
A Ninja in the Marvel Universe

After a freak accident, Harry finds himself transmigrated into the world of Marvel with a mysterious system. The system grants him unique abilities to navigate and thrive in the dangerous and chaotic Marvel Universe. With the help of the system and his growing understanding of the Marvel Universe, Harry must tread carefully and make difficult choices as he embarks on a journey filled with adventure, danger, and the potential to leave an indelible mark on the world of Marvel. **The system is derived and based on the Naruto Anime which will help Harry in becoming the strongest ninja in the Marvel Universe** **The system does not have and will not have any form of consciousness.** -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This will be an Alternate Universe i.e AU MCU. Well not much is going to change though. Most of the events will occur according to timeline of the original Marvel movies. Only the timeline of the webseries of 'Daredevil, Shang Chi, Jessica Jones and Punisher would change'. The events of these webseries would start earlier then what was shown. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I own nothing except the main character of the book. The Marvel world and it's characters belong to their respective creators. Also the cover page is not mine. If the owner of the cover page wants it to be taken down, then it can be done. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For 5+ advance chapters visit my patreon. patreon.com/StoryTeller229

Story_Teller_229 · Films
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61 Chs

48. Bloodline purity

'.....'= Thoughts 

"....."= Conversations 


Four more months passed as Harry continued his intensive training in the basic sealing techniques of the Uzumaki clan. These months were marked by rigorous practice, relentless perseverance, and an unwavering focus on mastering the fundamentals of sealing arts.

Harry had secluded himself within the respected halls of Kamar-Taj, dedicating himself entirely to the discipline and refinement required to truly grasp the intricacies of sealing techniques.

Practicing the seals consumed most of his day. Harry's mirror dimension was filled with numerous scrolls, brushes, and ink. Here, he spent hours drawing and redrawing seals, each attempt bringing him closer to perfection.

'Would anyone believe it if I said I couldn't even study for two hours straight in my previous life?' Harry smiled, thinking about how now he could spend countless hours honing his techniques without losing focus. In his previous life, his phone was his constant companion, as he liked to scroll through Instagram, watch web series, and play games on it.

But now, even though he was given a phone by Kaicelius, he hadn't used it much. He would only often look at it to know the time and date.

'One year, huh?' Harry mused as he found it hard to believe that in a few days, he would complete a year in this world.

Harry wondered how much he had changed since transmigrating into the Marvel world. Almost a year ago, he was just a normal guy, engrossed in the normal routines of modern life.

Reflecting on the past year, Harry marveled at how much he had endured and achieved. He had killed to survive, a fact that still unsettled him. Each life taken was a reminder of the harsh reality he now faced. He had made numerous decisions, some good and some disastrously bad, nearly leading to his capture on more than one occasion. The weight of these experiences had forged him into someone unrecognizable from the carefree young man he once was.

Despite the occasional quests that came his way during these seven months of seclusion, Harry remained resolute in his decision to stay within the protective walls of Kamar-Taj. He had promised himself that he would not leave until he reached the level of a Chunin.

When he first transmigrated here, Harry considered himself just an average ninja, lacking the extraordinary talents of individuals like Sasuke, Naruto, or Kakashi. Yet now, as he looked back on his journey, he realized how far he had come.

The thought of becoming a Chunin within a year of awakening his chakra was almost laughable to him before. If the people from the Naruto world knew that he called himself talentless even when he was about to become a Chunin in a year, they would definitely kick his ass or something.

Harry stood up from the chair he was sitting on and using his artifact he exited from the mirror dimension. The time that he could stay here had also extended a bit.

After coming out of the mirror dimension, he sat on his bed and looked at the screen that displayed today's date.

"29th April, 2009," Harry muttered and tried to remember whether there were any significant plot that was going to unfold in this year. After thinking for a bit, nothing came to his mind.

He kept his mobile aside and then once again opened the system panel. He also opened the Uzumaki Bloodline tab in order to note his progress in Basic Sealing techniques.


Name: Harry Williams

Age: 25

Bloodline: Uzumaki

Bloodline Purity: 51%

Points: 13,678

Rank: Elite Genin



[Rank of Ninjas: Genin-> Elite Genin-> Chunin-> Elite Chunin-> Special Jounin-> Jounin-> Elite Jounin-> Kage-> Super Kage]



Basic Sealing techniques: Mastery (24%)


A progress of 24% in just seven months of training might seem a lot, but as the percentage increased, Harry got a clue that further progress would slow down measurably as he approached the mark of one hundred percent.

