
A Promise Of Paradise

A universe with different rules. Two beings created with a purpose: to maintain balance. But it isn't always the case; one of them died. But, given a second chance in life, devoid of any memories. As fate intertwined their paths again, they will share another purpose, a journey full of mysteries and hope, that will not only help the mortals but also themselves. Would they choose to embrace their second chance at love, or would they remain devoted friends? Love and duties danced on thin wire awaiting the universe's final judgement.

Tsukyuki · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
27 Chs


Xu Jinhai stood there, momentarily dumbfounded as the realization hit him like a falling star. 

Mistveil Forest? He had heard of it, of course, but for the life of him, he couldn't quite pinpoint its exact location.

He scratched his head, a wry smile forming on his lips as he muttered to himself.

"Mistveil Forest… Yeah, that's definitely a thing. But where in the vast realms of stars is it?" 

He glanced around as if expecting a map of the cosmos to suddenly materialize in the air.

"Is it, like, next door to 'Lost-and-Confused Valley'?"

He let out a soft chuckle, shaking his head at the irony. For all his convictions and eagerness to go on this quest, he realized he had neglected to look up the basics. This was the first time he became so careless of such things.

"Guess I'll have to rely on good ol' instincts, or maybe ask a talking squirrel if they know the way."


He sighed at his own absurdity, shaking his head as he looked back at the path ahead.

'Well, here's to hoping I stumble upon it sooner rather than later. And note to self: brush up on my celestial geography when I'm back home.'

  He took a step forward. Whether he had a map or not, he was going to find that elusive Mistveil Forest and the rarest of herbs it held. After all, if he could navigate through the intricacies of star constellations, he could surely navigate through the forest, right? And if all else failed, there was always the possibility of unexpected encounter with that knowledgeable squirrel.

That's when he realized his not that far away from the main nation of Jinsu. As his ears caught the distant sound of a guard's voice calling out for Azalea and him, his heart raced like a comet streaking across the sky.

He glanced around his eyes widening as he realized the gravity of the situation. 

'Am I Wanted?' 

'In a foreign land?'


This was definitely not in his itinerary.

With quickness that rivaled shooting stars, he started moving, his steps light and agile as he tried to maintain an air of quietness. 

Xu Jinhai was now back in the main town.

He darted behind a conveniently placed barrel, peering out cautiously to assess the situation but also minding if the barrel was clean enough for him to touch.

"Okay Xu Jinhai", he whispered to himself, his voice a hushed and hurried murmur.

"Time to channel your inner shadow, or maybe that stealthy moonlit deer Xu Lian told me once."

He tiptoed along the alleyways, his movements a blend of grace and haste. Every rustle of leaves, every creak of wood beneath his feet, seemed amplified in his ears, and he winced at the thought of being discovered by guards who were probably wearing boots with built-in amplifiers. As he turned a corner, he nearly collided with a cat that had been sitting there, washing its paw with an air of utmost nonchalance. Xu Jinhai froze, his eyes locked with the felines, and he held his breath, hoping the cat wouldn't rat him out to the authorities.

"Shh, friend", he whispered to the cat, who blinked at him in response. 

"Your secret's safe with me if mine's safe with you."

And with that oddly intimate exchange, Xu Jinhai continued his escape, navigating the streets and to the forest with his skills. He heard the guard's voices growing fainter in the distance, and he allowed himself a cautious exhale.

"This is too out of my principles" he mused, casting a glance back to the main kingdom of Jinsu he had just fled. "But for now, I'll focus on what's more important."

And with that, Xu Jinhai start his journey on navigating through the forest that morning.

As the sun climb higher in the sky, casting relentless rays upon the land, Xu Jinhai found himself thankful for the fabric, Shiro, he had draped over himself. The forest around him was alive with sounds of nature. It was a stark contrast to the bustling streets of Jinsu, and he welcomed the change, even if the scorching sun made him feel like he was turning into a crispy piece of stardust.

