
A Possessive Mafia Leader

Czar Pattinson, a 26-year-old British-Russian mafia leader, and a billionaire. He is a dominant, Possessive, Jealous, arrogant, and merciless adult. He hates lies. When he was 15 years old, his parents were killed by another mafia gang. He has money, fame, power, got everything he wanted especially women, and the people who know him don't dare to defy him. His business is into drugs, illegal weapons and casinos, and hotels in Russia and London. But, on a rainy day, his emerald green eyes and his heart laid on Siena Davies, the woman he craved for, and make her his. He couldn't digest the word HATE and REJECT by his lover Siena. So, he conquers his love and marries her by blackmailing her that he will kill her father and her older brothers. Siena Davies, a 22-year-old, editor of a well-reputed publishing company firm named Davies Publishing Inc. She is intelligent, independent, smart, beautiful, kind-hearted. She was her brother's favorite. When she was a month's baby, Her parents got divorced. She hates her mother to the core. Her childhood was imperfect and ruined. Till now she doesn't know the reason why her mother divorced her dad. She stays with her father and her older brothers. Her father and her older siblings were each other support, and strength took responsibility for their publishing business into their hands and after 10 years their hard work paid off. Davies Publishing Inc. is in the number one position in London, United Kingdom. Join me in reading how this Dominant's love conquers his lover's hate changed into Love? Hope you enjoy reading! ***Completed**** WARNING: BAD LANGUAGE AND MATURE CONTENT. The photo is not mine. The rightful credit goes to the owner. XOXOXO 4Maggievasiredz.

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Chapter 15

Siena Davies POV

"My life before him was perfect. But after he came everything changed."

Did I ever think my life would be like this?

For example, turning it upside down, changing it into 360 degrees...Blah Blah.

Absolutely, my mind said.

Brushing my hair in front of the mirror and remembering about last night's events. The confession, passionate kiss, the long talks, and full-blown make-out session.

I'm so so happy.


Czar sat on the couch, while I sat on his lap embracing each other. Suddenly, he removed a hairpin from my hair and my hair flowed openly. He said, "Never keep your hair tied, I love your open hair."

"Okay, boss," I replied shyly.

"You look cute when you're shy." He said.

"Well, what other things I look cute in? I asked.

"You look cute when you're angry."

"You look cute when you're sleeping."

"You look cute when you're pout for silly things."

"You look cute when you smile."

"You look cute when you..."

"Stop." I cut him off.

"Babe, listen I have so much to say about you."


"So, when you wanna go to our official date?"

"This is the way to ask your girlfriend."

"He took a huge sigh and asked sweetly, "babe will go on a date with me?"

"Ummm, let me think about it?" I replied while chuckling.

"No, reply right now." He said in a stern voice.

"Friday?" I asked with a questioning face.

"No, will go tomorrow." He replied with his gritted teeth.

"Sounds good."

"Czar, I wanna apologize again for my behavior and not understanding your feelings."

"Babe, don't apologize to me. It's my fault that I forced my love on you. I have to say sorry to you because I couldn't understand you and kissed you without your permission and we will take our relationship slow and I want you to stay beside me always till our death apart us."

The sweet things he was saying to me, made my heart go blissfully, and tears started falling from my eyes.

He is so an honest and deserving guy for me.

But, one question keeps popping up in my mind.

Do I deserve him?

"Babe, don't cry. I don't like seeing you cry." He said while wiping my tears with his thumb finger.

Suddenly, he kissed my forehead, tailing his lips to my eyes, then cheeks, nose, and stopped near my lips and looked into my eyes for permission.

I nodded and he started kissing me as if his life depended on it.

He slowly snaked his fingers to the back of my dress zip.

He was unzipping my dress.

Slowly my dress started sliding down off my shoulders.

I was feeling hot by this sudden proximity.

He started sucking my sweet spot on my neck.

