
A nobody rises up the ranks

One day in the peace country called Montreal, the two main groups in this country Zorgknight and the Foltens had an argument about who the country's king was going to be. And because of that argument, the country was at war. towns where thorn apart. and now 3 years later, a boy named Alex has been tasked with infiltrating The Foltens ranks. Now Alex is the only hope for this world.

Voidbrenger · Fantaisie
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5 Chs

vol. 1 chapter 3

The air crackled with anticipation as the ceremony commenced. The grand hall was filled with Foltens soldiers, their polished armor glinting under the flickering torchlight. I followed Ethan's lead, blending into the crowd while keeping a watchful eye on our surroundings.

"Soldiers of the Foltens! Today, we stand united against the Zorgknights' tyranny," Prince Zorgon declared, his voice resonating with authority. "Our cause is just, and victory will be ours. Together, we shall restore peace to our beloved country!"

The crowd erupted in cheers and applause, their loyalty evident. I looked around, gauging their reactions. Some faces showed unwavering determination, while others concealed hints of doubt. The Foltens' propaganda machine had been effective, but cracks in their facade were beginning to show.

Ethan leaned closer, his voice barely audible over the commotion. "Keep your eyes open, Alex. We need to gather any information we can."

I nodded, scanning the room for anything out of the ordinary. Amidst the sea of uniformed soldiers, a group of high-ranking Foltens officers caught my attention. Their whispered conversations suggested secrecy and hidden agendas.

Meanwhile, the prince continued his speech, outlining battle strategies and emphasizing the importance of unwavering loyalty. As he spoke, a masked figure approached Ethan and me, his dark eyes gleaming with curiosity.

"Welcome, newcomers," he said, his voice laced with intrigue. "I am Captain Alistair. I oversee the training of our new recruits. Tell me, what brings you to our esteemed ranks?"

I exchanged a quick glance with Ethan, our rehearsed cover story already in place. "We seek purpose and a chance to serve our country," I replied, my voice steady. "We have heard tales of the Foltens' valor and wished to join your noble cause."

Captain Alistair regarded us skeptically, his piercing gaze analyzing our every word. "Very well," he finally said, nodding. "We can always use more dedicated soldiers. Prepare yourselves for the trials that lie ahead."

With that, he turned and disappeared into the crowd, leaving us with a sense of unease. We knew we had to tread carefully. Our true motives hidden beneath layers of deception, our lives depended on blending in seamlessly.

Days turned into weeks, and our training progressed. Under the watchful eyes of the Foltens' instructors, we honed our combat skills and learned their strategies. Yet, every night, Ethan and I met in secret, sharing the information we had gathered, piecing together the puzzle of the Foltens' true intentions.

Through our covert conversations, we discovered that the Foltens' ruthless acts had a sinister purpose—they aimed to control the country's resources and establish dominance over neighboring lands. The war, as it turned out, was merely a smokescreen for their larger ambitions.

Armed with this knowledge, we devised a plan. We would expose the Foltens' treachery to the world, shattering the illusion of their righteousness. But the task ahead was daunting, and the risks were high. We needed allies, both within and outside the Foltens' grasp.

As the training intensified, Ethan and I quietly forged connections, earning the trust of like-minded soldiers who shared our disdain for the Foltens' brutal regime. Together, we formed a secret alliance, vowing to fight for justice and restore peace to our country.

The day of reckoning drew closer, and as the Foltens prepared for a major offensive, we knew our time was running out. Our double lives were a constant juggling act, maintaining appearances while plotting the downfall of those we served.

The fate of Montreal hung in the balance. With determination burning in our hearts, we would expose the Foltens' true nature, rally support, and unleash a storm that would shake the very foundations of our war-torn land.

After that, I went back to my room and went to sleep.

The next day, I got up, and a stranger was in my room. "Hi there, sorry about that, but I need to talk. The king of Folten would like to know where you're from, "said the stranger.