
/game mode 0

Ok *** ... You're alone, in a forest that Godammn knows where it is... BUT! YA NEED TO CALM DOWN...

Remember "The song of ice and fire" ?

"Fear cut deeper than swords..."

Pulled a couple of deep breaths I feel my heart slowly calm down...

Now...Let's assess the situation.

Inside my backpack I've put :

- 1 thermos with 1liter of green tea with lemon and honey ;

- 1 stainless steel water bottle that I can hook to the belt supplied;

( thank u dad for being such a fanatic of military stuff )

- 2 dagger and a flint (because matches and lighters is for sissy);

- A small camping set (pot with lid 16,5cm Ø, cooking pan 17cm Ø, teapot 14m cmØ,

a bamboo spoon and a sponge) ;

- some carabiner and 2 rope;

- a compass;

- 2 T-shirt, 2 changes of underwear, 2 pair of socks, a white shirt, a waterproof jacket (mimetic), a pullover and a pair of jeans.

- 3 books ( Kafka on the s0re, The H0bb!t and Flowers for 4lgernon...

I've hoped to read them duringb the journey...)

-My lunch box, two chocolate bars, 3 energy bars, 3 lemon, 2 orange, 1 banana,

an ex-jam jar with blueberries.

- the case of the glasses with the microfiber handkerchief

- small first aid kit;

And...oh! I remembered to take the tissues. 5 packages, good job me.


It's not really cold here. For now. So I took off my sweater. The surrounding area apparently calm.

My compass hadn't gone crazy so...hoping tha it's really pointing to the rights direction, now it should be morning, the sun is not at the zenith.

Every minute is important, I need to find a "safe" place before sunset. Earth or not, the night is always more dangerous than the day...

I got a stick to inspect the grass before setting foot, you never know what it can hide and I'm also paying attention to the trees that surround me, animals like bears tend to mark their territory by scratching them and there also other beings hiding in the branches ready to jump on their prey.

After about 2 and a half hours of walking I hear the sound of a stream.


Reached the goal, I begin to follow the water course towards the mouth hoping to find some civilization or any reference point.

The stream has a width that varies from 1 meter to 1.60 meters, the deepest point I think is about 30 cm.

Given the tiredness ... seriously, my shoulders are in pieces, not to mention the back.

I had backache problems already in the eighth grade, also because of the wrong posture and the endless hours at the computer, enough to grow roots on that chair ... What I was doing with my life ... In any case, thanks to the pressure of my parents and the workouts in the gym I have always kept fit. From elementary to middle school I always went to school by bike, excluding the days of bad weather like snow and ice, but usually the school closed in such conditions, the phrase "CLOSED FOR SNOW" was music for the ears, but from the high school it started to mind me (the importance of the school).

I imagined I had matured and I realized when I spent my money my education;

growing up had gives me a wider perspective, both mental and physical. I miss my childhood, characterized by that innocence and lightheartedness, even if I was not so carefree, parents often tending to share their responsibilities, but I was a stupid girl (but they continue to insist that I was an smart child and that I am became dumber while growing up), there's a lot of thing that a child couldn't understand, but just because you're going to school and being able to communicate with "white devil" then you should also know what's written in those documents with a lot formal words on them {sarcastic tone}. There a lot of thing I didn't knew about this wide word, I saw only a detail of the painting. It's frustrating to know nothing...

As I said, I was a stupid girl, but they did not treat me as such, so I hate my childhood, but this kind of environment has helped make me the person I am today. So ... Mom, dad ... Thanks, but no thanks.


Before I got losted in the train of my through, I didn't say where I am.

In this moment I'm resting under a gigantic stone that at the base has a recess inward, it's nice place so I decided to establish my camp here . Better prepare a shelter for tonight now or I won't have enough time.

This chapter used to be blocked, and I don’t know why, someone tell me.

Pardon this lost lamb, father, I sinned.

NoisyFridgecreators' thoughts
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