

'I might be able to get a few nice weapons with the money I have, but magical items are expensive.' Eldrian wasn't too worried about this, for now. He would much rather experiment with his own designs. If he had the time. 

'Wait! The reaver parts, that might be far more ideal.' Eldrian noted, he already planned to make a trip to the city. Now he simply felt it would be smart to do so a bit earlier. He had to take a few to test if they could deal more damage. 

"Still, we should formulate a plan," Myropsis said, understanding that Eldrian was not going to move earlier than planned. 

Nodding, Eldrian asked, "What type of spell are you planning to use?"

"Thunder cage followed with a flame spear," Myropsis replied, giving the translated names of the spells. Their original was Divronti Cage and Fotiry Spear.

"Cast time?"