
Chapter 5

The hair samples I collected had a lot of variety, so that I have a big enough arsenal to have a lot of versatility. Some of the more notable quirks were flashy and I would have to use it on the down low. I have sorted them as 'everyday use' and 'special occasions'.

I had volunteered at a primary school called Masegaki near my school as my club activity to meet new kids(no no...I ain't like pedo-maru) who show of their quirks so I could copy them if I wanted too. It was also a publicity stunt to increase my reputation and fame, and a special service to my female fans (girls and moms alike *wink*). Masegaki primary school is affiliated with my school, it is a school for problem kids but not exclusively.

I have small meetings with the moms who come to drop of their kids and during one of these meeting, I told them my quirk, only the copy by touch. I told them I wanted to make the shy children who are apprehensive of their quirks because of appearance to make them more comfortable.

There were very few who were objecting, but their worries were put to rest when I told them it wouldn't have any side-effects and told them about my time limit. I even showed a little demonstration, with a girl who had reptilian scale like skin.

I copied her quirk in front of them and high-fived the happily giggling girl who was usually very reserved and quiet. By the end of the demonstration the girls mother had tears in her eyes, overwhelmed with happiness seeing her daughter for the first tome in so many days.

What started as a publicity stunt had become something I looked forward to every day after and during school. I became attached to these kids. I was never one to like snotty-nosed brats, hell I even threw a kid and dint even look were she landed at the time I was reincarnated(remember?)but these little shits wore me down. But I was a little strict with them when I'm in Masegaki....just a little. I became some kind of leader they had started looking up to.

Now back to the quirks...

Everyday use:

<flight>- pretty simple to understand. I just will myself to fly and I fly in all direction head-first. I can also hover. Got it from one of the kids. (emitter quirk)

<gigantification>- I grow to the height of 20 feet. very easy to get, got it from a certain clumsy women. (transformation quirk)

<binging balls>- allows me to release small, black floating spheres with sharp mouths from my body. Can eat through hard materials like rocks and decimate clothing. The balls are almost as fast as bullets. I got this one from a rather naughty little shit, who later became my biggest fan. One of my favourites. (emitter quirk)

<wooden sword from hands>- allows me to create strong wooden swords from my palms of any length I wish. I got this from a friend I made during my part time work at the construction company. His name was Namimaru Jūbe. Even though he looks and acts like a delinquent, he has a heart of gold. Even the anti-social me found him likable. (emitter quirk)

Special occasions:

<explosions>- creates explosions with the use my glycerine-sweat. I stole it from the boom boom guy. He was using his quirk blatantly on the riverbank, so I went to him just to fuck with him, gripped his head in a vice like grip and told him to piss-off. He tried to attack but I kicked him in his balls and had to beat up his lackeys as well. (emitter quirk)

<vibrate>- vibrate any surface at any power from a vibrator to a localized earthquake. Got it from a classmate, Yo Shindo. Only problem is the aftershocks if I use it to make an earthquake. But I have other plans for this one.(emitter quirk)

<polarity>- allows me to magetize even non-magnetic substances, give it a polarity. Right hand is North and left hand is South. (emitter quirk)

<electromagnetic bullets>- Allows me to generate an electromagnetic field to be able to shoot with great force using whatever I have in my hands. This one is particularly dangerous...atleast in my hands anyway. The kid with the quirk <binging ball> had a partner in crime who used pencils and erasure to zoom through the air in high speed. But in my hands, the objects become faster than bullets, going sub-sonic. Imagine what I could do with a kunai.


I have been following the little green shit- Deku, when he returns from school. It was just before 10 months he acquires All Might's powers. Not on my watch, I will be the one to save the boom boom boy and take it for myself.

I started a more stricter regiment to hone my body, compacting my muscle, making my body leaner, meaner...like a killing machine. One could see I was muscled and slim at the same time. I wanted it to be so, pure power without flexibility and free movement is useless.

I also started working on my technique. I just focused on one thing, Muy-thai. As a great martial artist once said, "I won't fear a man who practiced thousand kicks once, but I will fear a man who practiced one kick a thousand times." It was fast, deadly, precise and simple...no tiger style or dragon style or something else. Also it was closest to the taijutsu of Naruto-world. Especially the moves and stances used by Konoha's blue and green beasts greatly resemble Muy-thai.

Muy-thai is a full contact, offensive killing martial-arts, which uses deadly force, even if one was unarmed. It uses my fists, elbows, feet and my knees to strike and also some cliches and grapples.