
A Risk To Fix It All

In which Hope Mikaelson travels back in time, because of a strong desire she had to fix all the wrongs she had done without her humanity. Just read the first chapter and you will know if you like it or not.

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12 Chs

Dazed Complications

Hope was torn, she didn't want to cause trouble for those innocent people, but she also wanted to help her father despite all her efforts at trying to recognize him as the past, evil version of him that he was. However, the fact of the matter was Hope could never see her father in that way, he will always be the man who sacrificed himself to save her.

"Now then, what shall we do with you?" Asked Klaus while kneeling down at the dead Salvatore.

"You know-" Started Klaus while getting up.

"You've proven to be pretty useful…" He finished while adding a dramatic pause at the end.

"Hope, Hope Marshall."

"Well then, Hope, lovely name by the way. You and Rebekah will come with me to mystic falls. It's about time I pay them a revisit.

"Rebekah, you stay here and make sure Stefan doesn't get up to anything else mischievous. Hope you come with me. We have some work to do."

Said Klaus in a tone that didn't leave any room for argument, before grabbing Hope and vamp speeding off.

We then appeared right in front of Elena before he let me go and grabbed her and started walking off while gesturing for me to follow.

"You've put a rather large kink in my plan's sweetheart, the whole point of breaking the curse and becoming a hybrid was to make more hybrids. I haven't been able to do that, now my bet is it has something to do with the fact that you're still breathing."

Hope knew unless she could find the perfect time to save Elena she'd risk drawing Klaus' suspicion, and while she didn't have anything to fear from him. She ultimately wanted to win his trust so she could enjoy time with him like she used to, and drawing his paranoia and fear if he knew what she was, so he could plot ways to kill her wouldn't help with that.

So, the best thing for her to do right now was to be silent and obey her father, she'd only intervene in an obvious way if the situation called for it.

"If you want to kill me just do it." Said Elena while struggling within his grasp.

"Not until I know I'm right. But I do have ways of making you suffer." Said Klaus with his trademark grin before opening the hallway double doors.

Once he opened the door, in an American accent he said: "Attention seniors, you have officially been busted, prank night is over, head-on home."

Once the students left, Klaus spotted 2 familiar students, 1 boy and 1 girl, so he approached them and stopped them.

"Oh, you two, I remember you."

"I'm sorry, who are you?" Asked the girl.

"Oh, don't worry I wasn't in my right head when we last met." He said before staring into the eyes of the girl, pupils dilating, and saying:

"Lift your foot up please, Dana."

To which, the girl, now named Dana, lifted one foot in a dazed manner in response to his words.

"If she drops her foot Chad, I want you to beat her to death, understand?" To which the boy now named Chad nodded his head.

"Don't, Klaus you don't have to hurt anybody" said Elena, it's at this point the side of Hope that her mother raised really wanted to say something, but she remembered her original goal and stuck to it. Not to mention these people were not in danger, for now at least…

"Oh, come on, luv, of course I do. It was you and your little friends who sabotaged my ritual, now in the face of your desperation no matter how you wish to beg you will face the consequences." Said Klaus with his everlasting smirk and sheer supremacy.

"Who are you, why are you helping Klaus?" Seeing that Klaus wasn't going to change his mind Elena focused her hopes on what she assumed to be an unbiased third party.

"That's not important, I'll help Klaus if I want nothing you say's gonna change that." This unwavering response served to make Klaus start to like Hope.

"Where's Stefan, Klaus? What'd you do to him." Seeing as Hope didn't respond in a favorable way, Elena once again switched her focus, but this time back to Klaus.

"Stefan's on a timeout." He sighed.

It was at this point that Bonnie walked in with Matt, both of whom were quite oblivious to the entire situation.

"Bonnie, get out of here!" Yelled Elena in an attempt to warn her friend.

To which Klaus simply vamp sped quite behind Bonnie saying:

"Ah, I was wondering when you'd show up, now we can get started."

"Uh, Dana, why don't you relax, you and Chad sit tight."

"I assume you're the reason Elena is still walking around alive." He said gazing at Bonnie.

"That's right, if you wanna blame someone, blame me."

"Ah, there's no need for blaming luv, just your witchy interference seemed to have caused some undesirable side effects, and since you've caused the problem, I'm gonna have you find the fix."

Finally, Rebekah walked in holding one arm of Tyler's behind his back and one hand on his shoulder.

"Oh, and there's two new faces I would just love you all to meet. My sister, Rebekah and my new witch, Hope." Klaus said as he graciously gestured.

"As I'm quite sure all of you know already, I can't make hybrids, when I turn any werewolf, they seem to die, and I need to know why that is."

"Which brings me to why all of you-"

Klaus started as he vamp sped to grab Tyler, then proceeded to feed him his blood and snap his neck.

"Are gonna help me." He finished as Tyler dropped to the ground.

"Well now that that's done, Hope, why don't you tag along with Bonnie to help them figure out why my hybrids are dying. Since I doubt this little poultry gang of theirs have the competence to get the job done."