I leaned back so I could give him full access to ravish my neck and shoulders.

His emerald green eyes became dark with full lust and passion.

He slowly trailed kisses on my chest.

He was teasing me.

"Ah! Czar." I moaned.

He was ravishing my chest while saying me to moan his name more.

He suddenly pulled me and said, "wrap your legs around my waist."

I did as he told me to do.

He stood up from the couch with me hanging around him and moved towards his desk.

He placed me on the table edge and stood in between my legs.

He fully removed my dress and threw it on the floor.

I was only in my white lace b** and Panties.

He was looking at me like I was his prey and he is my predator.

He crashed his lips on mine with full hunger and passion.

He trailed wet kisses on my neck and bite on my sweet spot.

I guess there will be a big hickey.

He sucked and bit on every inch of my body.

I slowly laid down on the table.

He hovered over me without stopping the kiss.

He tried to unhook my b**.

I said, "Czar, I'm not ready yet."

He replied, "Sorry babe, I will not force you. I will wait."

I immediately kissed him on his lips.

He is so perfect, and so understanding. I love him so much.

Suddenly, my phone started ringing.

Czar growled due to my phone ringing and stepped back.

I immediately climbed down and took out my phone from my clutch. My phone screen showed Hardin's number.

I immediately answered it.

"Hello," I said.

"Siena, where are you?" Hardin asked.

"Umm...I...I...," I couldn't reply to my brother because a beast was trailing wet kisses on my neck.

I was biting my lip to control my moans.

"Siena? Are you there?" Hardin asked again.

"Yes, I will be there by 10. I'm in the washroom." I replied.

"Lisa said you went to washroom long back."

"Yeah, but I bumped into one of my friends. So, didn't check the time."

"Okay, come soon," He said and hung the call.

I kept my phone inside the clutch and elbowed Czar on the stomach.

"Ouch, what is that for?" He asked while rubbing his stomach.

"To stop your mischievousness," I replied while moving towards the desk where my dress was on the floor.

I took the dress and wore it.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"My brother Hardin called. So, I'm leaving." I replied.

"Don't leave. Stay." He pleased.

"Czar will meet tomorrow," I replied.

"Please." He requested again.

With a deep sigh, I replied, "Czar, try to understand. If I didn't go now. My brothers will start searching for me. and well will meet tomorrow for our first official date. Text me the venue and time. I will come there by myself."

"No, I will pick you up," Czar said.

"Czar, I will co"- he cut me off and replied, "No means No. I will pick you up at 7. Be ready."

"Yes, boss," I saluted while giggling in front of him.

"Babe, you will be the death of me."

"See ya," I replied while chuckling and headed towards the door.

"Babe, my goodbye kiss?" He asked.

I stopped and turned around and said, "Umm...Come here."

He took two long strides and stood in front of me.

I pulled him by his collar towards me and pecked his lips. But my knight had some other plans.

He pulled me closer and started deepening the kiss.


Such an amazing last night. I mumbled.

Suddenly, someone wrapped both arms around my waist. I gasped at the sudden intrusion.

I turned around immediately and you won't believe who stood in front of me with a playful smirk.

"Czar." I squealed.

"How did you know my address?"

"How did you come over here?"

"Why are you here?"

"Go, from here. My dad and brothers are downstairs." I replied while trying to push him.

"Hold on babe, take a deep breath."

"Your answer for the first question is I have my sources, babe."

Of course, he can get anything in this world. because he is the great CZAR NEIL PATTINSON.

"Your answer for the second question is I came through your balcony door and it was unlocked."

"Your answer for the third question is I missed you."

I was angry when he said he came through my balcony door. I wanted to yell at him. But, when he said he missed me. My whole body melted like a choco lava cake.

"Well, come let's sit." He said while entwining my fingers with his and moved to the bed.

We both sat on the edge of the bed with our fingers entwined to each other.

"Umm, Czar don't you have any work?" I asked.

