
Chapter 15 Hello~ League of Villains Part 1

After a few days of complete tranquility, one of the points of infection of the series finally arrived, the Assault on the USJ by the league of super villains, the teachers in charge were Eraser and N°13, a professional hero with a very bright astronaut suit. similar to Nautilus's space skin, for someone with a black hole Quirk their combat ability is a sick joke.


--What do you want Seaweed Hair?

Will you stop calling me that?

--Can you beat me?

--Sorry but…


--You are not somewhat tense, you are freezing the glass.


Apparently I got too lost in my thoughts and ended up leaking some ice, well it's pretty hot so I don't see anyone complaining.

--I see…*crack*

I snapped my fingers and the cold disappeared in an instant.


--Do you hate me Kurogane-san?

--A little... Seaweed Hair... you should train more.

I ignored Midoriya Izuku's conflicted face and closed my eyes meditating on my next actions.



Aizawa Shota's tired voice called behind me.


--Is there a problem?

--Let's define problem sensei...

I shrugged and touched my eyes twice, sensei got my cue.

--Did you see something?

I ask quietly, I nodded.

--It's not necessarily a bad thing but I could ask you to prepare for the worst, you should give the provisional combat order to the students.

-- Provisional order of combat ?! What did you see?

--Villains~ and many but don't worry~ the only one injured was you and No. 13-sensei, although that was only because they took us careless, if you give the order, I'll take care of the Minions.

--Are you confident in your Quirks?

--I won't die easily~ sensei but I will fight whether I want to or not, I'm just notifying you.

Eraser looked at me wearily before shrugging and sighing.

--No one will get hurt... right?

--Just a few scrapes and bruises, though sensei gets his arm broken and skull fractured while No. 13-sensei gets mashed up.

--Okay... you have permission to act "only" if the villains attack.

--Thank you sensei.

--Protect your fellow Kurogane.

Eraser-sensei left me with a pat on the back before going to talk to No. 13 and making some calls, possibly All Might will arrive earlier than expected.


--Welcome Heroes!

With those words, two suspicious-looking men welcomed us into the rescue salon, one had his hands on his face and the body along with ashen hair was "Tomura" and next to him was a man in a Bartender's suit, only his head was no more. than a black shadow or flame with two bright yellow eyes "Kurogiri".


--Attention! Deployment! Provisional order of combat for all students! Aim! Villains!

Eraser-sensei acted quickly while <Tomura> himself didn't seem to understand what was happening.

--Kurogiri... Does it look like they're not scared?

--It seems.

--Okay, let's give him a demonstration of the power of... THE LEAGUE OF VILLAINS!

It seems that Tomura changed his speech and plans, it's not like it was a problem, a big black gap opened up behind Tomura and an army of villains came out of it.

--Sensei, Humitos has the ability "Warp" and Don't let "Face of Hands" touch it.


--Kurogiri...let's spice this up a bit.

--Right away.

I caught Kurogiri's movements, and yelled.

--Everyone form groups!

Right with my words a series of dark pits swallowed most of the students and I dodged it by jumping on an ice platform and running towards the villains along with No. 13, Eraser-sensei had already started dancing with the mobs.


Eraser-sensei jumped and hung from one of the ceiling beams with her scarf, at that moment I sang.


Like Shoto in the original work who froze a part of the central square, I went a bit further by directly freezing more than half of the villains' forces.

--Kurogiri... that child is good.

I agree, it has a lot of power.

--Stop babbling.

Eraser managed to sneak in and kick Tomura, but Kurogiri blocked the blow transporting him to the sky, but sensei swung like the spidery neighbor of New York with his scarf. Do I really want one of those?

--Kurogane -kun! Back!

No. 13-sensei jumped forward and raised his hand, one of his fingertips raised revealing endless darkness followed by a horrible sucking force.

--Sensei stop now!

--No. 13!

Before we could help No.13 Kurogiri transported his own suction zero distance from his back, shredding him with his own ability just like in the original.

--Sorry Eraser...

Pro Hero #13 "Defeated".

Will I have to go all out? Luckily Uraraka and the others are outside…I don't want them to see this.


--Sensei... Can I go with everything?

