
A New experience

OfficalBookMaster · Teen
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17 Chs

Day 11

Mark and Zoe wake up at 1:00 pm and make pancakes together in the kitchen for Jack and Rj.


Jack then woke up rolled over saw Rj still sleeping so he gets up from the fresh smell of pancakes to make breakfast in bed for Rj so he leaves the room.

Jack went down stairs to see Zoe , Mark having breakfast then he asked ...

Jacksepticeye " Hey guys I'm just gonna take two plates and pancakes up to my room ,Ok "

Markiplier " Yeah go for it "

So Jack grabbed two knives and forks , two plates that had pancakes on it for Rj and him upstairs. Jack goes into his room put the two plates of pancakes down she he could hold one with two hands and placed knife and fork next to the food then Jack whispers to Rj.

Jacksepticeye " Hey  Rj I got pancakes "

Rj wakes up to jacks voice then the smell made her hungry...

Rj " Is that for me or you are gonna tease me with something delicious "

Jacksepticeye " I got two pancakes for you to have "

So she sits up then Jack puts the pancake in her lap then he gets his plate to have breakfast too.

Rj " Did Mark make pancake "

Jacksepticeye " Yeah "

Rj " So they are both up "

He nods to say yes because he had a full mouth. They both where having breakfast until we see Mark come in with Zoe...

Zoe " Morning sleep head "

Jacksepticeye " It's actually afternoon"

Rj " Hi "

Markiplier " So do you like the pancakes "

Rj " Yeah "

They both then finish the pancakes afterwards and Mark took our plates while Zoe followed Mark into the kitchen to help. Jack sees Rj's phone go off so he gets it for her then Rj grabbed it.

Rj saw Mathias texted her ...

Mathias" Hey Rj umm I was wondering if you want to come watch a movie with me because cause my friend changed his mind on coming"

Rj " Well I don't know , can jack come "

Mathias " but here's the problem I only have one ticket "

Rj asked Jack something quickly ...

Rj " Jack sweetie pie can I go to a movie with Mathias or you can come but you will have to buy one there "

Jacksepticeye " Ok I will tell Mathias that I'm coming and I will buy my ticket there "

Rj told Mathias , he was fine with it and replied ...

Mathias " Hey I will send you the link to buy one ok"

Rj "umm ok"

Mathias " so we don't have to wait online "

Rj got the link and Jack went online then asked...

Jacksepticeye "  What movie are we watching "

So Rj asked and found out it was the fate and furious. Jack went to buy a ticket until they sold out...

Jacksepticeye " Well I'm not going "

Rj "What do you mean "

Jacksepticeye " There sold out "

Thea's sad then said...

Rj " Well I'm not going "

Jacksepticeye " You can and I don't want you to miss it , that was your favorite series of movies and I don't want you to miss it because of me"

Rj " You sure "

Jack nods yes then picks her up and said ...

Jacksepticeye " Well I want my baby to have fun in Ireland to remember everything "

Rj " But All the fun I have is with you"

Mathias " I'll pick up both of you at 3:30pm "

Rj's phone went off so Jack puts her down so she can see what someone sent and get changed while Jack stayed with her to talk while she was getting changed. Rj put on a blue shoulder less long sleeve with a black torn jeans then pulled out a box. Jack smiles and asked....

Jacksepticeye " You are going to put on my necklace I gave you "

Rj " But which one you gave me too"

Jacksepticeye " The one with Septic Sam "

Rj nods and gets Jack to put it on then Rj checks the time it was 3:30pm and said...

Rj " Well Mathias is gonna pick me up now "

Mathias drove to the front of the path Rj quickly ran down the stars with Jack and everyone said bye. Jack quickly gave her a hug and a long kiss and she left.

Mathias got out of the car to open her door then closed it when she got in . Mathias sat in the drivers seat and said...

Mathias " You ready for the best movie ever"


Rj " Yeah I am "

So he drove off then Jack sent Rj a text so she looks and sees...

Jacksepticeye ( Text) " Hey I miss you all ready and I love how your wearing my gift👍🏻❤️❤️"

Rj replied...

