
Chapter 16 Hello~ League of Villains Part 2

--Everyone form groups!

Kurogane shouted and we were all absorbed by the ability of that villain "Kurogiri" luckily we all formed groups as we were told and were transported to various points surrounded by villains luckily or maybe because of Aizawa-sensei's words we all performed better since that we had permission to fight. After solving the common villains we ran to help the senseis but what we saw in the central square was something inhuman.



Those two words floated in the minds of all the members of class 1-A.

Kurogane Yuuji was fighting against a humanoid creature but it was not a formal or sporting fight, it was just a brutal and ruthless fight, the two hit each other hard, the beast only attacked head on while the black-haired youth who now wore purple ice horns used the same force to dislocate, break and tear his opponent staining the whole place with blood, in addition he himself lacked mercy hitting and piercing the body of the apparently immortal monster with his gloves that were now nothing more than bestial and demonic claws.

It looks like it fell again...

--Do Todoroki-kun know what's going on?

--I didn't see it personally but this is Yuuji's true "Strength". He is an orphan, a villain blew up his house during a fight with my father, the report dictates that Endeavor defeated and suppressed the villain but that is a lie, the one who defeated and maimed the villain was a 7 or 8 year old boy "Yuuji", According to his father, in this state Yuuji will not show compassion until the enemy falls, it is a kind of self-hypnosis, possibly his conscious mind cannot handle the load and he lets instinct take control.

Todoroki Shoto could only contain his shudder at seeing his good friend fight in that sea of blood and guts.

--Poor Yuuji-kun~*

--Just to protect us~?



--Is a man…

--But what if that "Nomu" was made to fight against All Might?

--Doesn't that mean Kuro-kyun is as strong as All Might?

Midoriya Izuku clenched his fists at his own thoughts pointed out by Tsuyu Asui.

--No, no, no, no Kurogane may be very strong but he can't be as strong as All Might.

Minoru Mineta shook his head while Todoroki Shoto could only look into the distance remembering the confrontation that took place a few weeks ago.

--... (I would say so too but I've seen what this guy is capable of...)




Dodging the blow by a hair, the black-haired man nailed his ice claws and ripped the Nomu's chest, tearing out his heart along with the other organs, only for it to regenerate a few seconds later.

--Ha hahaha~ funny~ but this is tiring~

Bathed in blood and visors, the black-haired youth changed the shape of his gauntlets, from claws to their original shape.


Flashing at full speed, the youth planted a plethora of freezing blows hundreds of degrees below absolute zero, freezing and shattering the very cellular structure of the Nomu, which could only fall to pieces.

--Ice Modeling, Full Demon Armor…Free…

The black-haired man muttered those words as if reciting a spell and all the blood on his body froze and drained from his body along with the armor and horns on his head, leaving him in a pristine state, save for the wrinkles and cuts on his uniform. .


--This is too… cruel.

--But we cannot deny that he is strong.


Yaoyorozu Momo suppressed her nausea as her eyes grew teary, Krisshima Eijiro and Natsuki Bakugo could only nod to each other, as did all the other students in 1-A, feeling firsthand what a battle against villains is like.


The world's number 1 hero came too late.


With the appearance of the reinforcements, the cleaning and subsequent monitoring was not a problem, except for the looks of grief, fear, terror, rivalry and another series of problematic emotions that my colleagues give me is bothering me but let's ignore it for now, yes, let's do that .

In addition, the school gave a gag order to the events of today, everything will be resolved with the magic words "All Might went and saved them, everyone is happy"


In a bar somewhere in the city.

--Damn boy…

--Stay still Shirasaki Tomura, I have to get this thing out.

Kurogiri and Tomura were injured on different levels but that last attack by the young man was really dangerous for them, the Warp user could barely move the direction of the javelin but it still hit Tomura in the shoulder, counting all the serious injuries.

Kurogiri with multiple lacerations to his body, along with a thigh wound that luckily didn't damage the artery, and some hypothermia after his legs were frozen.

Shirasaki Tomura received a cut in the abdomen after dodging a spear as well as some minor blows and cuts from the icicles attack and finally a javelin stuck at shoulder height, breaking both the clavicle, shoulder and shoulder blade, in short. almost lost an arm.


--Calm down and rest...

--Yes... I must kill that boy.

Shirasaki Tomura this time framed his hatred towards another person leaving Mirodiya Izuku aside for the moment.


UA – Teachers room.

--Eraser… What the hell happened?

Aizawa Shota, Pro Hero and the teacher in charge of Class 1-A was being challenged by his classmates after informing Principal Nezu about the ins and outs of the situation.

--All Might... huh?

--Tell me do I really defeat that thing?

--You saw the security cameras right.

--Yes, but that strength...

--I fight on a par against Endeavor and I must say his Quirks are a trap, ice and perception, besides that of seeing the future is a real trap.

Aizawa Shota revealed part of his student's information to All Might since he knows that he will not be indiscreet.

--I see… future vision… huh?

All Might's face turned ugly for an instant before returning to his usual smile.

--But Eraser, don't you think it was a bit too brutal.

--I was fighting against a crazy and inhuman beast, one false step and I would die, he and everyone else including me, we were able to react quickly to the villains thanks to his foresight, a lot of problems were avoided when I gave the order to fight, although it is me giving more paperwork.

--I see... Kurogane-shonen has talent and ability.

--But I feel that he lacks motivation, his strength is already on par with the top ten pro heroes, All Might, what do you think?

--...We must keep an eye on him, he is strong but lacks attachment and his personality is quite fluctuating.

--I'll see what I can do.

--I will also help Aizawa.

The two professors leaned back in their respective chairs as they watched the sunset.


--I want to eat Ramen~

After the fight against Nomu and some minor problems I finally got home but I still have what I could call a "hangover" from abusing my power, using the "Demon Form" causes me cravings, it's like being itchy and it doesn't go away. it will stop until you scratch it with an iron brush.

--Well, let's eat Ramen~

I'm not in the mood to go hunting for thugs or fifth-rate villains, so let's leave the suit at home.


Jumping from roof to roof and sometimes from pole to pole I arrived unexpectedly fast at a commercial street full of people, scurrying down and out through an alleyway, I entered the first Ramen restaurant in sight.

--IRA SHAIMASE! (Welcome!)

Nodding to the cheerful and effusive call of the pig-headed middle-aged man who ran the place I could only hold back the Tsukomi, a creed selling pork bowls Cannibalism or merchandising?

Sitting heavily on the bar and letting my head fall on the counter, I spoke lazily.

--Boss a bowl and a cold jinger ale.


A glass filled with ice and an amber drink arrived first.



--You look tired Boy-jan~

An Onee-san with purple hair and light blue eyes looked at me with a smile.

--A little, Onee-san~

--Girl trouble I guess~?

Said the cheerful and slightly drunk woman taking a sip from the jar next to her.

--Why deny it~ Frienzoned before even trying anything~ life is cruel~

I shrugged and took a sip of my own drink.

--Oh! Poor Boy-jan~ Onee-san is sorry~

--Nah~ The sea is rough and there is still bait on the line ~ but I appreciate the gesture~

-- Good answer!!!

The Onee-san roared and emptied a full mug of beer down her throat.



I spent the night talking to the Onee-san about a bunch of nonsense, from romantic advice to politics, Onee-san was even more cheeky than me, as she herself gave a long and gushing speech about Mt.Lady's butt and the long and sensual legs of the Ryukyu heroine, all the men in the place tipped our hats to such mastery of the subject, in the end it was a nice and quiet night and my "hangover" passed easily.