
A New experience

OfficalBookMaster · Sports, voyage et activités
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17 Chs

Day 12

Rj and Jack get up at the same time that was around 9:00 am. Jack got up then grabbed Rj's phone since it was going off from text messages. Rj looks at her phone saw...


Rj looks at Jack in fear and said...

Rj " Jack can you drive to Mathias's NOW!!"

Jacksepticeye " Ok I will but what's wrong "

Rj " I'll tell you on the way"

So Jack and Rj rush to get change then she texts Mathias...

Rj ( text ) " I'm in my way hold on "

Mathias POV

(The guy that attacked me Is gone for now, Hurry Rj ) i think. I try to get up to see if the thief was gone but I don't see him so I try so hard in pain to grab my phone cause when I got visitors the threw it but no luck I couldn't move.


I rush out of the house with a first aid and my selfie stick as a weapon. Jack opens the door to sit in the drivers seat then I open my door I throw my self in and closed the door. We both buckle up then Jack looks at me in shock

Jacksepticeye " Rj don't do what I'm gonna do now ok "

He starts to floor it to Mathias's then he starts to get closer and closer to Mathias.


Rj sees Mathias home the only thing that was going through her mind was ( Please don't die ). They both jump out of the car then walk in to see his tv smashed into pieces on the carpet. Then Rj yells out...


Mathias " I- I'm here "

Rj runs straight to his voice then turned and saw Mathias laying there with blood pouring out of him. Rj goes on her knees , Jack walks over to help her with anything. Rj cuts his shirts open to get to the wound to sow it back up then she quickly opens her First aid kit, she takes off her shirt and gets Jack to put pressure on Mathias cut to stop the bleeding. Rj pulled out a needle then some cotton to hold it together, Jack removes the shirt so Rj can sow the cut together. Jack holds Mathias hand then Rj starts to sow. Mathias was squeezing jacks hand then Rj finished so she puts on bandages on the wound to help any blood come out then Jack calls the ambulance.


Rj was sitting close to where Mathias was laying in the room where Mathias is while Jack called Mark to let them know where we are. Rj put her hand on Mathias's she then whispered...

Rj " Come on Mathias don't die on me"

Jack then sat next to Rj by pulling a chair over then hugged her. Jack was worried to then a nurse offered us some food Rj said no same with Jack. Then Jack goes outside to think until he sees Mark and Zoe running in tears Jack grouped hugged them then Mark saw Rj sitting there with Mathias. They all walk in Rj looks at Zoe so she gets up and bursts in tears when hugging Zoe then Mark joined in the hug then afterwards they were all hugging.

Rj goes back to where she was sitting then Jack sits next to Rj in her seat and Mark was with Zoe on the couch together.

A nurse comes in and said...

Nurse " Hey guys I know your worried about your friend but you guys have to sleep "

Markiplier" Guys we should go home , they will call us if anything happens"

Zoe , Jack and Mark where about to go out of the room and see Rj not getting up. The nurse leaves the room , Rj says to everyone..

Rj " You guys can go home but I'm not moving one inch "

Zoe whispered to Mark and Jack , ( She won't leave , She's stubborn , trust me I know). Jack goes to Rj then said ...

Jacksepticeye" You guys go I'll look after Rj "

So Mark and Zoe say the goodbyes and leave Rj and Jack behind. Jack sees Rj shivering so he takes off his jacket and give it to Rj since she is only wearing a singlet. Then Jack moves to the couch to sleep while seeing Rj sitting there with Mathias.