
A Saiyan Owl

(DB) A 'normal' teenager was watching Mumei, until an ad popped on his screen, now trying to get rid of the ad ask ''Want to have an adventure?'' (A/N: Doing for fun, And this one turned one of my favorites to work on, if you don't like a Protagonist who likes to make joke out of everything, well, not for ya, The story itself will remain serious, like real dangers and everything, but the mc is going around joking and being seriously whatever it calls the need, and that's what you should expect. And I love DB, so I am gonna try and keep the fidelity to the OG's) A 《 Hololive EN x Dragon Ball 》Fanfiction. So if you don't know neither, this is going to be so confusing lol.

ReyKale · Anime et bandes dessinées
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99 Chs

Chap 70- Plans and Vroooom!

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩 𝟕𝟎- 𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐕𝐫𝐨𝐨𝐨𝐨𝐦!;





{ 𝐂𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐂𝐚𝐬𝐩𝐮𝐥𝐞 𝐂𝐨𝐫𝐩; 𝐖𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐂𝐢𝐭𝐲; 𝐑𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐦 𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐭; 𝟎𝟔:𝟑𝟓 𝐚.𝐦 }

* 𝐔𝐒𝐇𝐇𝐇𝐇!!!*

As the sun rises even higher with the sky lightning up, another day finally rolling in the streets of West city together with a motorcycle that speeds up carrying two girls on top of it, their clothes and hair floating around like crazy against the strong winds hitting them.

One of them leaving a burst of excited laughter behind as she prances the bike up for a second, before moving her feet and changing gears by the pedals, accelerating even more as she allows it fall down.


Passing by the people going through their daily lives, heading to work on the sidewalks, forcing them to protect their eyes with their arms as winds were strongly blowing by the vehicle passing by at speeds that made it look more like a black and orange blur. It being the motorcycle's main colors.

" Was.... buying this really necessary, to begin with, Muun?"

With a not-impressed look, our dear blue head, Kro, holds to Mumei's abdomen, the same one who is driving a bike well above the speed limit through the streets as the moon still shines slightly, and the orange of the sun can be seen getting stronger as they get closer to Capsule Corp.

" AHAHAH! Hell yeah! I had to Kro! Look!"


●●● 𝑳𝒆 𝐁𝐢𝐤𝐞 ●●●

Turning the accelerator handle in her hands, she changes gears by her feet once more, speeding up even more as a smile of joy creeps on her excited face while she goes faster and prances up her new toy slightly.

And yeah, they could fly....

But for her.

This was way more fun.


Shaking her head, Kro rested her chin by Muun's shoulder, feeling her hair flow through the wind, seeing the brown one's also going wild too.

They had left as soon as they ended their '𝒑𝒍𝒂𝒚' earlier, with the Owl giving an autograph to the blonde lady, not fully knowing why she would want such, but she didn't feel any bad intentions, so she just gave it without thinking much of it.

After leaving, they walked around the block while holding hands and speaking about random and also some important things.....







{ 𝐀𝐧 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐛𝐞𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞; 𝟎𝟓:𝟑𝟓 𝐚.𝐦 }


" Kro... I think I got everything in mind, going forward while also considering our hell of a current situation."- Walking through a small park, a pair of love birds stop in front of a water fountain with their hands still locked, and funnily enough, Kro was wearing Mumei's Jacket, and the bird her own white and blue cloak.

They changed just for the heck of it... By saying that, meaning that Mumei literally wanked Kro's cloak, and threw her own to the girl, who was confused, but immediately sniffed the piece of clothing, earning herself a karate bonk for the horniness.

That aside, they turn to each other, the taller girl cocking her head sideways for a second as she saw the bird's smug grin, Mumei gave a small squeeze as if asking permission to get her hand away.

And after being given, she opened her arms like she presenting something great as her face was one of a child who just found their favorite candy.... well, said child wasn't a child anymore after what she did today, going for five hours without stopping, Kro experienced what having a lower power level in situations like this resulted.

Having to use Super Saiyan to keep up stamina-wise, but losing when the Owl pulled the reverse card, also transforming.... Truly a 'messy' battle.

" What abouuut! *grins*, We take the Z-Sword! I planned to have my potential unlocked in Namek, but it didn't go as I wanted.... That being said, I did fight Frieza.*nods*, it was fun, no regrets here.

Then, gonna ask Bae, if she or her angels gets it for us, and then I ask her to train me after unlocking our truck of potentials! *twirls around looking up*

Just think about it, the powers of a God, and the potential unlocked together! Hell, I just want God for the boost that fricking Godly OP energy gives!... Although I may face a shitty edge version of myself later on...


