
A New Life, Beyond Realms: Tensura x Overlord

Being reincarnated by a couple of God-like being, Silviana finds herself on the world of Tensura. In the forest of Jura she comes to join Rimuru and his nation. Little does she know that in a desert somewhere in the world some evil force has appeared, a force from a 'game' called Yggdrasil... Join Silviana in her new life as she tries to live a better life than she experienced in her last. Join her on her exploration and discovery of the truths of reality and the current situation of the world.

Alex_Simmonds · Anime et bandes dessinées
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153 Chs

The Calm Before the Storm

The rest of the day went fast as I introduced Benimaru to the firearms, his reaction close to Kaijin's except his was more strategic in thinking. We discussed many different strategies with the guns as well as immediate training for the most elite forces of the Ogres. He promised to have a battalion of men and women for training the next day. With said promise secured I returned home to Milim and Shuna, who were both playing with the 50cal I had left in the Demi-plane. Shuna was just as excited as me and Milim, all of us ending up playing with the 50cals in my demi-plane for a good hour or two. Unfortunately life got in the way and we had to abandon the weapons to cooking food and watching movies, an alternative that wasn't disliked by any of us truth be told.

The movie selection was different tonight with Milim and Shuna wanting to watch something different to Marvel. Understanding that they were perhaps watching Marvel too much all at once I decided to put on something completely different. Dr Who, specifically the 1st season of modern Doctor Who. It went down well with them because of the more layed back and intriguing storylines. After watching half of season 1 I extended the couch out and hugged them both to sleep, beginning my own meditation.

Awaking from my meditation to the pleasant smell of cooking food and honey I stretched out. I was tired from all of the mana I had been using and the mental effort of designing adaptations to firearms that would make sense. Craning my neck towards the kitchen I saw Milim and Shuna setting up the table with Robotic Chef arms buttering bread whilst placing down the trays for both of them to take to the table. This was the life I wished to have. Now it was just two days from the set time and I still had so much that I wanted to do, yet so little time to commit to any of them. The matter for today would be to train the battalion that Benimaru has collected for Tempest's Grenadier Forces, a title I would give them when they passed today and tomorrow's training. Luckily the majority of the training had been shown to Benimaru before i went home last night, so most of the effort would be in showing him the ropes and ensuring that quality was maintained. Untucking myself from the blankets that clad my form I slowly got out of bed, my dress from yesterday still on me. 

Feeling disgusting for the act of sleeping in sweaty clothes I used prestidigitation to cleanse myself and my clothes whilst doing the same for our blankets and couch. 

"Silvi, honey... Food is ready." Shuna peaked in from the open doorway that lead to the kitchen, her wettened pink hair gracefully draping along her shoulders, framing her mesmerizingly gorgeous complexion. 

"I'll be right there beautiful." She blushed only a little this time before giddily stepping back into the kitchen, a hum escaping her lips as she seemed very pleased with my words. I marked the idea of saying that more to her within my brain, she seemed to love it. Like this I went into the kitchen and spent time with Milim and Shuna, splitting off from them earlier than usual. Shuna was mildly annoyed at the break from routine but I explained that I was doing some military training with Benimaru, her eyes glazing over in boredom instantly... She didn't know it was about the guns.

Thus I sped through the city, my pace invisible to most as I emerged inside the training area inside the forest nearby the Agricultural District. This place was cordoned off for military purposes and therefor was void of all workers or staff, the trees and critters of the forest being my only company as I awaited Benimaru's battalion. Within this lull of time I slowly reached out to my new abilities and powers, my Cultivation technique drawing out a dark purple and black aura that manifested in a small twisting vortex above my head. Magicules filtered into it like a tidal wave as my MP was increasing at a moderate pace. At the same time a singular tail extended out from my dress as above it sat a light pink-white fire, the magi-fire of the Kitsune, Nine-tailed fox species. Despite its burning visage the temperature associated with it was mild, being barely above that of ambient heat generated by match sticks.

