
A Phoenix With An Evolution & Realm System!!!

Orion hao was your average 22 year old Otaku virgin... but then he was walking on the side walk one day , and then he saw a drunk driver driving towards a little girl on the street and then hao ran as fast as he can to move the girl out the way and he got run over by truck-kun..... Hao inner thoughts {well i wonder what happen to the little girl i saved from that truck-kun. well doesn't matter ether way I´m dead know.} {man i wish i was a phoenix said hao} {Phoenix can come back after a while} WISH GRANTED REINCARNATION Baby Phoenix (1,2,3) {what Happening} GO

OhhDae · Fantaisie
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7 Chs

Reborn as Milcham[Phoenix]

<p>¨What is that light?¨ ¨What Is this Fire?¨ need to get out of here, my senses are telling me that I have to go toward that light to get out of this place¨ a small creature thought himself while he saw a ray of light was dazzling in a particular direction.<br/>That small creature started to move towards that light, he was surrounded by the pitch-black space and wanted to get out of this dark space.<br/>¨phew, I am almost there, what is this, a thin wall. I have to crack it, to get out of here¨ He peck at a white wall in front of his sight, that wall was pretty thin on a particular side.<br/>having thought of destroying that wall in his mind, that little creature started to peck at that wall with his beck because he didn't feel that he have limbs. He was pecking that wall-like structure, just like some kind of woodpecker banging the tree to make a hole, he just wanted to get out of here.<br/>"Phew, I am finally out" he mumbles to himself while he destroyed that wall. he becomes very happy, that he got out of that place. in reality, that was not the wall but that creature broke through the medium size egg, he was a small little chick about 25.35 g in weight with a flaming body, and Two tiny little feet could be seen when he was looking down<br/>"Wait, what is this place, and where am I," Orion thought to himself.<br/>When Orion opens his little small eyes first-time he was surprised to see those things around him, That place was very big and itchy, and there where 5 eggs on the nest, and the 4 eggs were breaking every second, and little phoenix´s are started to skip around the nest. he felt devastated, and his life takes a 180° turn just like that, and hazy memories are started to appearing in his mind.<br/>"Holy H.E.L.L I Reborn as a Phoenix, are those Phoenix are my Brothers and sisters, " Orion mumbled in low voice to himself. but he becomes sad having thought that he died and becomes a phoenix, Orion started to curse his fate.<br/>"H.E.L.L I died when i was trying to save a little girl from truck kun¨.<br/>Orion thoughts {man im still a virgin i did not even get to lose it in my past life}<br/>Suddenly few more hazy memories are started to appear in his mind as he thought about his previous life.<br/>"You damn truck Kun, I died by accident while crossing the road in Hong kong , I am fucked up" Orion started to resent as he thought about his previous life on earth. he had Black hair, somewhat Athletic,with red eyes and with those red eyes it looking like fire was burning in those eyes.and he was a virgin and he really love technology, food and anime. you can call him an Otaku <br/>"what did I do wrong, to get this kind of treatment, I didn't expect too much from the world even I was living a normal life, but why me'' he shouted having that thought on his mind.<br/>"shit, let's see what kind of place is that, but I need to know where am I right now and what kind of place is this"<br/>having that thought in his mind, he tried to crawl, and suddenly his movement becomes smoother and smoother on the surface like he was skating on the ice.<br/>"wow this is convenient, better than my previous life, Orion it takes at least 12 months to walk a human newborn baby, and here I am doing this thing easily" mumbled While crawling here and there.<br/>after a few minutes later,<br/>Orion saw a little phoenix who was the same size as him. he approaches that little Milcham,<br/>"Hey how are you my little brother, I am Orion what is your name, are you having fun, I am your big brother and I just broke through the eggshell, where is our mommy, did you see her around here," he asked and looked little Phoenix in front of his sight with deep gaze to get few answers.<br/>But to Orion surprised only a bird beak [Open Up] made a chip. seeing this he felt a chilly sensation in his whole body.<br/>" Holy H.e.l.l, I am f.u.c.k.e.d up" he Whispers in low voice. and looked towards the flaming baby phoenix in front of his sight. {Is that what I look like}Orion says to him self in his thoughts<br/>The other became confused to see Orion bizarre movements, he was looking towards him in a confusing manner, in a reply to Orion´s action he gave a reaction.<br/>"chirp ,chirp"...he heard shot chirps coming from the other phoenix<br/>Looking at the confused phoenix he mumbled, " never mind little Milcham brother it's nice to meet you" and Orion shook his head with disappointment.<br/>That little Phoenix ignored this bizarre Phoenix and walked in a different direction leaving Orion behind and alone.<br/>"Even a little phoenix is ignoring me" sigh let's see where I am". Orion took a deep breath and started to leave that place And venture around to investigate various things around him. The place around him was quite dark, he becomes curious as he explores more and more.<br/>suddenly his gaze went in the direction the 4 Phoenix where going after breaking their shell, maybe they were following their senses. They all glide down from the Big nest.<br/>Orion also followed and started to glide towards the grass where these little guys were going, he followed 4 of his sisters.{Am I the only Boy Phoenix} thought Orion. after a few hours later they arrived at the big grassland which was filled with big worms an small worms , one by one These little phoenix started to walking in that grassland and They started hunting little worm and big ones around them.