*Smug look* Or~ I ask OA~chan to ThanoSnap the hell out of Zamasu's ass, also another one is the Super Dragon balls to do so in every other Timeline, aannnnd problem solved... Beeg brain move ye."

Shooting a heavy bullet before finding a good way to solve it, being super proud of herself, Mumei gets in some plans she thought about as they walked through the place, having her mind still going all over the place after all.

Remembering why she didn't want divine powers to begin with, she just shrugged it off now that she doesn't need to worry.-' I need power right fucking now, anything goes. I'mma deal with what comes next then.'

Kro hearing that rests a hand by her chin, remembering their talks, and nodded.

" Yeah, it seems like a good way to go about it Muun....*Smug smile*... So I presume you're going into that place? Didn't you say you hated it~?"

Flinching at the tone and question of the other, the birb looked at her with a pout as she crossed her arms.-" Obviously, that place sucks ass.... *serious eyes* But I can't risk it.... We need time to grow, and time isn't something we have laying around right now until the Emo is ded, if there's anything that I know about Fu as a character and probably as an individual...

Is that he will come back, like his canon counterpart, and he will be stronger or even have companions.....

*Looks at Kro* Think our Super Saiyans can hold off him next time he shows up?.... I fucking don't like it one bit to admit it, buuuut,*clicks tongue*, He was taking you in his base even after ya transformed, Kro. It took me to push everything out, and you tagging along combined to handle him... As seemly equals...."

Seeing the one in front of her let go of her carefree face, Kro immediately closed her face, clenching her teeth hard, her hands now firmly balled into fists, nodding while looking at the ground, accepting their reality.

They weren't strong enough back then, Muun right now may be able to do so, but there was no telling, even if Bae and Iryis were around.... Who knows when the demon would appear? And those two weren't their babysitters, they were sent to help, yeah, but not guard their asses forever. Mumei knew that.

Taking a deep breath with her eyes closed, Kro coughed into her hand before crossing her arms and taking a thoughtful expression.

" Okay....*sigh*.... Muun,....*open eyes*.... I know what you want me to do as well as the others, now if we are having the Z-Sword and God powers in the playground.... and if you really want all of them to be at a good level....


Two.... I think you'll need the full two years, one for them to fully understand the new powers we will receive and have a good Mastery over it, and another one to really start to Progress them further....

I myself can try and ascend, maybe even trying to reach Blue?*smirks* Is that what you had in that sassy mind of yours?"

The more she spoke, the more the birb spun around like she was hearing a beautiful song, happy to hear her girl still had it with all that intelligence of hers.

With one last spin, Mumei rested both her arm by the other's shoulders.-" Bingo~ That's my Smort girl~ *smiles* But yes, to be more specific.... Perfected Blue, go for it, it's '𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒇𝒆𝒄𝒕' as it gets with you after all~"

*𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐆𝐇* - *Giggle*

Getting caught off guard, Kro laughed a bit, taking a spit take as she tried holding her face together with the girl in front of her smiling devilish smugly.

" Bad one....." - Booping the Owl's nose with her finger, Kro saw the other's smug face grow.

" Meh, Ya laughed, it's a guud one." - Taking a step back while she rests her arms behind her neck, Mumei sighs happily, her eyes still locked on the other's blue ones.

" I'mma will focus on Chaos, its power is fitting for my fighting style after all, and the upgrade it gives to any form I have is welcome too, just have to understand how the fuck it works exactly, besides filling my head to the point of it hurting, or turning into a flesh bomb.....

Although I am going to try something that may fit a lot with the same aesthetic,*turns around* Go for Perfected Blue, I'mma even wear a dress as a reward if ya reach that! AHAHAHAH!"

With a smug voice full of sarcasm, she walks away from the fountain they were in front of, lazily as her hands still rest behind her neck, leaving the other girl there a bit perplexed at what she heard..... -' Hmmm.... It's viable, would need to perfect Super Saiyan first by cutting its energy cost in the first weeks, then for God,... also learning the control over Godly Ki from the Angels if they accept to help us...'

Planning her ways, she walks behind the bird with a thoughtful look.







{ 𝐏𝐨𝐯 𝐌𝐮𝐦𝐞𝐢; 𝟎𝟓:𝟓𝟔 𝐚.𝐦 }

But really....

Everything I wanted back then, right now is being served in front of me on a golden table, just have to confirm it.

EZ access to God Ki is already confirmed as I have everyone needed, the boost will be immense for a lot of them right now, and will get a shit ton of weight off my shoulders, them getting this strong should carry them against threats that may come soon, a Super Saiyan will not be enough.

