really big knife used to chop meat, a small knife, kinda reminded me of a surgical knife, but bigger, a butter knife and the tools needed to keep them in peak conditions.

This time mom spoke.

"This is a gift from my sister. She's my only direct relative left, there are also my uncles, aunts and cousins. I avoid them because I know they only wish to leech of our family, but Cecilia is the only exception."

"Cecilia has my approval, don't give her your full trust, but she is a honorable woman that keeps her promises. She promised not to leech of off our family and she's keeping the promise well"

"Darling, you could've chosen to say that she's kind, pretty, but out of all the options you chose this?!"

I understand why mom is confused, women overcomplicate men and men over simplify women, that's facts and even though mom and dad know each other well, but they still don't have a complete understanding of each other, for a long while at least.

My parents died in 'The Second Wave', that's when that 2 century old flame went out and that's when shit hit the fan for me, partially.

I'm determined to keep my family and grandparents alive, so my responsibilities only increased.

But saving all of them is very important.

Most of my relatives from my dad's side are craftsmen, while from my mom's side businessmen and medicine related worker.

Both fields are very valuable and vital for my plan.

I also checked and the worlds best future blacksmith is working as an apprentice in my grandpa's workshop.

I'm definitely recruiting him.

I haven't found any other influential people, but talented people is what I found.

There is one small girl I know, she's the daughter of the café owner where me and mom often go, I know her and I remember her name only by a miracle.

She was one of the very few tailors who could make divine grade equipment, but she died and she only made a divine grade piece once before dying, though that is normal.

Unless you are someone serving a god, making something divine grade is an insult to gods, so they eliminate you as soon as possible and more often that not, torture that person for a while.

Thanks to the two I had a though of making a team or a guild of competent people that serve exclusively.

This will potentially give me a monopoly on highest-grade stuff, though I'm not sure how long would it last.

After 'The Second Mana Wave', the system shop started to only sell the very basic skills, but monsters started to drop skill books and knowledge shards, thus replacing the shop.

I'm hoping to get a monopoly on that.

Now, finding these people removed thee necessity to get the 'Tailor' and 'Blacksmith' classes, though I'll learn tailoring and forging either way, it will be useful to know them incase something happens.

For their replacements, I will, most likely, pick 'Craftsman', the jack of all trades, but in crafting and I'll have the option to specialize it further as I progress.

'Craftsman' is a class that is often looked down upon, as no "proper" 'Craftsmen' have been able to craft stuff above 'Mythical' grade. 

But the funny things is that no crafts men were found above A rank, as then the 'craftsman' only has 2 or less specializations, thus making 'Craftsman' evolve into something else.

But even then this class is the best pick for me as I wish to have 6 crafting specialties.

Runecraft, forging, tailoring, leather working, grimoire making and goldsmithing to be precise.

The other replacement would most likely be 'Energy manipulator', precisely the class that allows me to use multiple energies and it grants the passive skill 'Energy merge', which allows to use and fuse multiple energies at once.

This skill is half of the reason why people disliked dealing with people that had this class as they could make a stupid number of variations just based on a single spell, thus making them a pain in the ass to deal with.

The other half is the 'Energy transmutation' skill, a skill which allows to transfer one any energy into another. Though the condition to use this skill is that the user must be able to use both the energy that is transmutating and the one will transmutate to.

As for my main class, the decision didn't change, I will be getting the 'Fighter' class.

Your question might 'Mark, why are you picking a plain class like this?'

Because it is a 'blank slate'.

The nickname 'Blank slate' is given to classes that could involve into anything, for example, fighter and mage.

There was 1 more, all-rounder, but this class is not worth it unless you have 20 or more talents, which I don't have.

I'm picking fighter because I'm the most familiar with fighting close range and I like fighting, being a mage takes away half of that joy.

A/N: fighter and mage just represent physical-related and energy-related classes, so fighter could evolve to tank, then guardian and then something else or thief, then assassin, then ____ assassin and so on.

While mage could evolve into priest, then priest of ____ and so on or fire mage, then flame mage and so on. All-rounder is just what it means, jack-of-all-trades, but weather he is a master of all or none depends on the class-holder.

A/N ends

My plan is to evolve 'fighter' into some kind of class that might suit me, I only know the general direction which I'll be going, as even before regression, it was estimated that only 1% of all the possible classes born from 'fighter' were found.

At first, everyone picked 'fighter' or 'mage', but as class diversified and then came the 'era of all-rounders', I named is as such, because everyone then wished to pick all-rounder, though they only realized that it's only worth it if you have a lot of talents.

But then it was too late and because of that, many people ruined their futures, though some did shine.

I remember this brown-haired guy, he evolved all-rounder into 'True Weapon Master', a class which requires you to be able to wield any and all weapons at a master's level.

He got some luck as all of his talents, which he had 30+, were related to weapons, and not the specific kind.