Hi wiped sweat from his brow.

'Too hot…'

The forest seemed to stretch endlessly. He doesn't know where to go but he hoped that he'd find a village nearby. He imagines the forest as a celestial puzzle, each piece leading him closer to his goal.

Finally, as the sun reached its pinnacle, he spotted a clearing ahead. He emerged from the shade of the trees and found a spot beneath a tall tree and settled down, letting out a long breath.

"Half a day in this forest, and I haven't seen a village nor that forest…" he mumbled to himself.

He leaned back against the tree trunk, Shiro casting a small shadow on the ground. As the noon sun bathed the clearing in golden light, he closed his eyes, allowing the sounds of the forest to envelop him. And so, he rested in the forest, a lone star navigating the mysteries of the world, as the fabric covered his face; shielding him from the sun's harsh light.

After a while, he suddenly felt a peculiar sensation on his nose. It was as if someone had pinched it lightly.

His eyes snapped open and he removed Shiro away from his face. 

Before him stood Yu Xian, his expression a delicate blend of stoicism and softness. Xu Jinhai couldn't help but notice that there was something almost ethereal about Yu Xian.

"Long time no see", Yu Xian remarked. 

Xu Jinhai's eyebrows furrowed as he held back his surprise. "Yeah…I wasn't expecting to see you here and what was the pinch for?"

Yu Xian's smile was elusive as ever. "Just making sure you're not a mirage this time."

"Mirage? What are you talking about?", Xu Jinhai asked.

"Let's just say that last time we crossed paths, things got a bit…surreal.", Yu Xian said.

"You're not going to give me a straight answer, are you?", Xu Jinhai sighed.

Yu Xian's gaze was steady. "Where's the fun in that?"

"You're impossible", Xu Jinhai mumbled.

"And yet here I am.", Yu Xian remarked.

"Yeah, guess we're stuck with each other again", Xu Jinhai chuckled.

Yu Xian's gaze held a spark of mirth as he nodded, his features illuminated by the dappling sunlight. His presence was like a reassuring star in the daylight, a familiar presence that Xu Jinhai had grown accustomed to.

"You see I have a knack for finding you.", Yu Xian replied, his voice calm and soothing, like the whisper of a gentle breeze through the leaves. "You know, you look quite amusing wrapped in that fabric."

Xu Jinhai can't help but chuckle at the observation. 

"Well, when you spend enough time in the sun, you have to get creative to avoid turning into a sunburned star."

Yu Xian's soft smile grew, his eyes crinkling at the corners. 

"Creativity suits you."

Xu Jinhai shifted slightly, sitting up and brushing off some imaginary dust from Shiro.

"So, what brings you here? Not that I'm complaining about the company."

Yu Xian's gaze held a hint of seriousness beneath the softness.  "I just finished something and happened to spot you here"

Xu Jinhai nodded appreciatively. "Thanks for checking up on me then. I'm holding up, despite the sun's best efforts."

Yu Xian's eyes flickered with amusement. "I see you've become quite resourceful"

Xu Jinhai grinned. "Desperate times call for creative measures."

There was a comfortable silence between them, the sounds of the forest weaving a gentle melody around their conversation. Xu Jinhai's gaze wandered to the trees, his thoughts turning introspective. 

"Yu Xian, have you ever felt like you're chasing something you can't quite grasp?", Xu Jinhai's voice carried a tinge of vulnerability.

Yu Xian's gaze remained steady; his expression empathetic. "Sometimes the journey itself is what matters most, not the destination."

Xu Jinhai's lips curved into a thoughtful smile. "You always have a way of putting things in perspective."

Yu Xian's demeanor shifted slightly becoming even more softer. "That's what friends are for."

Xu Jinhai felt a strange feeling in his chest at the word 'friends' and he didn't like that feeling.

As the sun continued its journey across the sky, casting shifting patterns of light and shadow through the trees, Yu Xian turned his gaze toward Xu Jinhai, his expression serene yet inquisitive.