Still, will my version of it be any different? Well very soon I will know, but hope it turns out cool as hell like my Superstate!


"Hmm?"- Looking to my side as we exit the park, I see Kro.... She's looking down with her hand by her chin, whispering stuff way too quickly for me to understand properly... Meh, not feeling like raising my power just to hear it.

Turning around I feel her following, and soon enough she gets to my side right, using an arm to wrap around my right arm and hug it, as her other hand still by her chin, her mumbling not stopping....

Sweating a bit awkward as I shook my head, I get my sight back to the sidewalk we're going through, and I can see a small orange glow in the sky already, it seems daylight is already coming by.... Well slept like a rock yesterday, so I think I'm fine.

Going back to my train of thought.... Kro, we low-bowled her potential to be pretty damn high back then, but mine right now too should be something.... It has been a long time after all. Soooo, curious to see what all that being stacked will look like....

Hmmm, maybe the God ritual first... *raises brow* But don't they need to be at least Super Saiyans... Nahh, Videl joined with Pan still not even born in canon, and she wasn't Super yet..... Otherwise, Super Saiyan while still not even born.... Brolly yo ass is nothin heh....

It will most likely work.... The God ritual will make so everyone's potential Increases tremendously, and even if they can't transform like Piccolo and the Humans, God Ki will still be a cheat after all....

*Sighs*.....*scratches eye* This somehow is getting me tired..... I just said I was fully rested.....

'Mood, I guess.'

Walking while seeing a few convenience stores' lights starts to turn on, I can't help but feel kind of sad, can you even put the blame on me?

I loved fighting Frieza, it was the BEST! Like after awakening Fukari, or Flesh bomb if you will, that was fun as hell.

Exchanging attacks with him and Bae....*Looks at free hand, clenching it*.....

It was the most alive I ever felt.... Yeah, fighting Goku and Piccolo was cool, but they can't keep up now that I have this much experience.... Midget doesn't count, he was just annoying at the time, and a good foot-rest, even after being healed he didn't have any techniques, Frieza too, but his power was pushing him to cover that as well as his crazy adaptability....

Reaaaally want to see the midget face when he shows up again....

'The Almighty Princess has returned! Bow-...𝑾𝒉𝒚 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝒓𝒆𝒅?'- Maaan... I wanna do dat...*evil smirk*.

𝙋𝙤𝙬𝙚𝙧 𝘾𝙧𝙚𝙚𝙥 𝘼𝙩 𝙞𝙩'𝙨 𝙛𝙞𝙣𝙚𝙨𝙩 ~

Would immediately lose my shit when he sees a Kid like Lil'Gohan being thousands of times stronger than him, or Piccolo..... Wait Pickles already did him in Namek, 𝐇𝐀𝐇!

Speaking of Piccolo, after his potential being unlocked....*massive grin* Him and Gohan, both have some pretty nice ways ahead of them....

But leaving the midget and the squad aside, right now my focus is getting everyone to level up, mah new Chaos sister will most likely help, I need her aid and tips to advance after all, although our power seems to be unique for each other, both still use Chaos, as for my Pillar power, they still unknown to me.....

I know Civilization still is with me... But behind something, likely didn't awaken it yet, so the two I should have, are being held back? Could be wrong.

Oh yeah, Kro told me about the Pillars, and shine me surprised, Sana is around.....Almost fucking cried when she got sober and told me. Already expected, but still.

Bae being Chaotic and lazy as expected, Iryis with her Hope.... kinda reminds me how My Old OG Iryis probably helped me a lot in my days as Hero of Civilization, helping keeping the flame burning and all that....

𝑭𝒖𝒄𝒌 𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒔𝒆 𝒅𝒂𝒚𝒔.....

"Muun.... No.... I know very well I said to let it loose.... But not loose in a way to kill people....*sigh*"- Feeling a tug on my arm I get snapped out of my thoughts for a second.

" Hmm? Ouh...."- Around me, a black-red mist of sorts started building up, damned Killing Intent wasn't it?... Well.... Guess it got a '𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐛𝐢𝐭' stronger than when I left Earth.... Oops.

Sucking it back inside me, and taking a deep breath, I beam a grin at Kro before nodding.

"Ye... my bad, kinda remembered something pesky."- Humming at me she looks into my eyes and pecks me on the cheek before looking around, probably still brainstorming her plans...

Nooow..... We still need a solution for a very particular thing, not an urgent one... But it could bite our ass with those Ancient Ones later on.

𝑶𝒖𝒓 𝑬𝒔𝒔𝒆𝒏𝒄𝒆'𝒔 𝑷𝒓𝒐𝒕𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏.

