
A New Leaf: Rebirth in the Shinobi World

When an Anime fan, unexpectedly passes away in a tragic accident, he wakes up to find himself in the body of none other than Boruto Uzumaki. With the knowledge of the original series and a deep understanding of the characters, he decides to rewrite his destiny and the fate of the Shinobi world. Now, as Boruto, he has the chance to live the adventures he's always dreamed of. But it's not all fun and games. He must navigate through the complex relationships, political intrigue, and epic battles that come with being a ninja. With the memories of Boruto and his own, he struggles to find a balance between his two identities. As he delves deeper into the ninja world, he realizes that changing the future isn't as easy as he thought. Every decision he makes ripples through the world, affecting everyone around him. Will he be able to prevent the tragedies he knows are coming, or will he cause new ones? Join him on his journey as he tries to reshape the world, armed with the power of friendship, determination, and a unique perspective. Will he succeed in creating a better future for the Shinobi world, or will he lose himself in the process? This is a story of second chances, of friendship, and of a fan's love for a world that is now his reality. (The picture is not mine if the creator want me to not use it. I understand)

Taidanotsumi · Anime et bandes dessinées
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77 Chs

Chapter 73: Karma Seals!!!

A mischievous smirk adorned Boruto's face as he confidently approached Jigen. "Your Ten Tails was absolutely delicious," he taunted, relishing in the shock it brought to Jigen's expression.

Annoyance etched across Jigen's face as he exclaimed, "You did what?!"

Boruto's voice dripped with satisfaction as he nonchalantly replied, "I absorbed it. Who knew it would be so effortless to become a full-fledged Otsutsuki?"

Jigen's anger boiled over, and he lunged towards Boruto, attempting to grasp his face. In the midst of his attack, Jigen conjured multiple black rods, aiming to impale Boruto. However, with a swift motion, Boruto skillfully deflected the rods, pushing them aside.

Undeterred, Jigen persisted in his pursuit, his hand reaching out for Boruto's face. But with quick reflexes, Boruto evaded Jigen's grasp, swiftly moving his head to the side. In a display of strength, Boruto delivered a powerful liver punch, sending Jigen hurtling through the air, his body convulsing from the impact. The force of the blow caused Jigen to spew blood, a testament to the devastation inflicted upon him.

With their opponent incapacitated, Boruto and Kawaki approached Sasuke and Naruto. Sasuke's gaze was fixed on Boruto, his expression a mix of astonishment and pride. Boruto's smile widened as he spoke, "I owe all of this to you, Sasuke-san. Thank you for letting me keep the Sharingan in the first place."

Utilizing his remarkable healing abilities, Boruto restored both Sasuke and Naruto's bodies to full health. Sasuke's missing hand regrew, a miraculous gift bestowed upon him by Boruto's powers.

"This is my gift to you, Sasuke-san," Boruto expressed, his voice filled with gratitude. "As for the two of you and Kawaki, you are free to leave if you wish. I can handle that old man alone."

Boruto turned around, his gaze fixed on Jigen, who stood seething with anger. Naruto, aware of the immense power Jigen possessed, questioned Boruto's confidence. "Are you absolutely certain you can handle him on your own?"

Boruto, without even glancing back, flashed a thumbs-up to Naruto and replied, "Yes, I am. Just watch me." His unwavering focus remained on Jigen, his determination evident as he prepared to face his formidable opponent head-on.

Jigen wiped the blood from his mouth, a sinister smile playing on his lips. Determined to unleash his full power, he knew that he stood no chance against the newly awakened Otsutsuki.

With an ominous transformation, Jigen underwent a profound metamorphosis, morphing into the formidable Otsutsuki Isshiki. His entire being underwent a dramatic change, assuming the appearance of a true Otsutsuki.

Kawaki, feeling the immense pressure emanating from Jigen's transformation, noticed that his Karma seal had vanished from his hand. "It's disappeared," Kawaki uttered, a mix of surprise and concern evident in his voice.

Recognizing the gravity of the situation, Sasuke rose to his feet and stated, "It seems that the Otsutsuki has fully reincarnated within Jigen's body. Boruto, we will assist you in this battle."

