
A Proposal From The Aloof President

If only Anna had known better, she wouldn’t have accepted the help of the handsome stranger she met at the Airport. --- Anna Carter Lee, a professional national lawn tennis player was forced into retirement after losing her sight in a car accident two years back. Left heartbroken after discovering that her boyfriend and her best friend might be cheating on her, she secretly travels to Vancouver for eye surgery where she meets, Roy Kim, President of a global tech company on her return home after recovering her sight. Driven by the need to be announced to the world in other to regain her past glory and get revenge on those who betrayed her, she accepts the President’s proposal. But President Kim has one clear rule. “In whatever you do, do not fall for me.” But what happens when Anna suddenly starts finding Roy’s charm desirable? Will she be able to resist the temptation of climbing into his bed? What happens when Roy’s girlfriend shows up to take her place? Will Anna fight for what she truly wants or will she give it up because she came in as a replacement in the first place? Most importantly, who will Roy choose to be with?

Paschalinelily · Urbain
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123 Chs

In The Most Badass Way

Unlike Sam who was worried, Susan seemed so carefree and excited like she had no idea of what was and was not wrong. 

She even faced Anna and said, "I will just sit here so I can get a better look at your face."

Anna did not say anything and Sam could clearly see that she was slightly dissatisfied, so he attempted to stand up and go over to sit next to her. But just as he stood up, Susan grabbed him by the arm and pulled him back to his seat.

"What are you doing?" Sam mouthed with an alarmed expression on his face. Susan shook her head, signalling him not to move.

All of these actions and reactions did not go unnoticed by Anna who was watching everything from the dark of her shades. 

Seeing all of this today thanks to her revived sight had just revealed to her what those two do in her presence whenever they got together.

And as if she hadn't seen enough of their shameless moves, Susan had to place her palm on top of Sam's right hand which was already on top of the table.

Unable to hold in her anger, Anna dropped her cup of water on the table with much force, such that it got those two to separate from each other and turn their attention to her.

"What would you like to eat?" she asked them with a small smile playing at the corner of her lips. Although she was smiling, they both could feel the negative vibes from her and suddenly remembered the reason she had summoned them in the first place.

"I will call the waiter," Sam said before turning to his right and lifting his hand, he called out, "Waiter."

Soon, a waiter came over to their side to take their order. 

"Anna, the waiter is here. What would you like to order?" Sam inquired in a kind voice, after all, he was trying to get into her good books.


Anna ordered a bottle of beer and kept sipping the drink from her glass while Sam and Susan watched in horror.

Anna had never opted to take alcohol before, at least not in their presence. If their memories served them right, she had never tasted any alcoholic drink before, so what's with the change?

Sam slopped on his noodles with his eyes on the bottle of beer sitting in front of Anna. At last, he couldn't hold his curiosity in and asked, "Babe, is everything okay?"

As soon as that word 'babe' came out from his lips, Susan glared at him and went on to pinch his thigh with that twisted expression on her face. And because Sam hadn't seen that coming, he reacted strongly.


"What is it?" Anna suddenly leaned forward and asked.

Sam exchanged glances with Susan as he replied to her, "Don't worry, it's nothing." Then he slowly shook his head before bringing up his hand to pat Susan's head gently.

"I'm sorry," he mouthed.

"Are you sure?" Anna asked again. 

"Yes. There is nothing to worry about," Sam answered as he finally turned towards her direction with a smile even though he was sure that she couldn't see it.

The only reason he had to get his facial reactions to play along was so that he would not miss a beat with his performance. 

Susan recollected herself sooner and started with an apology to Anna for not checking up on her and for not telling her about the nail salon she was working on.

As she was speaking, she stretched her hands forward and was going to take Anna's hands in hers, but the latter saw her hands coming through her thick glasses and naturally withdrew her hands from the table.

Susan was a little surprised by what just happened, but understanding that her best friend was blind and couldn't have acted so accurately to take her hands away, she continued to plead for mercy.

"Anna, you know you are my best friend, please forgive me just this time. I haven't done anything like this before."

Anna sipped from her glass of beer one more time before shifting her head to the other side. "What about you?" She was referring to Sam.

As soon as he understood that it was his turn to apologize, he did not waste any time before taking her hand in his.

This time around, Anna allowed him to hold her hand, not because she had forgiven him or was planning to, but because she was suddenly enjoying how Susan's gaze darkened as she burned with jealousy.

When Anna had enjoyed her best friend's reaction to the fullest, she shook Sam's grip off. "That's enough," she said and picked up her glass of beer to take a few sips.

Susan saw this and took the opportunity to pull Sam towards her, and before the latter could react, she leaned in to kiss his lips before whispering, "That's your punishment for taking her hands."

Although Anna saw all of this, she couldn't hear a word that Susan said still, her heart burned in her chest like it was in turmoil.

She was unable to bear the insult to her face anymore.

On the other hand, Sam heard what Susan said and let out a deep breath. Next, he took one of her hands before bringing it to his lips. He kissed the back of her hand to reassure her before kindly letting her go.

Turning back to Anna, he tried hard not to be tempted to reach out to her again. "Anna, have you forgiven us for our innocent negligence?"

Even he dared not call her 'babe' in Susan's presence for fear of the latter reacting in jealousy. 

'Innocent negligence?' Anna snared in her head as she fumed. Even right in front of her, they dared to display their cheating prowess, fearing nothing.

Finding the entire situation as a truckload of insults, Anna finally took off her sunshades and stared right into Sam's eyes to prove the authenticity of her sight.

"Sam, let's break up!"

This was Anna revealing her sight and breaking up with Sam in front of Susan in the most badass way.