Now, now.... These shitty things are strange.... Like strange as putting chocolate in pasta. That strange.

If you do that, seek help....


Talking to myself again, fuck....



To simplify it a LOT, basically, it's the DNA of the soul, yeah... I guess Monsoon was right after all....

But these things can transfer data, on a scale that's scary according to Iryis..... Kro milked the girl out of every information she wanted, felt a little even bad for the half-angel....

The things about it, is it's one of the deepest parts of the soul, and also hard as fuck to even take a hold of, or even be seen by non-Divine and Divine beings, as well as being the most abundant in your soul, if a part of you has life force? High chance it has a shit ton of your Essence in it.

It's crazy, ye.

Basically, it's hard to even get a bit of it.... Somehow I got some of Chaos and Bae after well... literally eating her arm... Must have had something with what Fu did with me and my Concept..., and Kro got some of Kronii's that Fu stole, still puzzled about how long it must have taken for him to fucking get the amount he did to fuse in the System Omega-chan created.

For how it works in Kro's case as an example.... Don't want to put it in a rough way, but at the moment she 𝐈𝐒 Kronii's sister, blood and all, but more like half-sister becuz of her Saiyan part? Ye, let's go with that.

She was totally a Kronii copy at the start, personality wise and mentality, even appearance, pros to her OG essence.... But she developed her own, turning that speck she had into a full new soul...

And that's about where I fucking lost it.....

There was also some more stuff about the Upgrade card and such....



'Oh..... a car shop... A lot of floaty cars.... meh not my vibe....'

Walking by as I look up again seeing the sky now even more orangey.... by my side the blue head still was in her head.... I often forget she tended to do that, she would tap out for a second and start thinking and only answer when I called or did something....

" ATTENTION! OUR NEW PROTOTYPE MODEL HAS ARRIVED! FOR THOSE WHO LIKE THE MORE EXOTIC ONES! THE PERFECT VEHICLE!!!"- Hearing a guy who sounds strangely Indian trying to sell something calls my attention.

Looking back at the store again as my feathers move around towards the sound.... I see a guy with a strange mustache, a green emerald-like collar by his neck, and orange clothes with a large 'M' by his chest....

But behind him....

𝑶𝒉 𝒃𝒐𝒊....

He had my attention, now he has my economical interest.

A very sexy-looking bike poster.... very pricey too....

Stopping my walk... soon after Kro stepped out of her mind to look at me, who was pointing at the man yelling.

She raises an eyebrow before looking where I was pointing to.... Just to turn back with a hell of a deadpan.-" Seriously?"

"Wut? I can drive... I think... And come on! You can hug me from behind while I play around! It's not like we're low in money."- Tilting my head with the famous and deadly, puppy eyes, or Owl eyes in my case.... she seems to consider the offer.

Face going through all stages as she finally sighs in acceptance....-" Okay..... *points finger at my nose* But you're taking care of it, cleaning, and any other needs it has."

What is the thing now, A metallic pet?... Raising my only arm in defeat as the Lady here still hugging my other one.

"Ye ye... Ya don't need to worry....."- Dismissing her worry as I pull her towards the place, we cross the road and get in front of the building, the Indian sounding man still yelling by the side.

It was a place that had a lot of large windows, displaying those cars I said earlier. But my interest is in what the Indian man is promoting...

Stepping by his side, he greets us with a small bow as we get by the door entrance.


It opens automatically as I pull Kro inside with me, while she still clinging to my arm.

Stepping inside and seeing the tapes that separate the main path and the vehicles, I look around trying to find a seller...


Tapping my shoulder and earning my attention, Kro points at a redhead woman who was looking at us, making her way close very quickly, she had your basic secretary tight clothing colored in different shades of blue, a badge by her moderated chest.....

I feel a disturbance in the force....- " Kro I am just eyeing her badge.... ' Looyo ' huh... unique name.... Shesh..."

A few seconds before I did feel a small stare being shot toward me, she seems better and trying her best so that's what counts....

Walking in front of her, now giving me a better look at her blue eyes and how small she was.... she is basically the height of my chest.... - '𝑯𝒆𝒉....'

Letting out a small grin as I could feel she was sweating a bit looking up at us, I hear a cough coming by my side, and the attention goes back to mah dear blue ground helicopter.

" We want to see the bicycle that is being promoted outside... We are kinda in a hurry, so if you please."- .... I.... Will not comment on how her tone sends creeps down my spine....

What's up with girls checking me out? A second in front of me, and the redhead already got her eyes in my abs... Go fucking train! Get your own!

Raising an eyebrow at her, she quickly nods and asks us to follow her.