Boruto, however, dismissed their offer of help, his confidence unwavering. "Nah, I can handle this on my own. Just go. I've been waiting for this moment since the very beginning," he declared, his voice filled with determination.

Naruto, realizing the significance of Boruto's words, muttered, "He's seen the future." Turning to Sasuke and Kawaki, he spoke with conviction, "Let's trust in him and make our exit."

Kawaki clenched his fist, his resolve firm. "Let's put our trust in Boruto," he affirmed, his voice laced with determination.

Reluctantly, Sasuke conceded, sensing that Boruto had an unwavering belief in his abilities. Creating a black portal, he prepared to lead Naruto and Kawaki to safety. However, before they could depart, they heard Jigen, now fully transformed into Isshiki, bellow, "All of you will stay here!"

Isshiki vanished from their line of sight, leaving Boruto to swiftly activate his Rinnegan abilities. With a swift motion, he created a protective force field around Sasuke, Naruto, and Kawaki, shielding them from any imminent danger.

In a sudden turn of events, Isshiki materialized in front of Sasuke, attempting to strike a fatal blow. However, to his dismay, his black rod failed to make contact with Sasuke's body, leaving him unscathed.

"What do you think you're doing?" Boruto calmly questioned, his voice filled with a sense of authority. He firmly grabbed Isshiki by the collar and effortlessly hurled him several meters away from their group, ensuring their safety.

"Go. I can handle this on my own," Boruto declared, his tone unwavering and composed.

Naruto couldn't help but express his concern, his voice laced with emotion. "Promise me that you'll come back alive," he pleaded.

Kawaki, observing the genuine concern on Naruto's face, felt a surge of empathy. With determination in his eyes, Boruto reassured them all, "I will come back, believe it." A warm smile graced his lips as he utilized his Rinnegan abilities to gently push Naruto, Kawaki, and Sasuke into the waiting portal. As they disappeared into the portal, it closed behind them, sealing their departure.


Naruto, Sasuke, and Kawaki stood atop the Hokage building. They straightened their postures, and Kawaki turned to Naruto, asking, "Why did you say he has seen the future?"

"He is one of the chosen individuals," Naruto replied.

Perplexed yet somewhat relieved by the disappearance of the Karma mark, Kawaki inquired, "What does that mean?"

"He is the honored one, as he himself claims," Sasuke explained, his gaze shifting between Naruto and Kawaki. He continued, "If he doesn't return within 30 minutes, I will head back."

"Go ahead," Naruto responded to Sasuke. Then, he turned to Kawaki and said, "You will stay by my side. We don't know if his subordinate will be present or not."

Unknown Realms,

A mischievous grin adorned Boruto's face as he taunted Isshiki, his voice laced with confidence, "I'm going to humiliate you even more than Kaguya did."

Veins bulged on Isshiki's forehead as he swiftly swiped his hand, conjuring a multitude of menacing black rods that surrounded Boruto. However, Boruto's keen perception allowed him to effortlessly evade the seemingly dangerous onslaught. What should have been a perilous situation became nothing more than a trivial obstacle in Boruto's eyes.

"Try a different move. This isn't working," Boruto began to say, but his words were abruptly cut off as a sudden weight descended upon his head. A black box materialized above him, momentarily catching him off guard.

With lightning-fast reflexes, Boruto swiftly caught the box with one hand, his nonchalant demeanor remaining intact. "Is that all?" he quipped, his confidence unwavering.

To his surprise, multiple boxes materialized and began stacking upon the initial one. Boruto's expression shifted from amusement to mild surprise as the weight of the boxes increased. "Oh, this is getting pretty heavy," he remarked, his voice tinged with a hint of amusement.

Growing increasingly frustrated by Boruto's nonchalant attitude, Isshiki continued piling more boxes onto the young ninja. Despite the mounting pressure, Boruto remained on his knees, still holding the stack of boxes with a single hand.

Perplexed by Boruto's resilience, Isshiki muttered in annoyance, "What is with this brat?" Seizing the opportunity, Isshiki rushed towards Boruto with a single black rod, aiming to strike him in the head.

However, before Isshiki could reach his target, Boruto swiftly punched the stack of boxes above him, causing them to scatter across the ground. The impact created a massive cloud of smoke, engulfing the battlefield and obscuring the view. The outcome of the clash remained concealed within the haze, leaving both Boruto and Isshiki shrouded in uncertainty.

