

After settling my belongings, I started a search around to make my temporary camp ... I would also like to light a fire, but I'm not sure if it's a good idea ... I would be like a lighthouse in the night, but at my port could not only dock the merchants but also tredons.

I think that tomorrow I'm going to inspect nearby terrain, identify edible plans and dangerous animals , etc...etc...

It may seem that it is still on earth, but if you look closely at some plants you can notice that they possess rather peculiar characteristics .

Some of them move according to the position of the sun, so do many normal plants, but they hide at midday, and then its expose again to the rays when the light becomes less intense, so I deduce that they are nocturnal. Others, on the other hand, shift themselves by inverting the faces of their leaves. You could say that on the Earth there's a lot of incredible creature and plants that you have never immaginated and I have seen a lot of picture on-line.

But I'm sure there no plants that keep watching you, staring at you all the time and... that's quite disturbing, I'm not paranoid.

It's eyes are following me, and not just one eye, not two, but there's a lot of eyeballs all over the tree as if they're fruits.

Let's put some distance, a LOT of distance, otherwise I feel like I'll be in deep sh!t.

About 10m away from that ... thing ... I felt better. Thanks animal instinct, Hope ya're right.

The birds here is not that strange, I have seen a lot of birds as a bird lover that I am and I had seen some a lot more stranger than them, and a lot of them, like the plants, resemble those from the Earth, so maybe it's the same with the other animals.

Aaaaand, I was right, but there are "magical beast" too, some of them could use some kind of power, I believe that there some logic behind that. Look forward for a future chance to learn something about it.

If the animal can then maybe humans could too. Fingers crossed.

The place I choose for my "camp" is safe for now, I used some bush to hide it placing them in the most natural way I could and using some smelly ones so that it hides my smell.

In the third day I've explored a radius of 3km from the camp, obviously keeping me away from a certain tree and other dangers. I was also attacked but I managed to get out alive somehow and I also did some kills.

Among my victims there are 4 snakes, a kind of very angry ferret. The most difficult opponent was a kind of canid, I knew I was in deep sh!t the moment I saw it, but I luckily managed to pierce its eye, the dagger arrived directly to the brain.

I tried to get everything I could from them, trying not to throw anything, many internal organs used them as it comes out for the traps, they are simple traps, nothing excessively elaborate, but effective.

As for the bones, I boiled with some fine rocks, the concentration of minerals is less than the sea water, but better than nothing,after the treatment I used some of them as weapon.

I lit the fire , obviously, during the day.

The processing of the fur of the "wolf" was successful, with that one of the ferret, it didn't end well, so this last time I was doubly careful and after 2 days of work, my efforts have been paid-off.

And lastly, the meat and the blood as food, you read right , it's said blood, the snake blood it's full nutritions.


During the 11th day I finally found out how that creepy tree work, It's use some kind hypnosis when the target is near, slowly the huge boar-like beast collapsed and the tree started to absorb it through his roots. His method of digestion reminds me of a mushroom.

In the 15th day the tree had tried to do the same with a deer, magical deer, and the hypnosis didn't work, I've found out that the "magic beasts" are smarter, therefore it means that it does not work with beings of a certain degree of intelligence or perhaps it's need more time and "energy" .

Of course there are all hypothesis.

After watching some animals consume certain fruits I decided to try them too.

Some are good, others have such an inexplicable taste that they make me shiver, still others are inedible.

Some of these fruits even have a strange effect, as if they gave me some kind of status.

For now I have not caught enough poisonous to kill myself, only one that has caused me a terrible headache.

In prevision of any accident, I have the testament ready, always if someone finds my remains and can read English or Italian. Right, Italian, lol, but I not Italian, I used to be animmigrant with an unlimited residence permit. I do not know much about my original culture, after all I lived only 5 years in my homeland. What a sin...

But that doesn't matter anymore, the most priority now is collect information about this new world and survive.

In the 21st day 8km, it's amazing, after staying here for so long I feel like I'm getting more stronger, it's for something I've eat??

I will use the same trick that is used with newborns to discover eventual intolerances, I'll take the same food for a week.

Let's go by exclusion, one step at a time …