
Chapter 72: Reborn

Jigen and Naruto charged towards each other, their determination evident in their eyes. With lightning speed, Jigen delivered a powerful kick to Naruto's side, but Naruto managed to lift his legs just in time to block the attack.

Before Naruto could retaliate with a punch, his movements were abruptly halted as two ominous black rods pierced through his forearm, causing him to wince in pain.

However, before Jigen could follow up with his assault, Sasuke arrived on the scene, launching a swift kick towards Jigen's head. Anticipating the attack, Jigen managed to block it, but the force of the impact sent him flying several meters away.

Seizing the opportunity, Sasuke wasted no time and closed the distance between himself and Jigen. With a swift motion, he drew his sword from his side, preparing to strike with a reverse grip slash.

Jigen quickly evaded the attack, stepping back to create some distance. Sensing the change in Sasuke's grip, he anticipated another strike and swiftly conjured a black rod to block the horizontal slash. The clash of their weapons filled the air, creating a tense and intense atmosphere.

In a split second, Sasuke tapped into the power of his Rinnegan, utilizing his unique abilities to swap places with the black rod that Jigen was holding. With impeccable precision, Sasuke materialized in front of Jigen, catching him off guard. Before Jigen could react, Sasuke swiftly plunged his blade through Jigen's chest, the sound of metal piercing flesh echoing through the air.

The shock on Jigen's face was palpable. He had underestimated Sasuke's cunning and quick thinking, and now he found himself at the mercy of his opponent. Desperate to regain control of the situation, Jigen attempted to muster his strength and retaliate against Sasuke.

However, just as Jigen prepared to make his move, Naruto suddenly appeared, flanking Jigen on both sides with his shadow clones. The sheer force of this unexpected assault caught Jigen off balance, leaving him vulnerable. With a fierce determination in his eyes, Naruto unleashed a double Rasengan directly into Jigen's face, the chakra spiraling with unstoppable power.

As Jigen recoiled from the impact, a mix of surprise and frustration washed over him. This was the second time he had been caught off guard, and it was undoubtedly embarrassing for someone of his caliber. He had anticipated a confrontation with Naruto and Sasuke, but he had never expected them to display such bravery and coordination in their attack.

Despite the intensity of the previous attacks, Jigen managed to evade the combined assault by swiftly shrinking in size and retreating. As he shrunk, multiple black rods materialized, piercing through Naruto, his clone, and Sasuke, causing them to grimace in pain.

Naruto's clones dissipated into puffs of smoke, revealing the true Naruto and Sasuke who managed to dodge the incoming barrage of rods with their instinctive reflexes.

Suddenly, Jigen reappeared at Naruto's side, delivering a powerful backhand that sent Naruto crashing to the ground. At the same time, he launched an upward kick towards Sasuke's face, sending him reeling backward. Seizing the opportunity, Jigen unleashed another wave of black rods, aiming to impale his adversaries once again.

However, Sasuke, relying on his Rinnegan abilities, swiftly activated his teleportation technique, swapping places with a black rod that was embedded in the ground. Gasping for breath, he pulled out the black rod that had pierced his body, feeling a surge of pain and exhaustion.

As Sasuke looked up, his eyes widened in disbelief. Jigen had undergone a transformation, resembling an Otsutsuki with a prominent horn protruding from his forehead. The sight was both awe-inspiring and unsettling, leaving Sasuke to contemplate the true extent of Jigen's power.

Meanwhile, Naruto, determined not to be outdone, rose to his feet, wiping the blood from his mouth and forcefully removing the black rod that had impaled him. The battle was far from over, and they were prepared to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

In the other realms, Boruto and Kawaki materialized through a portal conjured by Boruto. Without wasting a moment, Boruto dashed forward, his eyes fixated on the immense surge of chakra emanating from a distant point.

Curiosity getting the best of him, Kawaki couldn't help but ask, "Where are we heading?"

With a mischievous smile, Boruto replied, "Just wait and see."

After a few tense seconds, they reached a peculiar area adorned with numerous enigmatic stone structures. As Boruto took a step forward, his eyes widened in astonishment as he peered into a deep hole, revealing the awe-inspiring sight of the Ten Tails.

A grin spread across Boruto's face, his excitement evident, while Kawaki stood in shock, overwhelmed by the immense chakra emanating from the Ten Tails.

Without hesitation, Boruto leaped down into the hole, leaving Kawaki dumbfounded. "Are you crazy?!" Kawaki exclaimed, his voice filled with concern.

The colossal Ten Tails, sensing Boruto's presence, attempted to swat him away with one of its powerful tails. However, Boruto effortlessly caught hold of the tail, his Karma seal glowing ominously.

A determined expression crossed Boruto's face as he declared, "You're going to be mine," his words laced with a mix of confidence and determination. He proceeded to channel his unique power, absorbing the overwhelming chakra of the Ten Tails.

Kawaki could hardly believe his eyes, witnessing the extraordinary event unfolding right before him. "That is absolutely insane," he muttered, his mind struggling to comprehend the magnitude of what he was witnessing.