Klaus decided to test Hope and her capabilities by giving her this task. If she couldn't complete it, he'd have to re-evaluate her abilities, if she ran, he'd find her and either kill her or threaten her, and if she could complete it, he'd make sure she stayed by his side.

"Yes" Was all Hope responded with, today was quite the emotional rollercoaster, and hope was growing tired of it, even she could admit that. It was taking every fiber of her being to resist her urge to not tell her father her secret, not to mention her humanity still flickering from all of her trauma she's gone through, that she just feels dazed. Nothing at this moment feels real.

Klaus on the other hand took this as him already gaining complete control over her, and his already happy mood grew all the merrier. First, he had found a powerful witch he could use, Second, he had found why his hybrids were dying, and now he had complete control over his witch. Granted, Stefan's betrayal enraged him more than he let on, but the other good things were enough to quell some of his wrath for now.

"I know all of you must be rather cross with me for killing the boy, however, if Bonnie and Hope prove to be successful, he'll survive. Instead of sending me little glares you best be on your merry way to helping the gang pull through."

Finally, Hope, Bonnie, and Matt left the room, but Matt was anxious.

"What are you gonna do?" He asked concern, lacing his every word.

"I have no idea, the curse he's talking about is a thousand years old. My grimoires don't go back that far."

"I can help both of you."

"How can we trust you? You're working with Klaus." Said Bonnie shooting her a look that said, 'Are you kidding me?'.

"Fine you don't have to trust me, Klaus told me to help you so trust that I'll do what he says." Hope was quite frankly going through too many emotions to give Bonnie the privilege of hearing one of her encouraging speeches right now. So, all she could do is use Klaus' evil reputation to her advantage to get Bonnie to comply.

"Why are you working with him to begin with? Don't you know what an evil person he is?"

"That's personal business you're prying into Bonnie, if you're not careful I might pry into yours." Replied Hope nonchalantly with her chin up in a provocative way. To which Bonnie simply responded with a glare.

While Hope was traveling with Bonnie, Time seemed to speed up for her. She still wasn't as in the moment as she'd like to be. She felt so tired emotionally and physically, but she also knew that half of it was the spell Freya, Davina, Josie, And Lizzie cast together to turn her humanity back on. However, she couldn't clearly describe everything that happened besides the following.

After Matt killed himself to come back with the message, Hope decided to quickly rush back to Kalus to relay it. After relaying the message to Klaus and Klaus turning Tyler, they ended up at the parking lot.

"Now that you have the answer for your hybrids, I can't imagine just how happy you'd be." Said Rebekah, however for some reason he didn't seem happy.

"And you, girl, aren't you glad you're out of danger since you've proved yourself to Nick? Bloody hell you guys are no fun." Said Rebekah, expressing her satisfaction at the duo's rather blue mood at the moment.

"Rebekah why don't you uh, grab the truck Hope, you go with her, I'll get Elena." Klaus said while subtly expressing his current desire to be left alone.

"Alright, come on then little witch, it's about time us girls had a chat."

After Klaus apparently left Hope, she really didn't know what to do. She doubted any of the Scooby gang would accept her for knowing her own father. However, she still had to make it up to them for helping Klaus with what he did.

Now that she was reinvigorated and her humanity fully on, she took a few days to fully recover from everything she did, but today is a new day and Hope wasn't about to let everything weigh on her.

While she did admit night may not have been the best time to start a new day, It was only about 1 hour ago that Hope had finally felt… herself. However, her thought process was cut short when not even 10 minutes after her walk had started, she saw a car on fire.

She quickly aimed her hand at the car and made a closing gesture to put the fire out. After which she found out it was Stefan and Elena stuck inside of it.

"Well, no time like the present I guess."

After helping Alaric get Elena out of the car by swiping her hand and tearing the door off, she asked:

"Is everyone okay?"

Alaric, realizing Hope was a foreign witch, stood protectively in front of Elena before interrogating her.

"Who are you?"

"She's… Klaus' witch." Stefan managed to get out while holding onto some rails for support. Hope wasn't sure why Stefan looked so weak, but if she had to guess, she'd say it was the result of Elena trying to figure out a way to fix him.

"Look, I don't want any trouble. I owe you that favor for helping Klaus do what he did, I'm sorry but I have to help him. Just consider this me making up with you, no strings attached.

"If you knew it was wrong why'd you do it in the first place?" While Elena didn't know Hope, something told her she was still a good person, someone who could help her, and her friends get Klaus to leave them alone. She just had to convince Hope that what she's doing is wrong.

"Because I'm lost, I've done a lot of things I'll regret for the rest of my life, okay?! Even the people I love most pitied me when all I wanted was for them to be mad, to maybe tell me what to do or how to do it. I have so much power but it's useless when I can't save anyone. So just do me this one favor and accept the help I'm giving you!" Yelled Hope, as hard as she tried to suppress it, hurt doesn't just go away because she wanted it to, hurt has to heal, to mend back together the holes that appeared.

Hope was learning the hard way that she can't just move on and speed past trauma, it will follow her wherever she goes.