
A New Life, Beyond Realms: Tensura x Overlord

Being reincarnated by a couple of God-like being, Silviana finds herself on the world of Tensura. In the forest of Jura she comes to join Rimuru and his nation. Little does she know that in a desert somewhere in the world some evil force has appeared, a force from a 'game' called Yggdrasil... Join Silviana in her new life as she tries to live a better life than she experienced in her last. Join her on her exploration and discovery of the truths of reality and the current situation of the world.

Alex_Simmonds · Anime & Comics
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150 Chs

Ears and a Tail, Introduction of Guns to a Dwarf

Nothing extra magical or impactful occurred once the results were 'tabulated'. I simply gained a new set of ears that sat upon the top of my head, a black and white fur pattern making up the exterior look of the ears. Along with the ears also came a magical tail, magical in that it was totally made of energy and looked like roiling flames. My canine teeth extending into long pointed fox versions. My eyes didn't change as far as I could tell, the power lingering within them keeping them the same no matter the genetics that made me.

The change was very noticeable to everyone around me, my curiosity at my own form dying out with the infatuated looks I was receiving from numerous different people. The Humans were the worst as they certainly looked very attracted to the new body parts I had gained. Cringing internally I waved my hand and teleported me and my wives to the office, a form of transportation that was extravagant but saved me at this moment.

"Silvi? W-what happened?" Shuna looked concerned as she saw my fur ears twitch along with my elven ones. It was mildly annoying experiencing the twitches of both sets of ears. My tail was the most frustrating though as I could feel it every time it slid across my dress, despite the malleable nature of its form. My tongue slid across my canines, my mouth feeling uncomfortable for a few moments until it suddenly normalised.

'Ugh this feels like shit...'

|Adjustments have been made. All features will now become comfortable and normalised|

Just as it finished all of the annoyances disappeared, my control over the new limbs becoming unparalleled. The twitches in my fox ears settled and I could now direct them in a direction. My tail was perfectly still now, in tune with my emotions. 

|All fire abilities have become Kitsune Magi-Fire Imbued. Fire abilities will now automatically burn enemy's life force to power Cultivation. New Elements will be gained for each tail grown. Once conditions for a new tail growth have been met you will get a choice between elements|

 "I- well, I guess I became half Kitsune?" The verbal shrug in my tone left both of them looking at each other in confusion. Personally, I was flabbergasted by how good those pulls were. If I had to wait a week for such awesome rewards I would totally take the wait. Yet again, the dice rolls were exceptionally good and were based off of 20 sided dice... I was most likely just extremely lucky. My women turned back to me after a few seconds of probable psychic connection as their expressions showed their exasperation. I knew I was a huge pain in the ass of late, changing as much as I did all the time, it was probably a hard pill to swallow. 

"All well, at least Silvi is still Silvi." Shuna shrugged her shoulders and moved to her work desk on the side, Milim was also smiling, before realising that we were at my work place and not hers.

"Ah! I'll see you later today!" She sprinted out of the room in a blur of motion that was almost 3 times faster than what I could achieve, air buffeting the walls and paperwork in the halls as she left; grumbling staff members and shouts of agony reverberating from the building as she passed. Flabbergasted felt like too tame of a word to describe my confusion levels. How did they accept me so quickly? I didn't know. Why are they just okay with this? No fucking clue... In the end I was left with Shuna in an empty room, my work day just starting.



The work for the day was very important with the introduction of three new industries. It was a touch and go process for a while as the paperwork for such endeavours was numerous and very finely detailed. My spell was integral to my ability to make a decision in a single day, with almost 500 pages of documents per industry needing to be signed off on in meticulous order. The first industry was the Paper making industry, a new industry founded by Dold and supplied by the Agricultural Industry. It would be supplying a local form of paper that wasn't sourced from Dwargon or Eurazania, as it was now. Such an industry needed the cooperation with the Artisan District and also the Agricultural District, thus it was my job to facilitate such collaboration. The second Industry was the Entertainment Industry. It was of vital importance to Tempest and its citizens as a bored people would easily find fault with every minor inconvenience in their life caused by the Government and would soon be working towards replacement or at the very least removing influential people. Also, fostering a culture was important, and Entertainment did that very well. Signing off on this industry's paper work I also suggested that the leader of said Industry would visit me... There was still some time before an official 'leader' would be chosen from amongst the 20 candidates. Lastly, there was the Trades Industry. Unique is what I would call this industry as it was the progression of Carpenters, Plumbers, Builders, Architects, Engineers, Leatherworkers, Jewellers, Blacksmiths and various other fields into an independent entity with the ability to create businesses for themselves.

An industry within Tempest was half Government Supervised and privately owned. Each Industry would receive government grants and tax breaks of a certain level but would mainly leave the production of items, foods, so said products to private entities and leave the selling of them to those same entities. There were certain products only held by the government and thus came the half ownership of the industries.

By the end of this whole signing I had recommended many different changes. It was tiring to use this much brain power and luckily I didn't have to any longer as Kaijin walked through the doors of my office. In his hands was a large covered object, no doubt the Electromagnetic Generator. 