Boruto's keen instincts and the unique power of his Jougan allowed him to trace Sasuke's chakra to this mysterious place. As he stood in awe of their surroundings, he couldn't help but marvel at the sheer magnitude of the energy pulsating through the air.

After a few intense minutes, Boruto completed the absorption of the Ten Tails' chakra. The transformative effects were immediate and undeniable. Two majestic horns sprouted from his forehead, his once vibrant complexion now paled, and intricate blue markings adorned his entire face. Multiple black orbs materialized behind him, a testament to the immense power he now possessed. A radiant blue aura enveloped his entire being, radiating an otherworldly energy.

In this moment, Boruto had become a true Otsutsuki, his body forever altered by the absorption of the Ten Tails. Even he was taken aback by the surge of power coursing through his veins. His Rinnegan, now enhanced with six Tomoe, pulsated with an intensified brilliance, reflecting the depths of his newfound strength.

Looking up at Kawaki, Boruto's smile was both reassuring and filled with determination. The sight of his friend's familiar face brought a sense of relief to Kawaki, who had feared the consequences of Boruto's transformation.

"Let's go save Sasuke and Dad," Boruto declared, his voice filled with unwavering resolve. With a graceful motion, he took to the air, landing beside Kawaki with a newfound grace and power.

Kawaki couldn't help but comment, "You look... hideous, bro."

Boruto chuckled softly and replied, "I know. Power comes with sacrifices."

With a flick of his wrist, Boruto created a swirling portal, a gateway back to the realm where Naruto and Sasuke were locked in a fierce battle against Jigen. The portal shimmered with an ethereal glow.


Sasuke and Naruto, fueled by their unwavering determination, combined their powers in a magnificent display of strength. The colossal avatars of Kurama and Susanoo towered over the battlefield, their presence alone enough to send tremors through the earth.

With a swift and powerful swing, the ethereal fox unleashed a devastating slash towards Jigen, wielding a massive sword that conjured a fierce gust of wind. However, to everyone's surprise, Jigen effortlessly evaded the attack, displaying an unnerving level of agility.

"It's not that impressive," Jigen taunted, a smug grin playing on his lips as he raised his palm.

In an instant, multiple ominous black rods materialized from the ground, piercing through the legs of the avatar. The rods acted as immobilizing restraints, preventing Sasuke and Naruto from moving any further.

"These damn rods," Sasuke muttered under his breath, frustration evident in his voice.

Undeterred by the setback, Jigen gracefully leaped towards the towering avatar. Naruto, in a desperate attempt to defend, commanded the avatar to attack using its massive hand and tails. However, Jigen effortlessly dodged their strikes or nonchalantly deflected them with his own colossal rods.

Within moments, Jigen reached the location where Naruto and Sasuke were within the avatar. With a mere two punches, the formidable avatar shattered, leaving Naruto and Sasuke vulnerable. Jigen seized the opportunity, his grip tightening as he grabbed their faces and mercilessly pummeled them into the ground, leaving behind a sprawling crater as a testament to his overwhelming power.

Gasping for breath, Naruto and Sasuke coughed up blood, their bodies battered and bruised from the relentless assault. The weight of their injuries and the gravity of the situation hung heavily in the air, a stark reminder of the perilous battle they found themselves in.

As the battle raged on, Jigen could feel the strain on his body, the immense power he was wielding taking its toll. With each passing moment, the limits of his physical form became more apparent.

"This body cannot hold out using this much power," Jigen thought to himself, his steps heavy as he approached Sasuke.

"I'm going to seal you up, Uzumaki Naruto. Killing you would be too troublesome, but you, Uchiha Sasuke, with your Rinnegan, you're a different story," Jigen declared, his voice dripping with a mix of arrogance and malice.

Just as the tension reached its peak, a sudden disturbance caught everyone's attention. A dark portal materialized, drawing Jigen's gaze away from Sasuke. The air crackled with an overwhelming surge of chakra emanating from the portal, sending shivers down Jigen's spine.

To his astonishment, Jigen beheld the unexpected arrival of Boruto and Kawaki. The sight of Boruto, his appearance eerily reminiscent of the Otsutsuki clan, sent a shockwave of disbelief through Jigen's being. The implications of this revelation weighed heavily on his mind.

Naruto, despite his battered state, managed to lift his head slightly, his gaze fixated on his son. He couldn't help but notice the pallor of Boruto's skin, a stark reminder of the connection between Obito, Madara, and the current events unfolding before them. Sasuke, too, recognized the significance of Boruto's appearance, the memories of past battles resurfacing in their minds, adding another layer of complexity to the already dire situation.

Sasuke's mind raced as he recalled the immense power of the Ten Tails. Questions flooded his thoughts. 'Did he absorb it?' he wondered, his curiosity piqued. And what about that mysterious Dojutsu? Sasuke's confusion.

Meanwhile, Naruto and Kurama engaged in a deep conversation, their connection evident. 'Your son has become an Otsutsuki,' Kurama remarked, his words carrying a mix of admiration and concern. Naruto, on the other hand, found himself at a loss, unsure of how to navigate this complex situation. His mind raced with conflicting emotions and thoughts, leaving him uncertain of the best course of action.

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