
A nobody rises up the ranks

One day in the peace country called Montreal, the two main groups in this country Zorgknight and the Foltens had an argument about who the country's king was going to be. And because of that argument, the country was at war. towns where thorn apart. and now 3 years later, a boy named Alex has been tasked with infiltrating The Foltens ranks. Now Alex is the only hope for this world.

Voidbrenger · Fantasy
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vol. 1 chapter 4 The stranger

"Who are you?" I said. "That is not your concern," said the stranger. To myself, who is this guy, and do they know the truth. Then we left the room and headed to the king of the Foltens empire, Marten.

"We are here, King Marten," said the stranger.

"Come in," said Marten. Hi Alex, we need to talk. I don't think you know, but I think you are some king of power. "Powers," I said. "Yes, you have power."A long time ago, there were people with powers."They were called sages." Nowadays, the sages are gone, but some people still have powers, and now powered people are starting to come back."

"You are one of them. You are a sage, and so is your friend." We need to find out what kind of sage you are. "We will find out tomorrow."

Normal training begins in 2 hours to get ready and not tell anyone about this."

So I headed back to my room to get ready to class. Then the stranger said I need to tell you something." "What is that?" I am our dad. It has been about 10 years since I saw you."my dad said. "So you're a spy now." "Yes"