Isshiki's eyes narrowed as he observed Boruto's shadowy figure standing before him. With a swift motion, Isshiki launched a powerful kick towards Boruto's head, only to find himself striking nothing but air. Bewildered, he heard the sound of footsteps approaching from behind.

Quickly turning around, Isshiki was met with the sight of Boruto soaring through the air, his fist aimed directly at his face. Reacting with lightning-fast reflexes, Isshiki moved his head to the side, narrowly avoiding the punch. In retaliation, he countered with a powerful punch to Boruto's stomach, only to realize that it was merely a puff of smoke, a clone.

"Clone?" Isshiki muttered, his confusion mounting. Before him, another clone materialized, launching a swift kick towards Isshiki. Reacting swiftly, Isshiki blocked the attack with his forearms, swiftly followed by a powerful punch that caused the clone to dissipate into smoke.

The cycle continued, with more clones appearing one after another, each met with Isshiki's destructive blows. Meanwhile, Boruto, perched atop one of the boxes, watched the scene unfold with a sense of amusement. Yawning lazily, he patiently waited for the moment when Isshiki would finally take notice of his presence.

"I wonder how long he will keep fighting the clones before he realizes," Boruto mused to himself, his voice barely audible amidst the chaos of the battle.

After a few minutes, the lingering smoke gradually dissipated, revealing Isshiki's triumphant form. He effortlessly caught the head of one of the clones, crushing it within his grasp as it dissipated into a puff of smoke. Looking up, he fixed his gaze upon Boruto, who remained nonchalantly perched atop the stack of boxes.

"He's not taking me seriously," Isshiki muttered to himself, a flicker of determination igniting within his eyes. "If that's the case..." With a swift motion, Isshiki attempted to create a portal, intending to escape from the battle. However, before he could fully manifest the portal, Boruto materialized right in front of his face, blocking his escape route.

"You're not going anywhere," Boruto declared with unwavering resolve. In a swift motion, he delivered a powerful kick to Isshiki's stomach, sending the formidable foe hurtling several meters away.

A sense of finality hung in the air as Boruto approached Isshiki, his voice laced with a mix of determination and remorse. "I'm sorry, but this will be the end for you," he stated, his words carrying a weight of inevitability. He reached out, firmly gripping Isshiki's head, and posed a question, his voice tinged with a hint of melancholy. "Do you regret the day you crossed paths with me?"

In a last-ditch effort, Isshiki grasped Boruto's hand, a desperate move to alter the course of their encounter. With a resolute expression, he uttered a single word, "No," before swiftly placing his Karma seal upon Boruto.

Unfazed by Isshiki's attempt, Boruto unleashed the full extent of his power. Utilizing the Particle Style Jutsu, he obliterated Isshiki's head, reducing it to nothingness. The once formidable foe was erased from existence, leaving behind only remnants of his presence.

With a heavy sigh, Boruto surveyed the aftermath of the battle. "My work here is done," he murmured, a mix of weariness and relief evident in his voice.

Boruto gazed down at his palms, now adorned with two Karma seals, a mix of curiosity and bewilderment crossing his face. "Well, that's interesting. But why on earth did he do that?" he pondered aloud. A sense of realization dawned upon him as he contemplated the desperation that must have driven Isshiki to take such extreme measures. "I suppose he was just that desperate. Oh well, at least I gained a new ability from it," Boruto remarked, his voice tinged with a casual indifference.

With a self-assured nod, Boruto decided to address another matter at hand. "Before anything else, I should change my appearance. I look absolutely horrid," he declared, determination lacing his words. Activating his Rinnegan abilities, Boruto focused his chakra, channeling it to alter his physical appearance.

As the transformation began, Boruto couldn't help but wince in pain. The process of reshaping his body was no easy feat, and the strain was evident on his face. However, he endured the discomfort, knowing that the end result would be worth it.

After a few seconds that felt like an eternity, Boruto's face lit up with a satisfied smile. The pain subsided, replaced by a sense of relief and contentment. He admired his reflection, his handsome features restored to their former glory. With a newfound confidence, Boruto prepared to face the future, knowing that his appearance now matched the strength and resilience that lay within him.

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