Going through the store I looked around, seeing different and very bland-looking cars...'uuuuh they can floath~'- I can probably float above light speed or some shit, not interested... I want to be able to hear the loud sound wheels have.*Massive grin*

Finally getting to our prize she starts speaking about what it could do, being a new prototype and all that blah blah, I nudge Kro and she lets me go so I could take a seat above it.

"Wow! Pretty darn comfortable!"- Jumping up and down feeling its suspensions systems, probably could run through a rocky mountain and would be fine....

Looking around I see the speedometer lighted up in neon-orange.....-' 700Kmh.... This bitch's fast, well, for a land vehicle I think... Didn't see this world Super Cars yet, but they must fly too, so they will be prob be like jets...*sad sigh* At least I can drive this beauty.'

As I play around with the accelerator, changing gears, and testing the break, Kro is by the side, just talking to the woman, who seems to be quite a lot taken back that we don't want paperwork for the bike, nor helmets....

Don't need that, who in hell would try to even touch it or a crash hurt me? I can obliterate their ass in a snap of my fingers if someone tried robbing it, would just need to enhance it with Ki creating a super sound wave, which probably would leave them deaf, and explode them with their ye ye weak ass bodies.

Hearing them stop talking, my feather twitch, looking up from my bike to them once more, I see Kro... who had her hand stretched up to me while shaking.... a pair of keys? Smiling at me for some reason, who will know what this woman is thinking?

' 𝑴𝒖𝒖𝒏.... 𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒌 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝒂 𝒌𝒊𝒅 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝒂 𝒏𝒆𝒘 𝒕𝒐𝒚 𝒔𝒉𝒆 𝒋𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒘𝒐𝒏 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝑪𝒉𝒓𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒎𝒂𝒔.. 𝒕𝒐𝒐 𝑪𝒖𝒕𝒆....'

*clang* - " Take it feather-head, the keys, already paid, so just do your thing."

Tossing the keys to me as I catch them while giving them a quick look... Immediately understanding and happily obliging as I put it in the bike, Kro climbs behind me as the red attendant takes off the taping around the bike so I can go out.


" Okay~ 𝐋𝐄𝐙 𝐆𝐎𝐎!!!"

Pulling the acceleration handle I hear the attendant yelp in surprise as my back wheel raises some smoke, drifting in place before I shot forward, quickly making my way through the area we came in, getting quickly to the automatic door... But not really slowing down....

Why? Well....-" Go on Muun! I left some for their repairs, she thought it was the tip.*chuckle*"

That's the answer!!

*𝐕𝐑𝐎𝐎𝐎𝐌!* - * 𝐂𝐑𝐀𝐒𝐇𝐇!!!*


Crashing through as the glass door breaks like a weak piece of ice, and quickly landing back in the streets.

Drifting as I use my leg to spin towards the right direction we needed to go, going to where our friends are, we have some stuff to talk about after all!


My wheel sings and I speed up, and if people weren't woken up yet? They would now with the sound of this beast, it still sings as beautifully as the ones I saw in the Neutral world....

*clack* - Changing gears while feeling the wind.... This is way better than flying.... Not practical, but who cares?

" Turn there Muun... Is faster." - Pointing a hand above my shoulder so I could see... My GPS works wonders I'm telling ya.

" Okay.... Didn't know you still had a GPS function tho. New Windows update?- 𝙂𝙐𝙆!"

"Shut it....*small smirk*.... Turn there next."

Joking around..... and.... Gaining a sucker punch close to my lungs....












{ 𝐂𝐚𝐬𝐩𝐮𝐥𝐞 𝐂𝐨𝐫𝐩; 𝟎𝟔:𝟒𝟎 𝐚𝐦}


"Soo.... you guys slept outside... and just got up... "

Putting a bowl with cereal and milk on her kitchen table, Bulma calls out to the other people who just entered the house and were yawning as they rested by one of their own chairs.

"We didn't really think we were bout to nap out there, ight Iryis?... Iryis?"- Stretching her arms up above her head, Bae looks to her side, seeing the Nephilim who had her arms by the table, and was hiding her face in them.

"*muffled* Yeahhh..."- Having woken up with her head still by the rat's lap, she was burning with a blush still, not really thinking much yesterday.... But now realization had hit her as she screamed inside her head.

She liked it and didn't regret anything, just too embarrassed.

Humming, Bulma walked to her balcony, picking a large thermos bottle full of coffee, resting it by the table as she pushed a few tea cups to each of them, including the Angels, who were just smiling the whole time, well Cognac was, as for Iryis one, Sour, was more serious but still cracking a grin.