Rj ( text )" I miss you too but I'll see you later 😊❤️❤️"

Then she sees we where here all ready. So Mathias opens the door for her and they both walk in...

Mathias " Hey do we share the popcorn but separate drinks "

Rj " Yeah I'm fine sharing the popcorn but separate drinks and I'll buy my coke ok  "

Mathias ordered one large popcorn (For both of us ) and two Cokes then the lady told us that there was only one cup left ...

Mathias " Well that's ok we can share"

Rj " Yeah I'm fine with that"

The lady gives us our food then Rj pulled out money then Mathias paid for it all. Then they walk into the room and see they are the only two so they sit in the middle of the cinema room. They started to talk waiting for the movie to come on...

Rj " I would of paid for it all "

Mathias " Well I wanted to because it's my treat "

Then the movie started at 4:00pm so we turned of our phones fully and watched the movie.


Mathias yawns then stretched his arm onto Rj but she thought to herself ( Why are you flirting with me , I have a boyfriend but maybe he isn't ...) Rj went for a drink from the coke then put the cup down. Mathias started to have some more popcorn with me so I put the bowl on his lap so he can have some to.

Then they both started to laugh of what happened in the movie Mathias  looks at me and I look at him our faces collide until Rj realized ant the wrong time how of  Mathias kissed her. Rj started to blush then think ( Wow he must have feelings for me but I don't have feelings for him)

Rj " Why did you kissed me "

Mathias " Well you enjoyed it the first time "

Rj " I have a boyfriend "

Mathias " He doesn't have to know "

Rj " Well I don't want him to find out and especially what happen last time"

Mathias " I'm sorry "

Mathias started to feel bad about what just happened...

Rj " Don't worry it was my fault to "

He smiles then went back to the movie.


The movie ended so they left with no trouble because there where the only ones there. So Mathias carried our rubbish to throw in the bin then Rj wanted to forget what happened to her but she couldn't ( Wow he likes me and doesn't care that I have a boyfriend ).

Rj hops into the car with him he starts the car and drives me home. Rj turns on her phone and sees some texts from Jack...

Jacksepticeye " Hey Rj when you  come home to me Zoe and Mark aren't home as well they went to the shops to get ingredients for dinner"

Rj " Hey sorry I didn't get the text earlier I just saw it now and I'm also coming home now too , I love you❤️"

Jacksepticeye " no problem and I can't wait to see you home cause I'm all alone 👍🏻😂❤️"

Rj checks the time it was 7:00 pm. Mathias stops the car but then Rj asked...

Rj " Do want to have dinner with me Jack and the others "

Mathias " Ok yeah "

Rj and Mathias went inside Jack asked...

Jacksepticeye " Hey Rj and Mathias how was the movie "

Jack gets up shakes Mathias's hand and Rj gives him a hug then a kiss on the lips.

Rj " It was good and I invited Mathias to dinner if that's ok"

Jacksepicticeye " Yeah that's cool"

Mathias , Rj and Jack where sitting on the couch .Rj and Jack where sitting together on one while Mathias sat on the other one.


Zoe and Mark came back from shopping they decided to make all of us lasagna.

So Rj helped Zoe and Mark make dinner while Jack talked to Mathias...

Mathias" Hey Jack have you taken Rj on a date"

Jacksepticeye " No not yet but I'm thinking thou where to take her"

Mathias" I think you guys are a great couple" Mark and Zoe told me to sit down now since they have dinner covered now.


Everyone was done having dinner then Rj started to feel tired so she said good night to Mathias an gave him a hug. She walked up stairs to jacks room to go to sleep...

Mathias " Well I better be heading off "

Jacksepticeye " Ok we'll have a safe drive home"

Mark , Zoe and Jack said bye to Mathias then he left Jack wanted to check on Rj to see if she is ok. So Jack went to his room and saw Rj Laying in bed ...

Rj " Jack are we gonna go to Australia tomorrow "

Jacksepticeye " I guess and Mark Zoe  were talking about us leaving soon but I don't know about tomorrow"

Jack yawned then Rj did to so they went to bed.

Mark and Zoe went upstairs to go to bed. Everyone went to sleep cause they where tired.