
A Phoenix With An Evolution & Realm System!!!

Orion hao was your average 22 year old Otaku virgin... but then he was walking on the side walk one day , and then he saw a drunk driver driving towards a little girl on the street and then hao ran as fast as he can to move the girl out the way and he got run over by truck-kun..... Hao inner thoughts {well i wonder what happen to the little girl i saved from that truck-kun. well doesn't matter ether way I´m dead know.} {man i wish i was a phoenix said hao} {Phoenix can come back after a while} WISH GRANTED REINCARNATION Baby Phoenix (1,2,3) {what Happening} GO

OhhDae · Fantaisie
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7 Chs

Tier 5 Beast

A Phoeinx was sitting on the higher ground of the forest, he was gigantic and emitting a very frightening aura, this phoenix was the Orion.

"What the heck is wrong with this place, it is very big and mysterious, let's try to explore in the deeper part, I might find a way to advance to Tire 5 beast" having that thought in his mind Orion began to explore that forest leaving the hill behind.

after a few hours Of searching, he suddenly noticed something unusual., when he entered the different parts of that forest.

"This part of the forest is quite unusual, these trees are very big, even the lower tier monster cant be seen here, what kind of place is this" Orion mumbled and started inspecting the mysterious place.


[blood lust detected, kill the source of blood lust, Random beast Stone awarded after the completion of the mission]

A sudden notification resounded in his head, and he was taken aback by the blood lust part when the system notified him about that, "Holy F.u.c.k, What kind of mother fucker want to kill me, what did I do wrong to someone that he wanted to kill me" he mumbled in a low voice while his heart was beating with a faster pace.

"shit, I am being hunted by someone,but where is that bastard who want to kill me" Orion was on his guard while he was looking here and there to find out the source of blood lust , but to his surprise, a tail collided with his gigantic body, and he flew few meters away and finally collided with a big tree.

"Aahaaaah"...A scream echoed in the whole surrounding forest. Orion cried with immense pain.

"fuck man, Which Fucker is going after my life" he mumbled and looked towards the source of That attack while maintaining his posture again. but his expression becomes dark when he saw a lizard which was very gigantic and his size was twice from the Orion size. for some reason this lizard was looking very annoyed, and she was looking towards the Orion with killing intent on her face.

"Day, what kind of creature is that, And why this creature want to kill me" he whispered, In a low voice.

[King Swamp Lizard, Tier 5 Enhanced beast Appear, Save your life]

"All the best Host, This Lizard is here to kill you, I am sensing the same aura just like those eggs, I am sure That she came here for revenge that you eat her eggs" Day replied to Orion. hearing those words from Day's mouths his movements becomes stiff.

"I am fucked up, Day, you want to kill me by the hand of this freaking monster, I can't fight this lizard, this lizard is freaking nasty, and look at her size. she is going to kill me with ease" Orion shouted at top of his lungs and cursed the Day to give him a mission in this kind of situation .

"You are the one who eats those eggs it's not my problem host, it's your fault" Day replied to him sarcastically.

"go to hell Day, if I am survived today I will see you" with those words two giant creatures collided with each other, and when other low tier beasts saw this battle between two high tier beasts, the low tier beast started to run for their lives, the forest becomes the battlefield of two high tiers beast. that no one wanted to mess with them, and soon the place around them become deserted. leaving these two everyone ran from there.

[fire breath]

A mist of fire surrounded the lizard and her whole body was covered with red mist but to Orion´s surprise, nothing happened to her, "Is she immune to Flame" orion mumbled

She becomes mad after Getting attacked by Orion´s fire attack. and she retaliates by attacking him with her Razor-sharp claws, and in an instant, a big wound appeared on Orion's body. he shouted with unbearable pain.

"chripp Chrippp" These words echoed in the forest.

"I am gonna kill you, don't dare to underestimate me, you fucking nasty creature ", Orion shouted with his bounded body and the next moment.

[Wind Slash]

A mass of powerful wind was shoot through Orion's wings and instant that lizard was cut. seeing the lizard that was cut with his wind attack, Orion didn't wasted any time. and next moment he used his talon and hit the lizard with his full might. getting hit by this kind of fierce attack, the lizard was started screaming with pain. While she got slammed into the hill behind her, but she regains herself soon, at this point she was looking Orion with a killing gaze." Fuck she becomes mad this time, i am goner now, i can see it golden circle over the my head" he mumbled while gulping mouthful saliva nervously.

after slamming into the hill she becomes more aggressive and she rushed towards Orion and opens her mouth towards him, and next moment she bitten him on the neck with lightning speed that Orion couldn't protect him self, and a giant phoenix becomes helpless next moment, and the blood started to dripping with Orion's neck.

His cries resounded in the whole area Orion was in the pain, his neck was in the lizard's mouth. While he was desperately trying to release himself from lizards grasp, but in the end, his moves become slower and slower with passing time. he lost his hopes of leaving alive this time.

"am I going to die here, I don't wanna die again with a miserable death" these are thought started to occurring in his mind, "if I died here who knows what awaits me after my death" he mumbled and the sudden notification started to resounding in his head.

[you lose 1000 hp, 3000/5000]

[You lose 1000 hp 2000/5000]

[You lose 1000 hp 1000/5000]

"I am not going to die here, I want to live " he mumbled and started to struggle desperately and finally, he felt something around his tail, that was a tree which was destroyed during his fight with lizard, Orion grabs that big tree with the help of his talons, and next moment he struck that tree in the lizard's stomach, a fountain of blood started to rushing out from the lizard's body, but Orion didn't waste this golden chance and next moment he strangles lizard with his whole talon and peck her head off with the help of his massive beak.

[Auto Healing]

[congratulations host for killing Tier 5 enhanced beast, you gain tier 5 beast Stone]

[first time killing tier 5 beast bonus extra tier 5 beast stone awarded]

[ You gained 2 Tire 5 beast stones, you are going to transform]

in the next moment, Orion feels that his body is about to explode, his size started to increase with lightning fast speed, and he became thrice in size, his body becomes more powerful as passing time that no one dares to mess with him right now, After few minutes of pain after advancing in next tier,he was become fully healed as a reward of entering in next tier.

He closed his eyes and started thinking about something.

"hey, Day, show me my status let me see if anything changes or not " with those words a blue screen appeared in front of him.

[Name: Orion hao]

[Level: Tier 5 Beast]

[Hp: 6000]


[Race: Phoenix]

[Bloodline: Ancient bird]

[Ability: healing, Wind slash, Fire breath]

> New Quest Triggered<

[Clear The Dungeon of death, to Become the awakened]

Orion was confused about sudden Quest notification,he just open his status window and this happened he shook his head and opened his mouth.

"What is this Dungeon Of death?" Orion asked Day while his heart was throbbing like a drum.

"Every beast who advanced to Tier 5 have to clear the Dungeon of Death to become awakened, You Have to Travel towards the north it will take around two days to reach there at your current speed" Day replied to him.

"How Do you know about This dungeon?" Orion asked with a confused expression.

[Host level is too low to know, Request denied, Raphael replied]

"Sigh, whatever" Orion didn't care about those detail as he wanted to awaken as soon as possible.

"Let's get out of here,i don´t wanna stay at this place" with those words Orion again started crawling towards the deeper part of forest.