After one of the house owners finally put everything on the table some maids in classic European-style clothing walked in, putting their breakfast on the same table, making the Briefs Genius nod before sitting down herself.

Toasts with different toppings, Fried eggs with different ingredients mixed in, a large quantity of bacon, and much more filling the whole table, she had to ask a lot more as Mumei and her friends were around, and she knew how Saiyans were.

Talking about them, all her other guests had finally gone back to their home last night after finishing eating, the Son family and Piccolo had got back to mount Paozu while they planned on building a new house around the lake for the long-haired brother and the green Yoshi, as the two didn't want to intervene in the family. Piccolo also ended up accepting Raditz's offer to live together, he still didn't have a house after all.


Eating her cereal while drinking a cup of coffee that she poured for her, Bulma eyed those around her, taking a minute to appreciate how much strange her life had become, hosting literal Gods, as they eat like Saiyans, just not as wild, except for the rat.

*steps getting closerr* - " Uuuuuuùuhh~.... Have you guys seen Muun or Kro?...Oh, more strange consumables...."- Arriving in the kitchen as she walked out of a corridor, Fauna scratched her eye, wearing only her turtleneck long-sleeved shirt and shorts.

Having woken up alone, she almost had a small panic attack thinking she would be alone again, and everything could be a dream.... But the place she was, as well as remembering how those two were calmed her down, making her exit the room thinking they were there in the kitchen.

But to her discontent, it seemed she was wrong.

Seeing her sad face, the two Angels giggle, as Cognac lowered the toast he was about to start eating.

" Those two left early in the middle of the night~ Naughty little ones aren't they? But fear not, as you can probably feel they are already coming back it seems~"- Wenting back to eating as he gave a hand wave to the girl's worries.

Nodding her head, Fauna looked around the table, picking only an apple as it resembled her favorite ones she used to grow, and walked outside through an automatic door, trying to feel what he said, as she wasn't in her planet no more, so she was having a bit of a hard time feeling things.

But she was already getting the hang of it as she smiled feeling the strong presences that were closing in, strangely a roaring sound also came closer.

Back inside the house, they all just glanced at her exiting before resuming their breakfast.-" So you all have any plans? Besides waiting for that Fu guy to appear?"

Trying to start a conversation, Bulma stares at the other Gods and their servants, Iryis being the one answer as she chopped Bae's head before she started talking with her mouth full.

"Actually, yeah, *points finger at angels* They wanted to help train the new Pillars to be able to fend by themselves, and Bae really wants to train Mumei,*sigh* and after what they did yesterday, pretty sure she is even more willing now. But besides that, I am staying for around a week or so, Bae maybe a month? She does need to be around her Universe after all. It's 𝑯𝑬𝑹𝑺 to take care rightfully and lawfully."

Moving a piece of fried egg in a fork as she spun it around before eating, Iryis didn't even leave a single space to be argued, making the rat's ears and tail fall a bit, but she nodded with her mouth full.


With an engine roar coming from outside, their table shook up and down, forcing Bulma to facepalm, already knowing who it must be.-' Why did I give them that much money again.... ahhh Mumei gave me Raditz space pod, and helped me around when she was training in the prototype of the gravity machine....*sigh*'

Blinking twice, Iryis and Bae stood up, walking outside through the same door Fauna left earlier to see what that noise was about, they did feel the trio's energy after all, leaving their helpers and the exasperated Bulma by the table.

Exiting they saw a very particular scenery, Kro and Fauna were by side on the sidewalk, the green one clapping with awe and mouth in a small 'o', and Kro was only smiling with her arms crossed.

Both watched as Mumei pushed a motorcycle up, prancing a black with orange glowing parts motorcycle, her hands by the handle with her body upside down as her feet faced the sky, somehow not letting the bike fall down as she drove around prancing like that, the engine roaring loudly even though it was still early in the morning.

" Now dats something cool.... Maybe I could get one of those to go around my planet or Omega's domain...."- With both hands by her hips, Bae smirks thinking of the idea of getting one herself.

But it was short-lived.

" Just don't explode it, last time you tried driving something, we ended up in the Sixth Universe."- Walking forward she heard the one beside her take an invisible arrow to her chest... Knowing it was true.

".... Why ya have to do me like that."- With her back lowered still bent and her eyes on the ground, Bae also got closer to the show, as the Owl started doing more tricks.

Roaring the engine as she now sat in the middle of the motorcycle handlebar with her legs moving back and forth, driving a bit further before turning around and seeing the other two who were by Kro and Fauna's side, beaming them a smile.

