
Additions to spell modules

Thrilled Eldrian did not manage to stay awake for much longer. Upon his success, as his adrenaline rush faded and his will to power through with it, he finally felt how tired he truly was. With no direct goal to aim for he quickly started falling asleep. 

Struggling just to stay awake Eldrian quickly confirmed how he had managed to enter the magic abyss. Quickly let the spell die out, and then logged out with due haste. Fearing that delaying would result in another mental assault on him.

Upon waking he still got a headache, not too bad a one though. Still it was there nonetheless, IRL, informing him that when his mind was dead tired that it did not matter if this mind was in the game or in the real world. He also felt really lethargic and his vision was slightly blurry, not wishing to move Eldrian simply took off his headset. Falling asleep before even managing to put it on his bedstand.