
Intermission: Keeping up with Eldrian

The news had finally reached them and now Eldrian's shift in focus made sense. For the past few days, Eldrian had stopped focusing solely on new tests, instead, he started making pieces of a larger construction.

Myropsis had decided not to ask him why, assuming that he might simply want to sharpen his craft. After all, they had very little experience with forming metal and even less with carving runes onto them. Working with magic metals however made both these jobs far easier, at least this was true once they had mastered the required spells. 

Myropsis still could not understand how Eldrian had learned them in just a few minutes. The more complex ones required to mold Rank 2 materials took him some more time, but the spells for Rank 1 materials had come so easy she had almost not believed it. All she could do was say, 'That's Eldrian for you...'