He had no idea how long it would take him to become completely proficient in basic sealing techniques. Three years? Five Years? He couldn't tell afterall he had never done this before.

He closed the bloodline tab and then looked at the main system panel. He had kept aside the matter of the bloodline purity for long.

Today he had decided to experiment with it and increase the Bloodline Purity in order to see it's effect on him as the system had not clearly mentioned what would happen once he increase the purity.

'500 points for one percent increase? Let's do it,' Harry thought and sat straight on the bed.

Harry took a deep breath, preparing himself for the unknown as he contemplated increasing his bloodline purity. He had enough points to experiment with a few increments, and the potential benefits were too enticing to ignore. He navigated to the section in his system panel dedicated to bloodline purity and confirmed his decision to increase it by one percent.

As he mentally willed the system to increase the Bloodline Purity by one percent, he felt a sudden surge of energy coursing through his veins. It was an odd, tingling sensation, not entirely unpleasant but certainly intense. A slight warmth spread through his entire body. The feeling was akin to the rush of adrenaline, but deeper, more profound.

Once the sensation subsided, Harry opened his eyes and checked the system panel again.


Bloodline Purity: 52%


He sat still for a moment, waiting to feel any immediate effects. At first, nothing seemed different. He closed his eyes again, focusing inwardly on his chakra. It felt more fluid, more responsive. The difference was very minute, hard to notice.

Harry contemplated the effects of increasing his bloodline purity by just one percent. While the immediate changes were subtle, he could sense a newfound fluidity in his chakra and a slight increase in its responsiveness. He felt more attuned to the ebb and flow of energy within him, and his control seemed marginally sharper.

However, Harry was not satisfied with such incremental progress. Driven by curiosity and a desire to unlock his full potential, he decided to take a more drastic step.

'Why not go further?' he thought.

With a deep breath, he navigated the system panel again, this time setting the bloodline purity increase by eight percent, making it an even sixty percent.

As he willed the system to do the job, a surge of energy far more intense than before coursed through his body. It felt like a tidal wave of power, nearly overwhelming in its magnitude.

The sensation was indescribable. His muscles tensed, and his vision blurred, not just momentarily but for a longer duration. A fiery warmth spread from his core, engulfing his entire being. It was as if every cell in his body was being invigorated and reshaped by this newfound energy. Harry clenched his fists, feeling a surge of strength that was almost intoxicating.

Gradually, the intensity began to wane, and Harry opened his eyes, gasping for breath. He immediately checked the system panel to confirm the change.


Bloodline Purity: 60%


He took a moment to steady himself, his heart pounding with both excitement and exertion. As the initial shock faded, Harry began to notice the changes. His chakra reserves felt significantly larger, almost as if a dam had burst, releasing a torrent of stored energy. He could sense his chakra flowing more freely and with greater potency than ever before. The difference was no longer minute; it was profound and unmistakable.

Harry closed his eyes, focusing inwardly to assess the full extent of the transformation. The increase in his chakra reserves was the most obvious change, but there was more. His physical strength had surged, and he felt an unprecedented resilience in his muscles and bones. It was as if his body had been fortified from within, making him more robust and capable of enduring greater physical strain.

Moreover, his mental clarity had sharpened. His thoughts were more focused, and his ability to concentrate had improved noticeably. Harry felt a heightened awareness of his surroundings, his senses more acute than before. This newfound clarity would undoubtedly enhance his ability to learn and master new techniques, accelerating his progress in the sealing arts and other disciplines.

As he continued to explore his enhanced abilities, Harry noticed an increase in his healing rate. Small cuts and bruises from his intense training sessions seemed to mend faster, a testament to the Uzumaki clan's legendary vitality. This regenerative ability was a crucial asset, allowing him to recover quickly and maintain his rigorous training schedule without prolonged downtime.

Feeling the surge of power and potential within him, Harry couldn't help but smile. He had taken a gamble, and it had paid off handsomely. The increase in bloodline purity had not only amplified his existing abilities but had also unlocked new dimensions of strength and resilience. He felt more connected to the legacy of the Uzumaki clan, their formidable abilities now coursing through his veins with greater intensity.

Eager to test his new limits, Harry decided to put his enhanced chakra reserves and physical strength to the test.


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