
A Second Chance in Time

Hi, I’m Mark and while I’m not the strongest and neither do I have any unique ability, most of my opportunities being either wasted or given away one way or another, I’m the one that survived the most. Now that I think about it, this life is pretty miserable. I got my ups and downs, but because I rushed at the beginning, I ruined my entire future and the only thing keeping me alive is my ability to adapt and survive. That’s it. No magical abilities. No genius talent. The most unique ability I had was an ability the “survivor” title gave me called “The survivor”. Oh, look, I'm about to be killed aaaaand I'm dead. ... . . Die, they said, you will receive eternal rest they said, but where is the eternal rest?! “Hello and welcome to the Regression and Reincarnation agency. Due to your peculiar achievements, you have been fo- ahem, given the chance to go back in time, as well as three wishes.” –––––––––––––––––– Follow Mark on his journey to change his ending, see his rises and falls and journey with him together in this story through your imagination. ______________________ This is my first book and my native language isn't English, so expect grammar mistakes and so on. You will find no harem in here because webnovel is filled with harem stories and second, I'm absolutely tired and bored of reading harem stories, so I'm making a book myself. Same for swords, they are everywhere, so they got boeing quickly, so MC will NOT be wielding a sword. The closest thing to sword you'll get is a knife. Either way, enjoy my book and if you don't like it, just stop reading, no need to write comments or reviews about how, from your perspective, the story is. _______________

Blank_Joker · Fantaisie
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40 Chs

Dear Diary,... 2

'System, remind me again, why do you not list it as a skill?'

[Because it lacks that something that other skills possess, I do not know what it lacks, I only know that it lacks that thing.]

'Yeah, if not for that restriction where you only tell me what I am allowed to know and you don't get access yourself to the information that I can't know is pretty annoying.

[It is what it is, now deal with it yourself, get stronger, get more authority and you will get a higher access, all you have access to is the very basics]

[Though don't get attached to me as I will be deleted and replaced by the basic system everyone has]


Moving on, time to get out of bed, it is now 5.50, so it's almost time for the morning training'

'I quickly change and greet my dad with a simple hello and after we leave our house, we immediately start running.

This time we are going with half of my speed, plus 5 kg weight on all my limbs, plus I'm the one carrying water, so it's an extra 3kg of water resulting in a total of 23kg. It's lighter than the usual 63 kg, but I must take it easy till I am healed.

You might think this is a lot, but isn't for me.

My current grip strength is almost 70 kg, while my total wight now is 52kg, see the gap?

For my 5th birthday, under my request, they bought me grip training tools, for last year Christmas, they built me a library and Santa Claus gifted me 4 weighted T-Shirts and 4 weighted shorts. 

For this year Christmas, Santa Claus gifted me small bits of tungsten, that weighted a total of 30kg and 4 special sets just to wear them.

The set contained weighted trouser, shirt and pants with special pockets just for the pieces of tungsten and they were separated so that when I moved, they didn't make any sound. And the clothes seem like normal clothes.

The clothes' weight was 20kg, now do the math yourself of what I'm wearing to kindergarten and sometimes while training.

I take of this clothing when running in the mornings, though when I have to run in daily life, I'm wearing the weights.

My mom knows about half of what dad puts me through and I keep the secret together with him. We both know that she would never agree to the training dad puts me through, but keep in mind that dad participates in my training, though with much higher weights, around 200kg.

If you saw him, you would think that he is a professional bodybuilder and when we go to beach or lake to swim around and what not and there are people around, people always take photos of his body.

I'm not spared from this as I partially inherited his physique, thus I looked toned as fuck. In fact, a few scars and I would look like a fighter if not for my height, which now is 0.85m

A/N:0.85 meters = ~2.7 feet

One time, as a joke, my dad brought a tool that measures speed and he did for how fast we were running and we were going at 17 km/h, that was when we were going at my full sprint pace.

A/N: That's ~10.6 mph

That was fast considering that I am still a 6-year-old.

Also, my dad and I started to run barefoot as a bet for who would whine from pain first and we both still hadn't whined at all and to finish this sooner, my dad started guiding through logs, rivers and we were still going in a non-path area.

Now, we must be extra careful when coming home, so we always bring crocks with us, so that when we get back home, we wouldn't dirty the floor and keep our secret. 

Oh, this view is nice'

"Master, let's take pictures of this place"

"Sure, though we will be upping the pace to catch up with our time."


I take a few pictures quickly and we continue running

As I was saying, because of me running constantly bare foot through logs, rivers, rock and so on, my feet's skin got harder than your morning wood and my toes got stronger that your will to live

A/N: fuck you too

Aw, don't be so jealous of my feet

A/N: What I'm jealous of is your 'discipline' skill, I need that in life.

Oh, no don't get that, it is a shit fest to level it up, pain doesn't help anymore.

A/N: oh, ok, now stop breaking the boundaries of reality

Ok, bye

Continuing on the monologue, this life has been wonderful, 'discipline' and 'pain resistance' are the proof of this.

I started to enjoy the hardship that dad, puts me through and it has become a part of my life.

Because of martial arts, I have also ranked-up 'Rhythm Break', as it's lower limit has become 0.2x to slow down or speed up attacks and movement and the upper limit got to 1.8x.

Good right?

No, because now people think that I'm some kind of once-in-a-millennia genius and that I can manipulate my body that well.

Both me and dad are running in silence as we want our silence and this kind of silence is extremely therapeutic and I like it very much, it is so much nicer than the noise of the city, plus the air is fresher too.

"We have arrived near the lake, Mark, go cli- oh, I forgot that your legs are still not fully healed, did it hurt to run"

"Nah, plus we ran only 5km, we usually run 20 km and with the lack of weights I almost feel like I'm flying"

"Well, that is true, though even at your peak, you are still no match for my 200kg, now pull out the water, we both need it"

"Yes master"

And we started our relaxation mode.

As my dad has taught me everything, he though that I need to be able to swim, now he just forces to swim around in a leisurely pace, so that my body would not turn off work mode, plus suddenly stopping after running so fast for so long is dangerous for the heart.

Fun fact, when my doctor did a scan of my heart, all he said 'was what the fuck am I looking at' and then he was shouted at by my mom for cursing in front of me, but later he explained the reason for that kind of explanation.