My voice turned cold, I could feel the ice crunching under my feet. Although "Almighty God Grandfather" gave me the abilities and removed their weaknesses they still retain certain side effects, for example the original "Demon Extract" corrupts the user's mind turning them into a bloodthirsty insane demon or obsessive compulsive. , Esdeaht was able to dominate corruption but was still consumed in other aspects such as her obsession with war and idyllic love, in my case I have lived with this blood for almost 17 years and I still "keep" my sanity but there are moments in which "The demons" cry out for blood.

--Can you do something against the "Warp" guy?


Pieces of dark purple super dense compressed ice formed on my arms and legs, as well as two ice horns formed on my forehead.

--Permission granted…


I released the demon blood by reinforcing it with part of the Avalon's vitality increasing my speed and strength by several levels, right now I'm only slightly weaker than Endeavour.



Kurogiri and the remnants of the villains got in my way but they're just stumbling blocks.


With a single fist, the freezing wind wave sent all the trash mobs flying and left them neatly covered in frost, the only drawback is that the muscles of my right arm from the tips of the fingers to the back are destroyed but nothing the Avalon can't fix.


--Kurogiri! What is this child?

--I don't know but we must retire.

--No, no, no, we still have something left NOMUUUUUUUU !!!

Tomura screamed and a new gap appeared and an anthropomorphic creature came out of it, cross a crow with a gorilla, tear off part of the skull revealing the brain and you have a Nomu.

--This guy is our ultimate weapon against All Might~


Shout the name of the future heir to the symbol of evil and charge at the synthetic beast.

--Finish it NOMU!

The Nomu ran towards me head on and without any technique, normally a normal person would attack with punches or kicks and try to weaken or incapacitate his enemy but I know what this creature called Nomu is, so why worry about morality.

--Ice Modelling...!

The Nomu was designed to be the perfect punching bag and natural Counter to All Might too bad I'm not All Might. I dodged the Nomu's charge and hit his back piercing his flesh and firmly holding his cervical spine freezing it.


In less than a blink, the Nomu's body froze from the inside out, ripping and tearing its internal and external structure, spattering blood and entrails all over the place.

I took my hand from the Nomu's frozen body and walked towards the stunned Tomura.

--I heard! I heard! I heard! Kurogiri… that boy that boy! I kill my NOMU!

--We must go, Tomura.

--No, not yet . Where is All Might?!



As the two of them had their talk I closed the distance between us and hit Kurogiri who was covering Tomura with his body, my fist went into a portal but the damage was already done, so I just backed away, watching Korogiri fall to his knees.


--We have to go Tomura.

--No, they won't~

A sadistic smile formed on my face, as a series of ice pillars enclosed the three of us.

--Want to play rude boy?

--Whenever you want~ Tomura-chan~

Tomura adjusted the hand that covered his ashen face and stood in front of Kurogiri while rolling up his sweatshirt sleeves. He is a weak and puny guy but that doesn't mean he is weak as long as he can touch or grab you with his full hand he can break you down in an instant, he is also proficient in martial arts and his reflexes are not far from those of a cat.

--Come on, Hero.

I turned my gauntlets and boots into vicious, sharp claws.

--Let's play~ Tomura-chan~

I licked my lips and charged at Tomura.

--Damn Boy!


--Oh~ you came back~

--Ha hahahaha~ KILL HIM NOMU!

--Don't claim victory so quickly Tomura-chan~ Ice Modeling Ice Edge!

A hundred icicles, arrows and purple ice spears flew towards Tomura, Kurogiri tried to transport some but failed in the end, both of them and the Nomu ended up injured.

--Tomura we must go!

--Yeah... it's not fun anymore.

Tomura clutched the cut on his side where one of the ice spears cut him, Kurogi who was injured in the leg limped and opened a portal.

--Nomu kill them all~!

--See you heroes...

--O no, you won't Ice Modeling! ICE JAVELINE!

A single purple spear flew into the air and followed them through the portal which closed, leaving only the youth and the beast locked in a cage of ice.


--Okay let's play~


--What kind of fight is this?

Eraser watched his student fight like a thirsty beast as a bad feeling floated through his mind as he covered the rest of the students and poor #13.