"Sup! I see you brought a gift, you shouldn't have...!" Kaijin chuckled before slamming it down on the hardwood floor of my office, his right hand caressing the cloth that covered the machine.

"Yes, this is it. I spent nearly two days constantly working on it." The bags under his eyes added credence to his words. Under his tired expression however was the glint of child-like glee as he was of course super excited to see my reaction to the end product of something we had been both working on. Not to lie, I was also super excited as I stepped out from behind my desk and jogged over, bending down to look at the cloth.

"I present to you, the Electromagnetic Generator for the future of electrical generation in Tempest!" In one huge gesture he ripped off the cloth covering. Cold magi-steel met with warm flittering light from a nearby window as a dull hum emerged from the internal machinery of the device. Although clunky and not that sleek it was a perfect success as I could recognise such a hum from anywhere. 

'It helps I spent two months repairing one of these fuckers on the battlefield...' 

What was unique about this machine from my past world was the swirling ball of electricity that was attached at the back and was then emitted from a small copper rod that was pointing against a fixed shaft. He had seemingly found a way to merge his lightning generator design into the Electromagnetic Generator. I didn't know if it made it anymore affective but it seemed to use a method beyond heating up water into steam.

"Wow! Interesting... You incorporated the lightning generator into it in stead of burning water to generate steam." He looked at me in an almost defeated posture as he weakly nodded, as if he was about to be scolded.

"I love it! Very good. In fact, Tempest will use these as a standard until you can come up with an advanced version. If you would, I will give you a Government Contract to build more of these." His eyes widened by the happy tone I now exhibited, his sourness from before vanishing as he became even more giddy. A government contract meant that he'd be raking in the money, him and Iralia would be well off for a long time so long as he could innovate.

"T-thank you Silviana-san!" He would have bowed if it wasn't for me grasping him. Unfortunately this made him notice my ears and tail. Wisely though, he did not make comment, merely glancing at them before moving on and smiling widely. 

'Smart Dwarf!' 

Smiling wider I checked over the entire generator and began to see through it with my eyes, noting several areas where there were small faults or internal damage. It seemed he had changed the end product several times before being pleased with what he had.

"If you could make these with a more smooth polish that would be awesome... Thank you for all your hard work over these weeks of understanding new concepts and forging them."

"It's really no problem, I enjoyed making it... Hahaha!" 

His laughter would probably extend further once I showed him a firearm. In Dwargon they were getting close to making these types of devices but whether they had succeeded, who knows? With glee I walked a small distance away from the generator and swiped my hands through the air, a white portal depositing an Mg42 onto the floor alongside the ammo for said light machine gun. There was a pause in the mood of Kaijin as he witnessed the new, thing. He was utterly clueless as to its use but seemed to be interested as he stepped forwards and examined the elements of it.

"Hmmm, made of steel I see. Wooden components in the back handle thing... Has a mechanism of some sorts past the handle... A long tube of steel with some holes along it. Has some leg mechanisms to the front part. What is this?"

"A weapon of war. This one in particular is called an MG42, it is classified as a Light Machine-Gun. A machine gun being a device that uses small explosions to propel material through a barrel, the long pipe, at rapid speed."

Kaijin's eyes widened unceremoniously as he opened the ammo box next to it and began inspecting the bullets. The 7.92 rounds were capped in a copper colouration with brass making the exterior of the bullet. The internal composition of the bullet was a gunpowder cap on the butt of the bullet, a steel core of penetrating material making up the 'bullet' component of the entire ammunition. It was incredibly simple in comparison to tech from the 2000s, let alone the stuff I was used to. Kaijin didn't seem to find this out however as he looked clueless when gazing at the brass bullet casing.

"I-if you want me to create this... It's going to take months if not a full year of analysis. As well as a lot of materials..."

"Don't worry, I did want you to make these eventually but I do not want to rush you so heavily. Especially considering your contract with us for the generators. I understand that research takes a while and needs a lot of resources and dedication... Thus, I wanted you to know that there are new things to be learned and that you must advance the generator design whilst teaching other people how to do it too."

He nodded whilst staring at me, determination and his master artisan instinct entering into his very tired form. Yearning for the knowledge I could see he was about to try and burn the midnight oil so to speak... I couldn't let him.

"Now! None of that. Go home to Iralia and fuck her, then have a good sleep. I will inform the Artisan Guild of your absence for the morning, on government grounds. Okay...?" He shivered at my tone and quickly nodded, a smile coming to my face as I scooped up the gun and the generator, kicking him out of my office with a bag filled with 1000 Gold Coins for the first payment of his contract.

'Phew... Now that he gets the idea that I want him to teach people how to do what he did with the generator I should be able to get my hands on some production line for those... Once he competes that I can have him move onto making Mg42s or a rudimentary version of it.'

| 2 Days Remaining before Event you have marked occurs|

'I know, thanks.'

"I guess its time to hand these guns over to the military and have them training with them."


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