" Yooo! BaeBae, Iryis, Mornin to you two!"- Kicking her legs to their side as her hands were occupied, Muun greeted them, receiving two waves back as she backflipped, flopping back onto her seat, driving slowly to their side so she could park.

*click* - "Yoto!"

Pulling the pedal down, she jumped off it, being greeted by the other four girls who were greeting each other, Iryis even shared a smug grin with Kro.... seeing that the blue girl's 𝑯𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒔 for something were finally realized. But choose to not comment more than a wise nod while blushing, happy for her.

Stretching her arms and legs, the Owl faces the rat, Sharing similar smug faces.-" Need a favor."

Nodding Bae moves her right hand in circles.-" Shoot it gurl."

Getting her go-ahead, Muun pointed her right thumb to herself.-" *Grins* Train me BaeBae, I will also appreciate if Iryis and your angels also gave a hand in, besides that, I have the place too, and an idea to help everyone around have a significant increase in power... You would be helping the cat too, giving him a stronger Universe....*Smug*.... What ya think?"

Stretching her fist towards the rat, she had tried to summer up everything in a way. Bae knew that, and the 'place' Mumei said must have some significance since she knew they wouldn't be staying for long.

Captivated, she bumped fists with her new friend while closing her eyes, a joyful smile sporting on her face as the other had one of their own too.

" Show me what'ya got then!"

And that was it, sealing the last piece the Owl needed, she turned around and clicked on a button she had on her keys. With a *puff* of smoke she got a capsule with her bike, wanting to store it in one of her pockets... so she spun around taking off Kro's cloak that she was still wearing, throwing it to its owner, and receiving her jacket back as she put it on, also tossing her capsule inside a pocket....

The others did find it a bit strange at first, but they thought it was just a fun change of clothing the other two did.

" *Cough* Well, *walks forward* Let's go inside! Can smell fresh bread! I can explain more then!"- Hurriedly walking inside past them followed by Fauna close behind her, Mumei left the other girls out there.

" Wait-𝐃𝐎𝐍'𝐓 𝐄𝐀𝐓 𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐘𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐌𝐄𝐈𝐌𝐄𝐈!!"- Bae soon runs after her realizing the Owl would eat everything that was on top of the table if let her be.

* *sigh * *

The two girls sighed, Iryis turning to Kro, and both Sharing a nod before the blue head brought something up.

" You won't make any advances? *tilts head* The relationship you two share seems pretty solid."- Seeing the other's face get redder she knew she hit the spot.

"I-I.... I will, when the time comes, *starts walking* I like going slowly, and my current state with her is good enough."- With a gentle tone at the end of her sentence, she entered Capsule Corp, leaving Kro outside soon walking after her shaking her head.

"Ata girl.... Bae is exactly like Muun... you better step up..."

Entering the building, they all ate their parts, the Rat and Owl competing who could eat more as they received looks all around the table.

After they ended their food, Mumei sat down by the couch with them and started explaining her plan with Kro by her side filling in the blanks.

Her plans of how she would strengthen everyone and such, at some point they did ask how she knew that to which she just.

" I am Owl... Owls are known to be the symbol of intelligence.... Or was it somethin' else? Meh, y'all get the point."- With a half-assed answer, all of them just stared with the most empty look they could give.... Well, Bae and Fauna were the only ones who bought her excuse.

Not feeling like asking for more nonsense they just asked if she had more details, to which to their surprise she asked for the Z-Sword to enact everything she wanted... The Divine ones did know what, or better who was in it, and his abilities to some extent, so they did agree with it. They had higher authority than the purple cat, so not something they would need to worry about messing with.

After all the talking Kro talked to Bulma, asking if she could call the others and tell them to meet at the Lookout and some other things... She knew the Owl would very likely be playing with Bae as the angels helped them, so they don't destroy the planet.

Kro even got as far as asking Iryis to train her and Fauna for a bit as they waited for the others when they arrived at the Lookout, to which she happily agreed, although not being near as favorable of fighting as Bae, she did enjoy it for some exercising.

Saying their goodbyes they exited the building, flying towards the Lookout, where they would wait.... And in the middle of their flight, Mumei started playing catch with Bae through the clouds.... Mumei eyes dilated widely as she rember something...-' Mr.Popo.... I.. I'm strong now... M-Maybe I don't need to w-worry... right?'


Being cut out of her thoughts by a slap to the back of her head, Mumei spun forward before patting her head and exploded forward as the clouds that were around her opened, leaving multiple cities and villages with a clear blue sky.


Turning Super Saiyan she raced after the girl.

" Are you sure they aren't blood-related Kro?....."

" Yeah..... Rats and Owls, are from totally different species...Maybe half?."

