
Eldrian's wish for his new weapon

Welcomed into the city, the trio quickly moved towards the keep in the center of the massive dwarven city. Out of all the buildings of stone, this one stood above everything like a towering mountain. It stretched up and up, nearly reaching the cavern's tall ceiling. And around it floated a dozen different stalactites. Some actings as guard posts, other as smithies, villas, or so forth. 

The grandeur of it all made Eldrian question even more if this was truly normal. Too curious to keep this to himself, Eldrian decided to ask. After all, the amount of mana gathering around the keep was blinding. There was certainly more going on here than what was normal. 

"Its true, Ganalin is a considered special among the dwarven communities." Boran readily answered. "My family, the Brokkr clan, has ruled over it for the past thousand years. However, we aren't the actual ruler of Ganalin."

""Oh?"" Apparently, this was also news to Solvi.