It just so happened that when I started to toy with my powers I began to hear the rattling of metal armour and the clinking of gun-metal. The battalion it seemed. Shutting off my powers I noticed a an increase of MP cap by 100 for just a few seconds of cultivation, the only downside being the seeming decrease in Magicules in the area. As was the name of the cultivation, I most likely needed an enemy to siphon Magicules and Life force from. The image of a certain Orc Shaman from the Warcraft Movie came to mind at the insinuation of life force consumption.

More clanking ensued as the forces appeared before me, all of them snapping to attention moments after they saw me. Most of the battalion was made of Kijin and Hob Goblins, these members being extremely skilled in combat arts taught by Benimaru and my master. Among the forces were also some Demi-humans of the wolf tribes and a couple Elves from the Wood Elf lineage and High elf lineage respectfully. Gazing at the forced before me I smiled. There were a full 1000 people standing in front of me, each of them being equipped with P210s and a singular ammo box. The most important part of military combat was logistics, and thus most of the ammo was left to Benimaru to doll out when the time came and was needed. My job today? To whip them into shape.

"Good Morning, Grunts!"


Half way through the day people were starting to finally get the ideas of cover fire and tactical cooperation. Some people were lagging behind but they could be refined over the next day, Benimaru most likely being able to take over for tomorrow's training.

"BENIMARU-SAMA! SILVIANA-SAMA! Trouble!" A voice echoed from the outer edges of the forest as the troops beneath our command all began another round of fire and advance formations. They were already intelligent enough to learn how to load and aim, most of them being archers or some sort of martial arts expert from within the already 100,000 strong military of Tempest.

Coming deeper into the forest I saw one of the agents of Souei running towards us in a panicked pace. I knew what this would be about and thus payed more attention to the soldiers, they were one of the forces that I would use to buffer the enemy from behind my wards. I had already decided to disallow the anti-magic area that would be attempted, I had considered keeping it but figured that I didn't like intentionally leaving citizens to die just because it was convenient. My hope was that the attack would wake Rimuru enough for him to be fine with becoming a Demon Lord... A fickle hope but still one I held.

"Silviana-sama, Benimaru-sama, there are reports from our agents that confirm the movements of 1,000,000 Men through the outskirts of the Jura Forest. These 1,000,000 are from the Kingdom of Falmuth. Along with them come 10,000 Paladins from the Western Church and Hinata herself!" Benimaru gawked and looked at the report brought by the Ghost agent. I, myself, was focussed intently on the soldiers, seeing them succeeding at every aspect in quick succession... These were truly some of the best soldiers I could have asked for in such a quick time period.

"Silviana..." I ignored him and shouted out to a member that was ignoring the safety of his weapon, the firearm itself smacking against a tree as he stowed it away to grab for his katana. This action from me must have alerted Benimaru as an instant later he was asking me a very annoying question.

"You knew, didn't you?" I stayed silent and watched the soldiers as they finished the routine in record time, in relation to their previous records.


Turning my head to him in an instant, the hourglasses in my eyes swirling in a clock-wise direction.

"I have nothing to say. For if you knew we could stray from Victory." His words caught in his mouth as my fox ears twitched, becoming fully uncovered from the Illusion I had placed them under. 

"Now. Thank you, Ghost, please inform Souei that he is to report to me by tomorrow morning. I have a job for him." The man gulped before nodding and stepping back, running away quickly as Benimaru stood there in minor confusion and not so mild frustration.

"Good! Battalion GATHER!" The 1000 men and women all collected themselves in a moment, running over with their guns held in their arms, safeties on and chambers cleared.

"You have cleared my part of the training, for the time, Benimaru will run you through these drills for the rest of the day. Tomorrow, you will need to eat heartily and steel yourselves, as combat is coming to us."

They all saluted with their hands to their chests as Benimaru looked between me and them, deciding to follow my orders as he knew nothing of what I spoke on earlier.

'Thank fuck... Okay, now it is time to relate this information to the public and secure the city.'


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Thanks to everyone for their Power Stones!

Alex_Simmondscreators' thoughts