
Akarui calls for help

After retreating to Avgi, Zamia headed to the holy spring. Both to cleanse her body of the voidstone dust, and secure the barrier for the barrage from the two they hadn't killed. 

Agamemas took over command of those still fighting the infiltrators. Having noted that Ceph was no longer in a position to do so. Both parents have confirmed that he was safe before anything else. 

It was as Agamemas was directing the others to catch those who had sneaked through. Aiming to weaken them from inside, that Ceph contacted him. 

'Something is wrong with Eldrian!' Ceph shouted telepathically. Of course, Agamemas had known this all along. He had simply deemed that it could wait. With things calmed, for the moment, he headed over 

The area was now encased in frost. In an instant, Agamemas noted that the frost was special. Similar to what he had seen Athtar wield. Unrefined, certainly. But certainly of a similar power.