
GAIA's history: Miracle's hearing

Eldrian was a bit disappointed that the hearing was going to clash with one of his classes, he was on the fence about skipping his class to attend it. Yet if it ran long he would have to miss the ending in any case, seeing as he was writing a test in the next class.

Luckily they had said they would make the hearing available on the forum, allowing anyone to review it when they wanted.

Coming back from class Eldrian grabbed something quick to eat and opened the forums, wanting to know what happened. He had already heard people talking about how Miracle Corporation came out of it without a scratch, having left the players no way of pressuring them anymore.

At least until something new happened.

Loading the video Eldrian saw the empty courtroom, only the plaintiffs' lawyer, Miracle Corporation's lawyer and representative inside the courtroom. Other than the judge and jury that is, both of which didn't get much screen time.