Catching up with the two as they flew through the sky like crazy, the ones who choose to fall behind saw how the seemingly siblings floated all over the place.

Going forward a minute or two they finally landing on their location....


A bit too aggressively...

" Ugh- Your turn!! Let meh gooou MyeiMyei!" - " NOUUU!!!"

Wrestling on a newly created crater were the two big 'kids', one pushing the other's mouth while having their facial cheeks also being pulled.

"Ouh~ What we have here~ Two kids who know no good."- Their struggle is immediately cut short as they hear an apathetic voice, cut off any emotion....

Forcing both of their eyes to move to the edge of their crater, and even Bae, sweated, for some reason something with the chubby genie guy in front of her was worse than even her own Chaos.....

"*Whisper*..psh..... Bae..... we continue later..."- Letting go, Muun immediately jumped up.

"*Whispers* Yea... We do dat... But who in the strewth of hell is dat...."- Also getting up in a formal position, she saw the others who choose to fall behind landing close to an old Namekian wearing white mantles.

" Ouh~ It seems you two know better. Well, as Mumei-chan already helped us quite a lot. I will let this one slide. Now back to my greens."- Turning away with his eyes that were looking directly at their souls, he walked towards some suspicious-looking plants.

Leaving the two girls to quickly look at each other before running to their friends almost stumbling on their own feet.

" Hmmm...*bows* Higher Divinities I see.... and it seems young Mumei has come to make use of that room, as I don't see any other further motives a place like this could be of any other use for a person of her current magnitude."

Feeling strange being praised so highly she patted his shoulder while looking up.-" Ya don't need to be so formal Kami, we all are friends here, directly or indirectly we just want to help the earth.*smile*"

Hearing her, the old Namekian sagely nodded with a small almost not noticeable smile.- " I guess so..... But....* Looks around* I have hard news that the food won't be enough for you all...."

Already expecting him to say that Muun pointed a finger to her side, Kro and Fauna took out a Capsule each, clicked on it, and tossed it to where the bird pointed at.

Fauna learned very quickly how they worked, as they didn't have any secrets.

* * 𝑷𝑼𝑭𝑭!! * *

Two metal large boxes appeared, looking very similar to freezers, each about as tall as Muun's hips as she opened one, various other capsules with words written on them made Kami's eyes widen.

" Bulma gave us these... Her father made it for a possible second longer voyage, it's enough for a Saiyan to live ten years with it, 𝐀 𝐒𝐀𝐈𝐘𝐀𝐍... We have two boxes, so I think we chill."- Giving a few taps to the boxes she clicked on a button on their side, turning them back to capsules and tossing them back towards the girls.

Still shocked, the elder Namekian nodded.-" I see.... Then my worries are for nothing, young Mumei already knows the restrictions the room has.... in the future I may-"

"𝐈'𝐦 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐠𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐚𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐞𝐱𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐈 𝐚𝐦 𝐠𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐧𝐜𝐞, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐢𝐭."

Being cut off by the bird, Kami immediately looked at her, same as the others, surprised her tone was so firm. She knew what she wanted. This would be enough. Having Angels around to help was already another stupid huge plus, the Z-Sword that Iryis Angel left earlier to go pick was too another thing reassuring that.

Yeah, only Cognac was with them, Sour, Iryis angel teleported to the Kai's dimension, as it was another dimension, meaning they had ways to go there instantly. But he would be teleported back to Capsule Corp in the same location he left when moving there.

" Meimei... Ya seem pretty sure that only two years will be enough aren't ya?*grins* Isn't that a bit too much of cockiness thinking ya can reach so high in so short?"- Crossing her arms, Bae sized up the bird's pride, to which Mumei didn't even flinch and only wildly looked at her, sending a shudder of excitement through the rat's back.

Crossing both arms and legs as she floated in place, Mumei's face was sporting a wild smile.

" It's not cockiness..... It's just, straight up, 𝐟𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐬.

The fact that I have a strong training partner, making my power reach heights that will make Fu shit himself.

The fact that everything I have at this point is nothing compared to before, in a guud way, hell, I don't even fucking know how high my potential is right now after all the shit I've been through.

..... The fact is that..... 𝑰, one way or another.....

Others wanting or not.....

*massive grin*



𝑴𝒖𝒎𝒆𝒊 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑶𝒘𝒍.

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝒇𝒖𝒄𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒔𝒕𝒓𝒐𝒏𝒈𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝑶𝒘𝒍 𝒂𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒅!!!!""

Idk about you all, but the *Vroom* sound effects are so silly that I crack a smile every time I'm writing them.

It's funny, so it shall be done ~ye

ReyKalecreators' thoughts