

Eldrian stopped, defeated. Like so many times before he had an idea of what to do but no idea how to accomplish this idea.

It would take time and experimentation. Yet, he also realized that he had been away from Kynigo for too long. So, after being left at a loss he started getting ready to go back. 

'Are you sure you want to leave?' Zamia asked, using a mental connection to keep this conversation private. 

'Mmmh,' Eldrian mentally nodded, 'I need to go back and see what the situation is. I've been hearing concerning things.' 

Eldrian had made sure to always keep in contact with Elizabeth and the others, and as such he knew that the situation with the orcs was not improving in the slightest. Luckily, no new troubles had popped up near Kynigo. Still, the news of the invasion slowly advancing was troubling.