<br/>Orion was shocked to see that the lake was very big and millions of small fish could be seen swimming in packs, but suddenly he heard a familiar voice.<br/>"Growl Growl" his stomach started making the sound.<br/>"sigh my stomach, is saying that I need food, but Raw worm is that okay, maybe I should cook them before eating, sigh forget it I am not human anymore, its harsh reality but it is bitter truth any way lets try eating raw," he said to himself.<br/>having thought of eating those worms, Orion crawled towards the lake and he walked into the grassland, to hunt these worms around him.<br/>"Wow, I am hunting, I didn't know that hunting is this kind of easy for me to feast to attain food. well, whatever I know that baby phoenix can walk, glide, and shoot fire. it's not a that big thing, but why I can see things like as a human, Phoenix only see the color, they react to heat and cold, and I can feel that my blood is also hot, and on top of that I could see-thing as a normal human, and moreover, I can also able to hear things, am I special type of Phoenix breed, different from my little {sisters} hao thought to himself.<br/>"well, it is a very good thing that I have these kinds of Abilities. Thank you, god, for this kind of gift. I am very grateful that you didn't abandon me" he mumbled and looked around him.<br/>"Now it's time to eat worm, then I will think about the next thing, I am feeling very hungry now. "itatakimas".<br/>saying those words he dashed towards the worm around him. in an instant, he killed a worm and swallowed it whole like it was some kind of tasty thing to him. his senses were helping him. but to Orion surprised something unexpected happened when he swallowed that worm. A voice resounded in his head when he eats that worm.<br/>Ding<br/>[You killed tier 1 worm you gained a beast stone, 100 Tier 1 beast stones needed for advancing next level]<br/>"What, who are you, am I become retarded suddenly hearing things in my mind out of nowhere," Orion said in low voice. after hearing two voices in his mind his face becomes darker. but the next moment something unexpected happened to him.<br/>[I AM Day, AND I AM GOING TO ASSIST YOU ON YOUR JOURNEY] and this is my sister Night<br/>[I AM NIGHT AND I WILL ASSIST YOU LATER ON YOUR JOURNEY]<br/>"Day, who are you too, and why suddenly I am able to hear you what kind of business you have with me," Orion asked Day in a serious voice.<br/>[Day says ¨I am system and I am imprinted in your will to guide you on your journey and I will help you to evolve¨ ]<br/>[Night says ¨I am system and I am imprinted in your will to guide you on your journey and I will help you to make your own kingdom in your future when you are bigger¨ ]<br/>after a few sec<br/>(1)<br/>(2)<br/>(3)<br/>[okay bother see you later says Night]<br/>[see you later sis] says Day<br/>hearing Day´s and Night´s words, Orion was surprised, Orion laugh and shouted in his mind.<br/>"Oh god, you didn't abandon me. I heard many isekai stories when I was on the earth when someone died he will be reborn in a different world, but it becomes a reality" he mumbled while thinking about something. { I really got too System That is so rare} Orion thought <br/>"Hey Day , can I become strong with the help of yours, and what do you mean by evolution," He asked him.<br/>[Yes you can become awakened as you reached the level of Tier 5 beast, and you can enter into the cultivation realm]he replied him.<br/>"Day what do you mean by the awakened, "Orion asked curiously.<br/>"well, in this world seven realms existed for humans, but for the beast, You have to become Tier 5 beast first, then you will get the chance to become awakened.<br/>Let me show you" Day said and suddenly a blue screen appeared in front of Orion's eyes, and there was some info appears on the screen regarding the realms and cultivation levels that existed in this world.<br/>Cultivation Levels -<br/>{Seven Mortal Stages}<br/>Elementary Spirit Realm<br/>Profound Spirit Realm<br/>True Spirit Realm<br/>Earth Spirit Realm<br/>Heavenly Spirit Realm<br/>Sovereign Spirit Realm<br/>Divine Spirit Realm<br/>-<br/>{Divine Stages}<br/>Divine Origin Realm<br/>Divine Lord Realm<br/>>Divine Semi-God<br/>>Divine God<br/>-<br/>{Ancient Realm}<br/>?<br/>"After Tier 5 beast you have to go through special requirements[a Ritual] to advance in the cultivation realm. and the beast who advanced after Tier 5, they entered in cultivation realm and known as awakened and they are few in numbers, and people called them calamity. because they can transform in their beast form with their will" he explained to Orion .<br/>"so if I wanted to be awakened I have to clear those Five beast Tire stages, then I can become awakened", Orion ask DAY,<br/>"Yes", DAY REPLIED.<br/>"So If I can devour these millions of worms around me, I can advance to tier 5 right," Orion asks Day.<br/>"No, you are just a tier 1 phoenix, it is very hard to advance To Tier 5 and few beasts can advance in those stages, " he paused for a moment and again continued his explanation.<br/>"it is not easy to advance, each tier has their difficulty level, you know a Tier 5 Beast single-handedly destroy a whole big city". Day Replied<br/>"well, whatever, I am happy that I can able to transform into a human form after getting awaken, I just have to work hard till then". Orion responded to Day.<br/>"Hey Day, show me my status window," Orion asked.<br/>In the next moment, some information appears on the blue screen in front of his sight.<br/>Ding<br/>[Name: Orion Hao ]<br/>[Level: Tier 1 Beast]<br/>[Hp: 100]<br/>[Race: Phoenix]<br/>[Bloodline: Ancient Bird]<br/>[Ability: Ember, healing]<br/>"Let's get started, I need to level up quickly" having that thought Orion started walked towards those worms around him.</p>

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

1 power Stone = 1 Chapter Daily

2 power stone = 2 Chapter Daily

3 Power Stone = 3 Chapter Daily

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