"No," he replied with enthusiasm.

"Did you have dinner?"

"No," he replied.

"What about you?"

"No," I replied.

"Well then, let me bring some food," I replied while standing up and headed downstairs to the kitchen.

"Okay, don't keep me waiting." He said.

I heard him while blushing and walked ahead.

In the kitchen, there was no one. So, I grabbed two plates, and two spoons and placed steamed rice and chicken curry on the side of the plate with two glasses and one water bottle on the side of the tray, and walked upstairs with the tray.

While walking upstairs, a familiar voice stopped me from going.

"Little sis," Hardin called me from behind.

Suddenly I froze on the spot.

Siena don't look scared. Just act as nothing happened.

"Yes, big brother," I replied with a confident smile.

"Why are you taking food upstairs?"

"Why are not eating in the dining room?"

Ugh! What should I tell?

I never lied in my life.

Well, last night you lied you dumbass. My mind said.

I took a deep sigh and replied, "Umm, Lisa came. And she doesn't want to come downstairs to eat because she is feeling lazy."

"Oh! Okay," He said.

"Anything else?" I asked.

"No, carry on." He said and walked away.

That was close. I thought.

I walked and reached my bedroom door.

I turned the knob and entered.

What the fudge? I mumbled.

Czar was seeing my childhood album.

I immediately closed the door behind me and locked it.

I placed the food tray on the small table in front of my couch.

"Czar, give back my album," I said while trying to snatch my album from his hand.

"No, babe. You look so cute." He replied while showing me the picture.

"Czar, please." I requested.

"Okay, on one condition?" He said.

"What is the condition?" I asked.

"I will sleep here with you on the bed." He replied.


"Are you nuts?"

"No, I won't allow this."

"Why babe?"

"We should practice sleeping together in the same bed because you will be my future wife." He replied while smirking.

What the hell he is telling? Is he insane?

"No, Czar. you will have dinner and go to your home," I ordered.

"Babe, don't try to push me. Otherwise, you have to pay for the consequences." He replied.

"Czar, don't blackmail me," I said.

"I heard you and your brother's conversation. I can shout. He will come and bang your door and ask you to open it. And I will not go from here."

"I will tell him everything."

"Aww, my poor babe lied to her brother." He replied with a fake attitude.

OMG! What should I do?

If I didn't obey. He will shout. And then I have to face my brother's wrath.

I know him very well.

"Babe, I just wanna cuddle and kiss you and be in my arms." He said.

I took a deep sigh and replied, "Okay, you can stay. But, you have to leave early in the morning."

"Yes, babe." He said.


After having a nice lovely dinner with the possessive mafia leader. We climbed on my bed and I rested my head on his chest while circling my finger on his bare tattoo chest.

The tattoos he had on his body depict something. I should ask him later.

I was so in my thoughts. That I couldn't hear someone was calling me.



"Huh?" I snapped and looked at him.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Where is your mom?"

Suddenly, why is he asking about my mom? I thought.

"Czar, can you ask me something else? I'm not comfortable talking about her."

"Babe, sorry, I will not force you. You take as much time as you want to trust me. I will hear from you when you are ready." He said while caressing my hair.

"Thank you for understanding, Czar," I replied.

It's just been one day we are in a relationship. He puts in so much trust in me. He puts so much effort into this relationship. Will I be able to tell him how my mom left me when I was just a month's baby? Will I be able to trust him? Will, I able to put so much effort as much as he puts into this relationship?

Stupid girl, trust him. He is good, he is a dark fallen angel, he cares, loves, and respects you. He adores you, protects you, loves you. The anger he shows is due to his possessive and jealousy about you because he saw you talking to other guys. My mind said.

One day I have to tell him. Otherwise, the consequences will be terrible.

Before that, I need some advice from someone who can tell me what I have to do?

Who should I talk to?

Think Siena,

Think Siena,

Ah! I know who...